I Know Everything

Chapter 13: That 1 long dragon

7 At 7 in the morning, after Shen Huan exercised for a while, he walked to the noodle shop.

虽然 Although I can only sell 200 bowls of Yangchun noodles a day these days, but I am not used to the so tired Shui Qingshan, but I still have three big crickets to help.

This is why Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu have not helped in advance these days.


It was a bit of a failure this time!

I rarely wanted such a good idea, and also circulated it through the newspaper, but it didn't play much role.

Xun Shen Huan didn't think about it, he promoted "A Bowl of Spring Noodle" on the Internet.

But in this society, what kind of promotion does not cost money?

Even if you invite some meager fans with 100,000 small internet celebrities, the promotion fee is a video of three or five thousand.

One is not enough. At least seven or eight young netizens work hard together to have effect.

But Shen Huan's whole body of property is only 20,000 yuan. Where can I find someone to invite others?

As for getting money from the water house, this is even more impossible.

This thing has nothing to do with others. They do n’t rely on noodle restaurants to eat. Shen Huan is going to get it. Now you want them to desperately advertise to maintain it, boring or boring?

Unconsciously, Shen Huan looked up.

Hmm, there are a lot of people in line.

Ok! ?

Shen Huanhuan was startled.

When I looked closely, I found that the team was actually two long dragons, lined up at the side of the small noodle house.

Every time the customers walk in and out of the store's open door, everyone takes the opportunity to take a picture at the door.

It's exactly the same as the hottest days ago!

No, it's different!

There are more people today than on the first day!

She was ten meters apart, and Shen Huan heard the little husky voice of Xiao Shui.

"No. 133! ... Is 133 here?"

three people? Sorry, there are only two places. Wait a minute ... No. 134!

Please give way a little, brothers and sisters who took pictures please leave quickly, for the convenience of others is for your convenience! "

I walked closer and looked at Xiao Shui, who was standing on the other side, wearing a small headphone loudspeaker and greeted. The sweat soaked the T-shirt half.

Shen Huan immediately looked around with the eyes of the enemy. Sure enough, she found that the strange Shushu with a strange smile on her face was staring at Shui Qianyu.

Boldly, this is a ban on the widowed. 脔 Ah, can you see it?

The sullen and angry mood surged up immediately, and went directly to the water Qianyu, "Shui Shui, I'll say hello to you, quickly go to the cool place inside, change clothes!"

Qianshui Qianyu looked at Shen Huan, and his expression was unclear whether he was happy or complained.

Or it is too busy now, there are so many outsiders here, Shui Qianyu is not good at talking, after nodding, he turned the wearable device to Shen Huan.

几天 A few days ago, the two had had such a shift, so there is no need to tell me more.

As soon as Shen Huan turned around, she saw the other side of the street, a crowd of people, and turned a few corners.

No one can believe this position without two hundred people!

In previous life, I was very envious of those business bosses who could scold the young people who lined up customers everywhere. At this moment, their spirits were shaken.

"Row well, don't squeeze, everyone has a share. Eating a bowl of Yangchun Noodles is fast."

"Hey, you, this big brother, please don't squeeze! The young lady in front of you is so crowded that you are out of the team ..."

还有 "And you, younger sister, have been taken beautifully, you give someone a chance ... what, I take a photo with you? No need, I'm so busy!"

I was a sweet little sister just now, and now I have changed to a handsome little brother. It is the female compatriots who enjoy the blessing.

Where the "click, click", a group of fast-footed girls have already made friends.

"Small noodle shop time card, this is the little brother of their family, just ask you Jun Jun? @ Everyone"

"Seckill Xiao Nao Dog! The second most handsome shop in history!"

"Hmm, I haven't eaten noodles, I'm so happy!"

虽然 "Although I'm tired of queuing, but with such a younger brother, I feel so tired! @ 小 梨子, hurry up!"


The people who eat noodles are not fast, but because of the difference in time, some people come out anytime, anywhere.

I was busy for half an hour, but sweaty Shen Huan found that the team was getting longer and longer, at least 50 meters away, and there were three bends.

Look at the time, it's less than 8 o'clock.

Shen Huan was shocked, and asked the girl in glasses first.

"Miss, when did you come here?" Shen Huan was only 16 years old at this time, and her mouth was sweeter and righteous.

Glasses girls are just like other women, they often look at Shen Huan from time to time.

Now hearing Shen Huan talking to herself, she blurted out subconsciously: "Little brother, you are so beautiful, your voice is so nice!"

"Thank you!"

Xun Shen Huan accepted the praise with ease.

High school students not only look handsome and handsome, but also have a mellow voice and are not heavy. They belong to the kind that sounds very refreshing.

"Little brother, we came at 6 o'clock, but it's 8 o'clock and it's not yet us." Another female white-collar worker behind her interposed, "Fortunately, I came early, my colleague behind, definitely It's late! "

既然 "Now that you know you're going to be late, don't you just leave?" A twenties man in his twenties couldn't help but said, "If you look at your women, you just make fun!"

"Oh, as if you didn't like to make fun of it?" The white-collar female counterattacked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I was also struggling. My girlfriend studied in Europe. She saw Ning Yiqiu's circle of friends yesterday afternoon and saw "A Bowl of Spring Noodle" actually called me at 3 am on our side and asked me to take a high-speed rail from Ling Bo to shoot a video and send it to her. "The tide guy in his twenties is crying," Do you say your women are in trouble? " "

麻烦 "Trouble!" Shen Huan nodded while listening. "But men are still indispensable to women! So I can only bear it!"


The look of Wu Chaonan looking at Shen Huan suddenly became much more eager, and it was indeed the male fellows who suffered and suffered that they had a common language!

"Little brother, you don't have to worry. The wife you are looking for in the future will definitely not let you suffer so much." Another girl who looks like a college student coughed gently. "If I were to do everything in my family, you think I'll make everything for you, wash your feet every night and give birth to you ~~ "

"Why?" Chaonan didn't understand. Are there many types of women and women?

"Haha." The female white-collar smiled coldly, "You look so ugly, why are you embarrassed to ask why?"

"I am ugly?" The tide boy was angry.

"Ugly is not ugly, it depends on comparison." The female student said, "This big brother you really want toad than white swan."

I go to Nima's toad!

Hao Chao men almost did not swear.

But he saw in despair that all the women next to him, no matter their age, nodded in approval.

For a while, the tide boy who was hit hard by a hundred tons didn't even have the desire to be angry.

Life is so hard ...

O (╥﹏╥) o

I ask for a recommendation ticket from Kazakhstan on Monday, and there are collections ^ _ ^

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