I Know Everything

Chapter 1158: Training madman

     will start playing the Western Conference Final Four on May 1.

   At the end of Game 4 on May 7, the Lakers advanced to the Western Conference Finals with a complete victory.

   The day of the Western Conference Finals is also set for May 14.

   There are seven more days of rest, which is really great for the Lakers players.

   When a team arrives in the playoffs, the most important thing is to keep in shape.

   If a team with a lot of young players naturally hopes to play the game at a constant speed, so that it can play better.

   If it is a team with many old players, then naturally I hope to have a longer interval of rest to restore strength and state.

   Old Lakers players are the most among the top 8 teams in the East and West.

Although Kobe and Iverson drank strong muscle and bone marrow washing soup (intermediate level), and then put on a plaster by Shen Huan, they were able to perform well, but if they had more time to rest, they would definitely be able to perform. better.

   Most of the arrangements for the Lakers in these 7 days are restorative training and regular training. At most, they can play a fierce team competition around the 10th to get used to the intensity of the game.

   has reached the stage of the Western Conference Finals. Players do not need to urge or remind, and naturally increase their training volume. They don't have to go hipi all day and try to maintain their state.

   In fact, many young players are very excited and stressed.

   They desperately need a place to vent.

   For example, at nightclubs or something, find some young ladies to vent their fire.

   But they dare not.

   It's not that someone threatened them, but forced them not to go.

   Instead, looking at a group of bosses in the team, each one is more self-disciplined. Of course, they are embarrassed to do so, which drags their feet.

   For example, Kobe and Iverson.

   The intensity of their training has increased a bit in the past few days. They arrived on the court training at 5 in the morning and did not go home until 6 in the afternoon.

   The meal, recovery, massage, physiotherapy, etc. are all executed meticulously.

   Howard is a bit close, but he must arrive at the training hall at 7 o'clock and leave at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

   Shen Huan is going to be even more crazy.

   He starts running at 4 o'clock every morning, and then arrives at the arena at 6 o'clock. He also trains to go home at 6 o'clock in the evening.

   When Ingram and Russell were chatting privately, they were muttering.

   The two beautiful sisters in Shen Huan’s house, are they decorations?

   If Shen Huan has enjoyed it, why does he still have so much energy to train?

   In any case, these big brothers and the number one superstar have put all their energy into training, and these little brothers naturally dare not neglect.

   After all, there are only two rounds to win the coveted championship. Why don’t they work harder to win?

  Except for Kobe and Iverson, no one else knew that if it weren't for going home to cook for Wang Zhen and Ji Yinmei, Shen Huan would probably train to go home until 8pm.

  Excessive training is certainly not good, but Shen Huan’s training is very reasonable.

   He is not always training intensively.

  Physical training, recovery training, enhancement training...All kinds of training are done according to the arrangement of the coaching staff, and then the best physical therapy is also given during the rest time.

   The Lakers team doctors have checked Shen Huan's body more than once and found that his body cells are several times more active than ordinary people.

   But Shen Huan's cell regeneration speed and health level are also several times that of normal people.

   This ensures that Shen Huan has sufficient physical strength and explosive power, and will not be troubled by sports injuries.

   It's scary to think about it.

   Shen Huan has played in the playoffs for almost two seasons. With his intensity of the game and his crazy performance in the game, he didn't get any injuries.

   This has caused many players and experts to exclaim that they saw Superman!

  Even medical experts can't solve this kind of question. Fortunately, they have found some answers from the cellular aspect, otherwise they can only rely on editing.

   As I said before, Wang Zhen and Ji Yinmei certainly don't run with Shen Huan every day, and each time they run is not 10 kilometers, it is only five kilometers at most.

   They are actually more difficult, especially Ji Yinmei, every time Shen Huan goes to training, she and the team need to follow.

   The rights that Shanhai.com bought for 200 million US dollars, of course, should not be wasted.

   Watermelon.com did not spend the money, Wang Zhen can only go with him when the Lakers media is open for training.

   Wang Zhen didn't have the slightest jealousy about it. People should enjoy this kind of treatment if they spend money.

   Wouldn’t it be a joke if the people who did not spend money were the same as those who spent money?

  Thanks to Fu who can follow to train every day, Ji Yinmei and the team sent out a lot of reports, pictures and videos.

   The sports channel of Shanhai.com has already been crowded several times during this period.

   The average number of online people per hour will not be less than 50 million.

  The fans in Asia went to sleep, and the fans in Europe and America took it up again. Anyway, the number of people watching has been very large.

   Ji Yinmei is also very famous because of this, as if it was a copy of Wang Zhen last year.

   Ji Yin's eyebrows are sharper than Wang Zhen's, but his attitude towards Shen Huan is more vivid and radical.

   She quarreled with foreign reporters more than once, just to protect Shen Huan.

   Fans like such a hostess.

   They think that this kind of distinctive personality is suitable for this era and it is what people like.

   It is meaningless if it is the kind of tolerating humiliation all the time and paying attention to harmony and making money all the time.

   In contrast, Wang Zhen is not that active anymore. Unless it is the day of the competition, the sports channel of Watermelon.com usually has only two to three million people.

   This is thanks to Wang Zhen's videos and photos of Shen Huan outside the training ground, and a lot of articles. This is why he has such popularity.

   Jiang Zhenkun had no choice. On the one hand, he regretted that he had not listened to Shen Huan's words and won the reporting rights of the Lakers ahead of time. On the other hand, he was fortunate that Wang Zhen had gone. Otherwise, the sports channel of Watermelon.

   Of course, the fans expressed their dissatisfaction.

   They have left messages on the watermelon website, Weibo and Wang Zhenweibo.

   "Really, let's go now! What are you doing with such a small, uninspiring website?"

   "Yes, yes, yes! Even if you don't report on Shen Huan's basketball game, with your ability, are you afraid that there is no better future for development?"

   "Even if "The Longing for Life" is gone, can't you find Shen Huan and give you another show?"

   "But isn't it a pity? "Longing for Life" was really made so well, and it turned out to be reserved for watermelon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is too cheap for them!"

   "Without Zhenzhen, I don't think "Living for Longing" will work! Where do they find the kind of host who can make superstars face? Can they dig? Superstars are not bad guys!"

"Yes! I also agree with this statement. It is really successful. Although it relies on the creativity of "Longing for Life" and the first few superstars that Shen Huan has helped to win. But her own hosting style and ability are definitely It’s super! Without her, who can have fun?"

   "Anyway, it's hard to find another host with the same style as Zhenzhen. She is unique! Such a host can be enjoyed anywhere!"



   Jiang Zhenkun and others looked at these endless messages, and their hearts were completely blocked.

   Of course, what the fans said makes sense.

   But this can't be blamed on watermelon.

   Watermelon.com has a valuation of only 2.5 billion U.S. dollars, and Shanhai.com is more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. Can they compare?

   It's really not easy for us to do this today!

   But they also panicked a little at the same time.

   If Wang Zhen was instigated by these people, and he really left the watermelon website to quit, that would be a big bad thing! !


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