I Know Everything

Chapter 1147: gloat

Why did Shen Huan give the antique calligraphy and painting that he finally stolen to the blond chick?

The reason could not be simpler.

Shen Huan is not a native of Houston.

He wants to leave Houston and bring things back, so he must fly.

Even if you take a private jet, after it is discovered that things have been stolen, the inspections at airports and other places must be extremely strict.

Shen Huan has no concealment technique, how could it escape the detection of X-ray equipment?

Even if it is secretly placed on the plane in advance.

After 911, the security check has been extended to the plane, and there will definitely be a check before takeoff.

Not to mention that so many treasures of the town hall have been stolen. It is impossible for them to search carefully when the flight takes off and land.

A little safer is the land channel.

But you cannot say Shen Huan, I am in a good mood, so I have to drive back to Los Angeles by myself?

People will treat you as a lunatic, and they will doubt it.

So the best way is not to take things away, to bury them in a place, and then take them out later.

This is what Shen Huan thought before.

But after taking a picture of the blonde chick, Shen Huan took her handle and suddenly had another idea.

It is better to leave the things to her for safekeeping, and then wait until the wind comes, and then let her find a way to Los Angeles and give the things to herself.

In this way, you don't have to bear the risks along the way.

With the cautious and ruthless blonde chick, there shouldn't be any problems.

Only when I returned to the hotel room, after changing my clothes, the good master's prompt sounded.

"Ding Dong!"

"The host completed the task very quickly, and the system is deeply gratified."

"Under the guidance of the system, the host has changed from a weak chicken to a not so weak weak chicken, which deserves praise."

"Now we are rewarding the host for professional racing (advanced). I hope the host can give full play to its power and continue to show off!"


Shen Huan listened to the content of the reward, and suddenly murmured badly.

If you give charms, or movie songs, it is a regular reward.

For example, Spirit Gathering Array, Guben Pill, etc., which can only be obtained under very special circumstances.

Such as this involves a separate skill, basically it means that you should be able to use it for a period of time.

If you want to add cooking skills or basketball skills to widows, how good would that be?

It's just a car I don't like, which is depressing enough.

With this depression, Shen Huan quickly fell asleep.

When he got up in the morning, Shen Huan found that the Lakers players in the restaurant, as well as the staff, were all gloating and laughing.

This atmosphere is completely different from last night.

"what happened?"

Shen Huan, who knew it well, brought the dinner plate to Kobe's side.

"Don't you know?" Iverson said excitedly, "A big deal happened in Houston last night!"

"I fell asleep late last night because of their noise, especially the fireworks." Shen Huan smiled bitterly, "I just woke up at the scene. After washing up, I felt a little more energetic."

"This bunch of bastards, it's too much!" When Kobe thought of this, he also yelled.

He is 38 years old, and his body has already reached its limit. After experiencing the noisy yesterday from afternoon to late night, he will be equally uncomfortable.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning.

Just because I knew yesterday that the people of Houston will play tricks, Byron Scott asked everyone to rest as much as possible instead of training so early.

If you have a good rest, Kobe should knock on Shen Huan's door at 6 in the morning.

In fact, Kobe has just gotten up all of a sudden.

"So, the wicked have their own wicked torment." Howard was also a little gloat next to him, "You didn't find out, in fact, after 2 o'clock last night, these people who set off fireworks were chased away by the police. We are around our hotel. It became quiet."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Huan couldn't help but asked.

Many Americans have the habit of reading newspapers.

Shen Huan also has it, but English is not his native language, so Shen Huan usually doesn't read English newspapers when he gets up in the morning. Kobe and Iverson know this.

So Iverson went on to tell Shen Huan: "A group of robbers who didn't know where they came from last night ransacked Houston's largest museum, the Houston Art Museum, and stole hundreds of various treasures inside. The people of Houston are going crazy! I have been siren and searched everywhere last night, but I haven't found anyone or anything yet."

"Stealing so much?" Shen Huan was surprised, but actually smiled, "What kind of treasure are these? Is it the treasure of the town hall?"

"Almost!" Howard said, "There are paintings by Van Gogh, there are paintings by Picasso, and many famous artists... Oh, yes, there are also some works by your Chinese calligraphers and painters. I heard they are very valuable. of!"

"Scared, isn't this the loss of hundreds of millions?" Shen Huan took a breath.

"Hahaha, Shen, you are too conservative~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It may cost more than one billion dollars!" Iverson smiled gleefully.

"Deserve it!"

Kobe said coldly.

If there was no harassment from the Houston Rockets fans yesterday, and the inaction or deliberate indulgence of the Houston police officers, maybe the Lakers would sympathize with them.

But look now, whether it is the staff, the team players, the general manager Kupchak, or the coach Byron Scott, which one is not smiling from ear to ear?

The group of fans who were setting off fireworks around the Hilton Hotel after two o'clock in the morning were taken back by the anxious police officers because they were suspected of guiding the gangsters, even if it was accidental.

"With such a major event, we should be able to quiet down around our hotel." Howard said, a little experienced. "Under normal circumstances, the police and the police get anxious. What kind of party activities or night operations will be affected. They stopped, so as not to give the thieves a chance.

After all, although the Rockets’ game is very important, the hidden treasures of more than one billion dollars are even more important. This is related to the face of Houston as a whole in the world, and it must not be ignored. "

"Well, that's great."

Shen Huan nodded, "But this does not prevent me from returning to the Rockets."

"Me too!" Kobe snorted coldly.

On the court, Kobe is not a good guy.

Had he not been in his thirties now, his temper would have been much more grumpy.

This kind of mischievous behavior by away fans x is what he hates most.

It just so happened that the three of them only finished the treatment of this course of strengthening the bones and bones cleansing soup (intermediate), and now it is the time to be strong.

It couldn't be better to take a shot at the self-deprecating Rockets!

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