I Know Everything

Chapter 1150: I don't know why I laugh


This is the title given by "US Today" for the Lakers and Rockets game the next morning.

"U.S. Today" can become the largest circulation newspaper in the U.S. in just 20 to 30 years, and they still have many capable people.

At least in terms of writing manuscripts, it is not inferior to any newspapers and magazines.

The game between the Lakers and the Rockets is certainly a massacre ending, but "US Today" does not just talk about the game.

They started talking about the situation the Lakers encountered when they arrived in Houston, and then all the way to the "Houston Museum of Art Theft", and then to the rhetoric of Shen Huan and Kobe before the game...

The whole article is accompanied by photos, and it occupies a whole page.

But the fans and people who eat melons watched with relish.

Like this kind of basketball is not just basketball, the game is not just a matter of competition, the most interesting thing.

Both on and off the field are news, so there can be topics and participation.

Poor Harden became the most tragic background board.

In this game, he didn't get a score or an assist, so he was beaten by Shen Huan and Kobe.

Compared to Shen Huan's another five-double, Bryant scored 43 points, James Harden was directly stepped on the ground.

He has also become a laughing stock for fans of various teams.

No All-Star has ever been beaten with such shame.

There is no leading star of a playoff team that gives such a jaw-dropping performance.

For such ridicule, James Harden, who has always been optimistic and cheerful, also expressed strong indignation.

"They are purely immoral!" James Harden said in an interview with the "Houston Sports News", "I know Shen Huan is a superstar and an idol I should study! But he deliberately It’s a violation of sportsmanship, which made me foul and allowed me to play only 5 minutes."

As soon as he said this, Shen Huan didn't speak, and fans of other teams began to complain.

"Am I seeing the wrong person? James Harden isn't the paper man who fell on the touch?"

"Forget it, you, do you commit fewer fouls on weekdays?"

"Yes! Didn't you make Thompson three fouls last time, and we had to lose the Golden State Warriors?"

"Hehe, it doesn't count for some people to do evil on their own, but when it comes to him, he starts to make noise!"

"Let me say that Shen Huan and Kobe did a great job! That's how we should teach the beard!"

"Shen Huan, you must do the same to Harden in the next game. I bought the ticket and I just want to see him be played!"

"Big brother upstairs, can we talk? Can you think about reselling tickets to me?"


James Harden noticed something was wrong, so he died.

Before the start of the second game, he took the initiative to shake hands with Shen Huan, "Shen, you are my idol! Don't care about the things off the court."

"I never took it to heart." Shen Huan not only spoke politely, but also patted his hand with the other hand, indicating that he should not worry.

Looking at Shen Huan like this, James Harden was extremely happy.

When he returned to his position on the court, he was still thinking about it, with a bright smile on his face.

The camera caught this shot at once.

Barkley asked in surprise, "What's wrong with this young man? What did Shen Huan tell him?"

"No, just one sentence." Reggie Miller shrugged.

"No, no, this guy is a little weird..." Barkley showed his worry.

As a result, his worry was still necessary.

At the beginning of the game, Shen Huan received the ball from Howard, rushed to the bottom line, a beautiful zero-angle dry jumper and scored three points.

It wasn't that no one was going to stop Shen Huan, but that a player who was passed by Shen Huan cleanly, and another player who made up his defense had no time to rush to Shen Huan and saw Shen Huan's dry shot.


The fans on the court shouted with joy.

They are all happy for Shen Huan's continued bravery.

However, the focus on the court is not this.

Because on the four big screens at the top of the stadium, a close-up shot appeared.

It is also a close-up of Harden's face now.

He was laughing.


Standing there with arms akimbo, he actually laughed when his team was scored! ?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hey, James, what's the matter with you?" Eric Gordon asked quickly.

"I don't know... Haha... I just want to laugh..." James Harden tried to hold back, but he still turned into a grin, looking very strange.

Eric Gordon found something wrong, but Ariza, who was serving from the bottom line, did not see this scene.

He still threw the ball to James Harden habitually.

James Harden's mind is still very normal. He quickly wanted to turn around and attack, but after only taking two or three steps, he couldn't help laughing "hahaha".

Tears flowed out of his smile.

The basketball he used to shoot has now landed directly on the ground and rolled out of the sideline.

The referee saw that your kid was fine. On such a serious occasion, he was foolish. He didn't put the game in his eyes and his attitude was not correct.


The referee comes up with a T.

"James, you have to be serious!" the referee said solemnly.

As a result, James laughed louder, "Haha...it's not...I...I don't know why I laugh...hahaha..."

"Don't laugh anymore!" The referee doesn't matter what reason he has, "I tell you, don't laugh anymore, have you heard?"

"Okay...hahaha...understood...no...haha...sir..." James smiled like this, with tears coming out of his eyes.

He grabbed the referee's shoulders with both hands, trying to explain something, but the referee directly threw his hand away.

The referee, who took a step back, raised his hand again, "I warn you for the last time, stop your disrespectful behavior...otherwise I will give you a second T!"

At this time, the Rockets who found something wrong at the door all rushed up and directly opened James Harden.

The other two referees also approached the chief referee and began to ask what was going on.

Originally, the referee didn't want to give a second T.

James Harden was sent off at the beginning, and the Rockets don't even want to play.

Seeing James Harden leave, he didn't want to pursue it anymore.

In a blink of an eye, James Harden, who was framed, was still laughing and acting unscrupulously, which made him very annoyed.

How does a referee's authority on the court come from?

It is that he can make people afraid and let people know that his law enforcement standards are fair and strict.

If you cannot respond quickly when provoked by a player, then the referee will have no authority, will not be put in the eyes of the players, and will be considered by the league to be out of control. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

This was a great blow to his career.

So, the referee was annoyed, he pushed aside the crowd, rushed forward, and blew a T at James Harden.

"Now, you go out for me!" The referee pointed out loudly.

James Harden and the Rockets players are dumbfounded.

"No...haha...you can't...hahaha..."

"Please, sir, maybe James is ill! He doesn't do this normally."

"Sir, aren't you helping the Lakers like this?"

"No, sir, give him a chance!!"


This time, not only the Rockets' players on the field, but even the bench players and the head coach are all around, begging to give James Harden another chance.

With two Ts playing, the Rockets really didn't even have a bit of hope!


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