I Know Everything

Chapter 1142: "Welcome" from away

     After playing the Thunder, the Los Angeles Lakers really took a full 8 days of rest when they played the Rockets.

   so that Kupchak had to arrange a team to come to Houston 3 days in advance, while adapting to the atmosphere of the venue, while avoiding boats and cars.

  Actually, NBA teams don’t have much to adapt to the venue, and they are not football games.

   For each of these away games, in which year will there be two or three rounds, or even three or five rounds?

   has been familiar with it a long time ago.

   It's just that if you stay in Los Angeles, players have to go home every night, and many players have to sneak out to cheer, which is not so good for preparing for the game.

   Therefore, Kupchak and Byron Scott negotiated and flew to Houston on April 28.

   Texas, where Houston is located, is in the south of the United States.

   Above it is Dallas, where there is the Mavericks.

   Above Dallas is Oklahoma City, where there is the Thunder.

   Houston is the largest city in the Gulf of Mexico and the fourth largest city in the United States.

  The first nature is New York, then Los Angeles, the third is Chicago, and the fourth is Houston.

   Houston is also the second largest port in the United States after New York. It has great advantages in oil, aviation, medical, industrial and financial aspects.

   It can be described in one sentence.

   Houston is the most prosperous city in the south of the United States.

   But there is something bad.

  According to the legend, Houston is located in Texas. The folks are tough. Ten people on the street, at least five of them are with guys. If you don’t agree with them, you will pay for guys. That’s common.

  Thinking about Dayao's stay in this city for seven or eight years, it was really hard for him.

   But the thought of Houston actually has two Chinatowns-Chinatown, which makes Shen Huan suspicious of such rumors.

   If it is so dangerous, would the Chinese be willing to gather here on a large scale?

   Of course, these have nothing to do with Shen Huan.

   When Shen Huan and the Lakers arrived in Texas, thousands of fans came to the airport to pick them up.

   There are more than two thousand Chinese people here, they are specially to meet Shen Huan.

   Since Yao returned to China, their status in Houston has dropped a lot. It was not until Shen Huan was born and became the pride of the Chinese that they raised their eyebrows again.

   Among the remaining fans, half are black buddies and half are Mexicans.

   Many of them are fans of Shen Huan, and the rest are loyal fans of the Lakers.

   Toyota Center Arena has a total of 18,500 seats, but for this time in the semi-finals of the playoffs, they have temporarily expanded to 28,000 seats, even crazier than the Thunder.

   Among so many seats, in fact, their Houston Rockets fans accounted for only one-third, and all the rest have been snapped up by Shen Huan fans and Lakers fans all over the world.

   And the fans in front of them must not fill these seats.

   More fans, or rich stars, have to wait until the day of the game.

   It was hard to get into the bus under the cover of hundreds of security personnel. As a result, it was only 30 kilometers away from the hotel where I was staying, but it took 3 hours to get there.

   The Wang Zhen team and the Ji Yinmei team, as well as the team members of the Lakers, had already checked in at this time and had come out for a stroll.

no way.

   There are so many fans and vehicles swarming that they can’t move at all for a long time.

   The police in Houston came very late, and it took an hour to be late in the traffic jam, which made Kupchak very lucky.

   Fortunately, I came three days in advance. If I arrive a day earlier, with such a toss, do the players need a rest?

   But the "nightmare" of the Lakers has just begun.

  Although it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon when the Lakers arrived at the hotel, two tables had already been set up before and after the hotel, and the two rock singers had already begun to sing loudly.

   The metal-style singing style can be clearly transmitted to the room even if it is more than 100 meters apart.

   What kind of trick this is, the Lakers know well.

   If you want x to disturb your opponent, this is relatively light.

   They immediately filed a complaint and asked the hotel to chase away the singers immediately and not to disturb the Lakers’ rest.

   The hotel is a Hilton Hotel. The Hilton’s eldest lady is a loyal fan of Shen Huan, and of course they will do their best.

   But they can only call the police to deal with it, and they can't take other measures. What the result will be, you can imagine.

It took a long time for the police to arrive late. In the past "negotiation" for a long time, the obedient rock singers died down, but they didn't even get off the stage.

   When the policeman left and the car had not driven 100 meters, the roar of music rang again.

  Shen Huan was sitting in the coffee shop. Hearing such a voice, it was funny, "They thought it would disturb us?"

   "It's more than that!" Kobe lazily leaned back on the sofa to rest. "At night, either fireworks or drums will always make you sleep well."

   "Fortunately, there are no other residents in our hotel, otherwise the police will come over to search for prisoners." Iverson added slowly while drinking water.

   "Why didn't we encounter such a situation last year?" Shen Huan asked in surprise.

   "That was when you didn't come to Houston last year." Howard laughed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "They always treat guests like this."

"So this is ah."

   Shen Huan nodded slightly, but smiled again: "It seems I have to'thank' the Houstonians for their'passion'!"

   Hearing Shen Huan's words, Byron Scott, who was not speaking next to him, suddenly felt relieved.

   Others don’t know, don’t he know?

   Shen Huan is not a good-tempered person on the court.

   A good-tempered person can directly knock people into the air, pick them up, and then take down their chairs and want to fight?

Do not make jokes!

   The reason why Shen Huan didn't go crazy behind is that there is no second person willing to be Ed Davis and Plumlee.

   No matter how unruly, unless you dare to bring a guy on the field, otherwise one of them counts as one, and Shen Huan can only give him a KO.

   Now that Shen Huan has been angered by the Houston Rockets' conspiracy, he will definitely play more strength on the court, making them sore and defeating them!

   In such a situation, even other Lakers players, especially young players, will be disturbed by these little tricks, and there is no problem.

   Shen Huan alone can lead the Lakers to achieve the desired victory!


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