I Know Everything

Chapter 1182: Ball brother

Brother Qiu is actually a very good player.

At the time when Shen Huan was reborn and reborn, Qiu Ge was not a top star in the NBA, but his prospects for development were still very good.

Many fans even think that if he does not have an old man who gives him unlimited pressure, he might have played out long ago.

After all, in the high school league, he played the game as if he was very helpful, otherwise he would not get the honor of the American basketball player last year.


By the way, many people were complaining at that time.

Last year's basketball player did not give Shen Huan, it was the biggest failure. Compared with Shen Huan, Lonzo Ball was not as good as the ants.

Now the ball is not happy.

When Shen Huan started to play in the NBA playoffs this year, Dad Ball jumped out to speak.

"If Shen Huan continues to play for a few more seasons, he will see the biggest opponent in his life appear! My son will definitely beat him!"


In fact, in another world, Ball Dad said "My son can beat Curry".

But in this world, Curry and Shen Huan are not at the same level at all.

Therefore, the enthusiastic ball dad naturally associates the bold words with Shen Huan.

This joke made fans across the United States and around the world laughed at Brother Qiu for months.

This made Brother Qiu very depressed during this period, and people everywhere laughed at him with this joke.

Shen Huan had also heard of this, but he didn't care about it at the time.

There are too many idiots who often speak loudly. It is impossible for Shen Huan to respond to each one, right?

Now that Lonzo Bauer arrived, Shen Huan had some impression after saying this.

Looking up at Lonzo Bauer with a green face, Shen Huan stretched out his hand and shook his hand, and then said: "Now you are not qualified to say this. You can play in the NBA for a few years! The superstars I defeated are all defeated, and you are not in a hurry when you come to me again."

Seeing Lonzo Bauer coming, many bold rookies came together.

When they heard Brother Qiu's "brilliant words", there was a disdainful smile on their faces.

Now that she heard Shen Huan's answer, she nodded slowly.

Facing the provocation of such an unknown person, Shen Huan could have been more rude, but he still said that he was merciless.

Besides, Shen Huan was right.

You didn't even beat the players that Shen Huan defeated, so how do you compete with Shen Huan?

Everyone wants to be like this, so Shen Huan won't do anything?

Basketball players are much more rebellious, but this arrogant self-confidence has no reason.

Brother Qiu heard Shen Huan's words and didn't speak for a while. He just turned his head and looked at the other side of the stand.

The stands of today's training hall were still full of reporters and rookies' families, agents, etc., sitting almost 70% to 80% of the seats.

Shen Huan followed his eyes and saw a bald man who looked a little like Boss Joe and nodded to Brother Qiu.

The ball daddy is much more famous among ordinary fans than his three sons.

Who said he is the one who often speaks loudly, and then he repeatedly appears in the news?

So Shen Huan recognized him at a glance.

The boy shook his head unconsciously. The 19-year-old Qiu is far too early to have his own thoughts!

After thinking about it, and seeing that the time is almost up, Shen Huan clapped his hands and said to the more than 30 rookies around here: "You guys go for training and testing today! The 10 best players, Will play with us in team training games.

And I personally give you a chance. I will choose five players that I think are the best and compete against you one by one. Those who are interested should seize the opportunity! "


The eyes of a group of rookies went wide.

They look at me, I look at you, and then they scattered away in a swarm.

As they told the news to the rookies who hadn't come over, there was cheers in the stadium.

Seeing their interest in training preparations, they have improved by several percent.

The other players of the Lakers also came one after another at this time.

They go to the area reserved for them-the training stadium is not only two baskets, but at least there are five or six groups of such venues.

The field is wider, and every player of the Lakers usually has training for each player, and there are various trainings that can be used.

While changing clothes, Shen Huan asked Kobe, "Who do you really like?"

"I like the little guy just now." Kobe coughed lightly, "I feel like he is like me."

"Ha ha!"

Shen Huan felt unconscious.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. What Lonzo Bauer said to Shen Huan just now is similar to what Kobe said in the first game against Joe’s boss.

At that time, Kobe said to Joe's boss who came back for the third time, "You know, one-on-one, I can blow you up."

Then Kobe was blown up by the careful boss Joe.

In the following days, no matter how hard and strong Kobe is, boss Joe never said that he liked him, and hated others to call Kobe his successor.

Kobe naturally also knows the meaning of Shen Huanxiao.

He shrugged and said, "I didn't make a temporary intention, but when I was looking at his information and his game highlights before, I thought he was very similar to me."

"But his best model is Kidd? Not you." Iverson interjected.

Jason Kidd is a great point guard in the NBA. He has a very strong command and integration ability on the court. He has entered the 10th All-Star team.

With Jason Kidd as the best template, Lonzo Ball is also very good.

But Jason Kidd's excellence is not realized in scoring.

The best thing about Kobe is scoring. You have to ask him to organize and be a commander on the court. That's really the wrong person.

"But with this awkwardness, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very like me." Kobe said, "Now our team has two excellent power forwards and shooting guards. If there is one more point guard, I I think it can just form a triangle offensive model, maybe it will have good results."

Kobe has received the influence of the great coach Phil Jackson from the beginning. Although he doesn't like Phil Jackson much, he still has a deep understanding of this triangle offensive model.

"You said that..." Iverson nodded slightly. "That's true."

"Speaking of speaking, his speed is quite your demeanor." Kobe laughed, "Alan, if he really joins the team, you have to teach him how to play the speed advantage.

"it is good!"

Iverson readily agreed.

There is no Shen Huan next season, his task is to enter the playoffs.

He will retire in one season. Taking advantage of this time to educate new players is also one of Iverson's responsibilities.

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