I Know Everything

Chapter 1126: Frustrated Westbrook

"Papa Papa..."

The fans responded to Ingram by clapping their hands.

Even many Thunder fans applauded.

But they applauded Shen Huan more.

Of the Lakers' three goals, only the first one was scored by Shen Huan.

But most of the credit for the remaining two goals is Shen Huan.

One relied on him to attract the attention of three defensive players, and the other Westbrook was separated by a long distance, which is equivalent to no one defending by Kobe, so if you can't score, the name of the Los Angeles Iron King is not enough to describe Kobe. Up.

The third ball was also Shen Huan's prediction in advance, and after grabbing the ball, he gave Ingram an assist.

As long as Ingram starts to run for the first time, if the speed is not so embarrassing, he will definitely be able to receive the ball and score without defense.

At this time, Kenny Smith of TNT Sky Group praised Shen Huan, “Look! Look at Shen Huan’s passing! People don’t throw it indiscriminately at all! His throwing force is very particular, not hurried, but also Being able to bounce to a normal human height, Ingram can receive the basketball most comfortably and shoot!

In our age, if there is such an excellent passer, I am afraid that every player is dreaming of a good helper! ? "

"No, it should be the same in any era." Barkley said, "Look at Ingram now, he has completely played out his courage. He will definitely not be bad in this game!"

"If I had Shen Huan by my side, it would be possible for the two of us to score 100 points in each game!" O'Neal also said slightly enviously.

With Shen Huan's ability to break through and pass the ball, for O'Neal who is unstoppable at the basket, it is absolutely even more powerful.

You don't need to move much in a game, just stand under the basket and shoot well.

Who can compare to the great shark in the power of the basket?

"Haha, you think too much!" Barkley hit him mercilessly, "Shen Huan needs to be anyone's assistant? Even Michael is not qualified to ask him to do this."

O'Neill moved his mouth and said shamelessly: "Hahaha, maybe, Shen Huan and I are still in good tune. We can make a very good combination!"

The noisy commentary did not affect the liveliness of the court at all.

Under the leadership of Shen Huan, both the main force and the substitutes launched a storm-like attack on the Thunder.

In the 12 minutes of the first quarter, the Lakers took the lead with a 45:22 disparity.

Shen Huan scored only 7 points, but he had 15 assists. More than half of the Lakers' goals are directly related to him.

Many wonderful passes that don't count as his assists started from him.

The worst is of course the Thunder.

Even if Shen Huan did not attack at all in the first quarter of the game, they let the team's best defensive player Andre Robertson guard Shen Huan anytime and anywhere.

Westbrook definitely can't fight with Shen Huan.

When the score reached 3:14, Westbrook gave up on guarding Shen Huan and went to organize and attack on his own.

This is why they recovered a lot of points later.

Of course, another reason for the Thunder to recover some scores is that the Lakers only left Shen Huan and Howard in the first five minutes after the first quarter, and the rest were all substitutes.

The first five of the Thunder did not take a break in the first 12 minutes.

They are very young.

The oldest is Westbrook's 28 years old. Center Steven Adams, who averaged 10 points and 9 rebounds in the regular season, is only 23 years old. The other three starters are also 24 years old.

But after the first quarter of the game was consumed, almost everyone was panting with exhaustion, and sweat couldn't stop it.

Westbrook looked at Shen Huan not far away. Although there was sweat, he didn't breathe at all, as if he had taken a trot for a while and exercised, and he didn't have any energy.

This made Westbrook a hit.

They didn't play seriously at all, just like in a leisurely training game.

You said he doesn't respect people?

A little.

But the problem is the same as those basketball stars said last year. You must have the strength that Shen Huan respects.

This is similar to Shen Huan's cold attitude in playing games. Although he has always been cold like a block of ice, whether he scores a goal or dunks or smashes the basket, he doesn't have any expressions, but this is not entirely true.

At least when he was in the Western Conference Finals and Finals, he was very serious, and there was nothing cold on his face, and he even had a few words with Yan Yue and LeBron James.

Because of this, LeBron James was hailed as the second superstar of the NBA by crazy Shen Huan fans.

For this reason, LeBron James can't laugh or cry, dare to become the second superstar just because he said a few words to Shen Huan?

Of course he is not without a trace of happiness.

Shen Huan is the first person in the NBA. No one can object to this. LeBron James does not deny it.

There are few players who can be treated and respected by Shen Huan seriously and respected in the entire NBA. They can be valued by Shen Huan. Haven't they also proved their strength on the other hand and have been recognized by powerful opponents?

Like the current Westbrook, although he is also known as the superstar of the league, Shen Huan still did not recognize him, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Sitting down the court, Westbrook swears that his next game will force Shen Huan to take a serious attitude.


Westbrook, who was still ambitious before the game, had already lowered his wishes indefinitely at the end of the first quarter.

As long as it can force Shen Huan to show true strength, it will be considered a victory.

But did he do it?


When the buzzing electronic sound at the end of the game sounded, Westbrook sat directly on the ground and smashed the floor in pain.

The final score was 82:133, and the Thunder lost 51 points by a big score. It's not like a strong playoff team.

In fact, at the end of the third quarter, the Lakers scored 117 points. They were all off the bench throughout the fourth quarter and only scored 15 points.

The Thunder desperately chased ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before finally pulling the score to within 60 points.

Throughout the fourth quarter, Shen Huan sat on the bench without moving.

He just took out a book to read, and chatted with a few female stars behind him.

Such contempt and such carelessness are really insulting!

But the Thunder players just need to think about their scores in this game, and think about Shen Huan's performance in this game.

Shen Huan only played 36 minutes in 3 quarters, scored 32 points and 35 assists, 21 rebounds, 23 blocks, plus 20 key steals, and a five-double 20+!

With such a godlike performance, what qualifications do you have to complain about others for not putting the Thunder in their eyes?

Isn't this supposed to happen! ?


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