I Know Everything

Chapter 1172: Destroy the enemy's heart (Happy National Day!)


When the buzz of the game sounded, the fans on the sidelines cheered.

The exhausted Durant, with a black face, walked off the court.

He couldn't even pay attention at this time. His favorite Hollywood actress, Black Widow, had already rushed to Shen Huan's, holding Shen Huan in his arms.

If on weekdays, Durant must be jealous.

But now, he has no energy at all.

Because the score on the field extremely stimulated him.


Although they tried their best, they still lost the second game of the Western Conference Finals in despair.

The Lakers won the game easily.

Shen Huan also scored more than 50 points, and after knocking McGee off the court in the third quarter, he knocked Curry off again.

Curry didn't cry this time, but the despair when he left the field made Durant's heart tremble.

They did not work hard in this game. The three giants of the Golden State Warriors also scored more than 30 points, as did Curry who was beaten.

But the Lakers are not only working on Shen Huan, but also veterans of Kobe and Iverson. This game also taught the young people a lesson.

The two elders teamed up to score 75 points in one breath, defeating the Golden State Warriors defensively.

Although Shen Huan's restraint has played a big role in this, it is hard to imagine that the two of them are in such a good state.

Durant has also defended the two many times, and found that their strength and skills are almost the same as his own.

And Kobe, the youngest, is 10 years older than himself!

It's not the difference between 18 and 28, but the difference between 28 and 38! !

It's no shame to be blown up by Shen Huan.

No superstar can retreat here in Shen Huan.

But being blown up by Kobe and Iverson, he felt a deep shame.

The other members of the Golden State Warriors who were present also thought so.

So they bowed their heads and ran into the player channel, unwilling to think about the pain.

The loss of the Golden State Warriors in this game not only means a 0:2 loss, but also represents the greatest crisis in the entire Western Conference Finals series.

Shen Huan knocked off two players in two consecutive games, scoring more than 50 points.

This state shows that Shen Huan's stability is terribly stable.

With a superstar like this standing on the court, you have to add a player who can consistently score more than 30 points for the Lakers.

It's equivalent to 6 to 5.

Think about it, what else can start a game like this?

Even if the next game is the home of the Golden State Warriors, they still have no confidence.

If there is no way to contain Shen Huan, there is no way to win.

The only person who could contain Shen Huan was knocked down by Shen Huan in the first scene and injured his ankle. It will take at least two or three months to recover.

Besides, even if Iguodala is back, can you guarantee that Shen Huan will not sway him again?

Looking at Shen Huan's strength, skill and speed, it is simply desperate! !


Compared with the depressed Golden State Warriors, the Lakers players standing on the court are now happily thanking the fans who came to join us.

All the players threw their jerseys and shoes on top in turn and gave them to the fans.

Because of the last turmoil, the fans who snatched the gifts this time seemed to be much more gentle, and there were no more people vying for it and almost fighting.

It is even more unlikely that there will be cases of robbing other people's children.

Of course, Shen Huan's jerseys and sneakers are still the most popular.

Even in this game, Shen Huan has already thrown seven or eight times, and they still won't be satisfied.

After Miss Black Widow attacked Shen Huan, she smiled and returned to her position.

There was a red lipstick on Shen Huan's face, and the TV camera couldn't help giving him more close-ups.

This also made countless fans laugh.

Shen Huan's good relationship with women is already well known.

In this NBA arena, three female stars have kissed Shen Huan.

The most daring is of course Miley Cyrus.

As a result, fans who weren't her fans during this period have all paid attention to this maverick girl.

Elizabeth Olsen's exposure is also high.

From last year to this year, as long as people reminisce about Shen Huan's NBA games, they will see her and Miley Cyrus.

With such a large volume of topics, Elizabeth Olsen's development in Hollywood has also gone smoothly.

In addition to the role of Scarlet Witch, she has also been invited to several movies, and it is said that she has also entered a large production of up to 100 million US dollars.

Scarlett doesn't need the fame bonus that Shen Huan has given her, so her affection for Shen Huan has nothing to do with it, she just likes it.

Everyone also agrees with this statement.

Including the fans of Huaguo, at this moment, they are also excitedly shouting in front of the TV and in front of the Internet, "marry the black widow back", "let her be the daughter-in-law of our Chinese people" and so on.

A group of commentators on the sidelines did not pay attention to these gossips, they were summing up the game with excitement.

"Shen Huan is still the best player in this game, but I saw Kobe and Iverson's old and strong. It's really touching!" Barkley said, "It's hard to imagine that these are two pluses. They are almost 80-year-old players! Their combined ages are almost the same as the Big Three of the Golden State Warriors. However, in this game, they firmly suppressed these three superstars!"

Reggie Miller also couldn't help but exclaimed: "We actually ignored the role of the two superstars! I checked the playoff performance of last season and this season, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was surprised to find that they both Individuals can actually score more than 20 points per game! As an All-Star team, it is not easy to get this score, let alone these two old men! Their determination and perseverance to keep the shape is simply the idol of everyone!"

He is a player 10 years older than Iverson. He has played against Iverson and Kobe, and is barely considered to be a player of the same generation.

Now that they can still gallop on the court, that is a special feeling.

"Haha, you just talk about Kobe and Iverson, don't you talk about Shen Huan?" O'Neal has always insisted on his position, "Without Shen Huan firmly suppressing at least two of them, there is no such thing as Shen Huan's constant impact on Mai Ji and Durant’s defense, these two can score so easily? So Shen Huan is still the best! He supported the whole team!!"

Faced with O'Neill's obvious belittling of the two elders, several commentators rolled their eyes together.

But victory is always a good thing. A little dispute does not affect everyone's good mood, does it?

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