I Know Everything

Chapter 1138: No miracle

     O'Neal and Barkley are worthy of veterans of the NBA, and they are not worthy of being former NBA superstars who can earn millions of dollars in TNT.

   Their analysis of Shen Huan is very reliable.

   When the second quarter came up, Shen Huan stood back to his normal right.

   Seeing this scene, Westbrook clenched his fists and looked at Shen Huan with complicated eyes.

   He knew that this was Shen Huan's letting go, and he didn't rush to kill him.

   But this also means that in Shen Huan's eyes, he is not an important opponent at all.

   After playing in the first quarter, he gave up his oppressive defense. Doesn’t that mean?

   Westbrook was very unwilling.

   But what can he do?

   take the initiative to change positions, go to the other side and meet Shen Huan?

   When I think of playing for 8 minutes in the first quarter, but only scored 0 points, Westbrook's heart is cold, how dare to ask for trouble?

   He hates Shen Huan for looking down on himself, and has no strength to avenge him. This is Westbrook's complicated mind now.

   But there is no way.

   In the NBA, it depends on your strength. If you don't have that strength, of course you can't get the respect of others.

   The next game, Westbrook did not collapse.

   The mentality of this player has always been very tough, even if it was zero blocked in the first quarter, he played the game seriously in the second quarter.

   However, the huge power gap cannot be smoothed out by himself.

   In the first quarter of this game, Shen Huan worked hard, but at the beginning of the second quarter, Kobe and Iverson took over the game.

   Iverson couldn't restrain Westbrook on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, Westbrook also couldn't prevent Iverson from scoring.

   It seems to have returned to Iverson at the age of 30. Although there is no sharp breakthrough, but in terms of experience and skills, it has reached the point of perfection.

   Westbrook is already a superstar in the league, but in these respects, he is still far behind Iverson.

   Throughout the second quarter, Westbrook scored 17 points, and Iverson also scored 17 points.

   You know, Iverson is 41 years old this year, while Westbrook is 28.

   This is equivalent to "duizi" for two people.

   But no one can stop Kobe Bryant—Andre Robertson, the best defensive second team, follows Shen Huan under any circumstances and cannot defend him.

   So Kobe scored 22 points, setting a new high for his single quarter in the past two years!

   Such a score directly allowed the Lakers VS Thunder to become 75:51 after halftime. The Thunder lost a full 24 points.

   Shen Huan almost didn't make a lot of shots in the second quarter, but a lot of steals and pass assists, giving Kobe and Iverson all the offensive opportunities.

   However, this section of the game makes people feel relaxed and happy.

   Because they saw the smooth cooperation of Shen Huan, Iverson and Kobe last year.

   Once Shen Huan sacrificed his equal points, the game will have a wonderful cooperation, and every goal can make people cheer and scream.

   The fans present were satisfied, and the whole audience in front of the TV set also cheered.

   This is a bit like an All-Star game.

   If you get to the Western Conference Finals or Finals, in order to win, there are not so many tricks. It is definitely based on scoring and defeating the enemy.

   This kind of competition is tense, and the excitement is exciting, but it is not so beautiful.


   During the half-time break, Shen Huan threw his jersey and sneakers into the stands as usual.

   Since the beginning of last season, it is not once or twice that the teenagers gave out jerseys and shoes in a game.

   After the end of each quarter, he will give it out, and in many cases an additional set will be given away-although he did not wear it, Shen Huan signed it in advance, which is considered a very good gift.

   This has become a repertoire when Shen Huan comes on stage.

   Some players still want to change their jerseys with Shen Huan, but under normal circumstances, Shen Huan will not pay attention to them.

   is not the equivalent player, Shen Huan will not send it out at all.

   In the Western Conference Finals last year, Curry and Thompson successfully exchanged jerseys with Shen Huan, so Shen Huan could only change one set during one break and prepare them for them.


   came back after the half-time break, the situation still remained the same.

   No matter how hard Westbrook works, Iverson, who also exploded today, has been scoring against him all the time, and the two scores alternately rise.

   Being chased by such a veteran, Westbrook felt very ashamed, but he did not dare to switch to the other side.


   On the other side is Shen Huan. Not only can Westbrook not stop Shen Huan from scoring, his own score will be infinitely equal to zero. Do you think he is willing?


   With the buzzing sound, the game ended with a score of 152:107.

   The Lakers have won three consecutive victories and are only one step away from entering the semi-finals.

   Shen Huan scored 32 points, 10 rebounds, 23 assists, 11 steals, 10 blocks, and once again created a five-double, which was the best of the game.

   Westbrook scored 37 points, 6 rebounds, and 7 assists. He is the most eye-catching player of the Thunder.

   No matter how much the media and fans support the Thunder, they no longer have any hope.

   Shen Huan’s strength is terrifying enough, and now the Lakers’ two elders have exploded, how do you let us resist! ?

   ESPN's Kenny Smith still summed up the game with classic comments.

   "In fact, there was no suspense in this game from the beginning. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is just a dream weaved by the supporters of the Thunder and the opponents of Shen Huan.

   What Shen Huan's strength and dominance decline is all a joke. It doesn't exist in my eyes. Shen Huan is still the strongest star in the NBA.

   But in the third game, although the MVP is still Shen Huan, Iverson and Kobe still gave me a great surprise.

   They both broke through 32 minutes of playing time. Not only did they have a new high in playing time, they were even more dazzling in scoring, as if they were back ten years ago.

   The two veterans combined to score 75 points, which seemed to control the balance of the game.

   Their excellent state makes me forget their age, and if they can play this state from time to time in subsequent games, it would be a nightmare for the Lakers' enemies!

   Of course, for the Lakers, Iverson and Kobe's return to courage is a great surprise.

   With the help of the two of them and Howard, Shen Huan’s second NBA championship ring and second FMVP this year are still stable.

  Dear fans, you are happy! To be able to see such a wonderful game, to witness the miracle of watching one game less! ! "


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