I Know Everything

Chapter 57: The road to hegemony has begun!

In fact, Shen Huan has another choice.

That's the most classic male duo in history-"Sound of Silence".

It is also an episode of the "Graduation Season" of the Chinese film.

This melodious and far-reaching song is actually also suitable for the mood of the second half of "Love Letter".

That is to leave and love without.

But Shen Huan's mind still hopes that "Love Letter" can keep a hopeful tone, so I chose this song "You at the Same Table".

Although the male and female Fang Shu has never been at the same table, the metaphor given here is just a general reference to the girl at the same table. She can be extended to the class leader you have secretly crushed at school, the girl like an elf .

That's why everyone feels that way.

It's just that, it doesn't look very good now.

But Shen Huan didn't decide to change it any more. The match between "You at the Same Table" and "Love Letter" is definitely higher than that of ordinary songs.

I took the subway all the way and returned to Mingde Lane. Shen Huan was still in a bookstore not far from the alley and bought a set of math problems for college entrance examinations over the years.

In bookstores today, various physical books have already fallen into a state of stagnant water. However, this kind of reference materials about examinations, such as university entrance examinations, examinations, and public examinations. The more they sell, the better they feed a bunch of publishing houses.

When I passed by the noodle shop, I saw Shui Qingshan explaining something to a guest at the door, and Shen Huan greeted him.

I returned home, Shen Huan took a shower, and started to take the math problem set for the college entrance examination, and seriously did it.

Hmm, this question is simple.

The choice is obvious.

Alas, how could I not see such a simple trap?

运用 This application requires five kinds of equations, in order ...

Unconsciously, Shen Huan has already completed a set of mathematics papers for the college entrance examination for Sichuan Province 5 years ago.

It only took 50 minutes.

He turned to the answer with great interest, and quickly answered the answer again.

Except for a few multiple choice questions, which he got wrong because he was too ecstatic, the rest ...

All right!

Total score is 142 points!


In past life and this life, two people, a widow and a high school student, have not passed the high score of 142!

Shen Huan remembers her college entrance examination that year, which is about 107 points in mathematics, which is 35 points worse than now! !!

If I could add those 35 points back then, I wouldn't dare say 985 University, one of the 211 would still be admitted.

In this age where the poor can only change their lives by studying, whether or not they can go to a good university is definitely the key to the well-being of ordinary people in the second half of their lives.

The final grades of the two semesters of the first academic year before high school students are 337 points and 355 points according to the college entrance examination scoring model.

Do not laugh.

I really only have this score.

It is not easy to take a junior college, let alone a university.

That's why high school students are so distressed.

But for this grade, he had already obtained it by studying very hard, otherwise it would not be possible to increase the score in the second semester.

Of course, if you can drive away all the crazy class flowers, class flowers, and school flowers around him, maybe he can improve 20-30.


No intelligence, hard work cannot succeed.

This is a sad story after all.

But, now it's different!

朕 Shen Huan was born with the system and was destined to change the life of high school!

Although the system is a bit fascinating, the rewards given are quite reliable.

Now is a mathematical ability, next time I get English, next time physics, and next time chemistry ...

If there is such a good thing, is it not the science champion in Zhejiang and Vietnam, or is it Shen Huan?

I was thinking about becoming the top student in the college entrance examination and entering the highest university. After returning from my studies, I reached the pinnacle of my life.

"Well, did the sun rise this evening? Why Shen Huan have the courage to do math problems?"

I do n’t need to look back to know that there is water Qianyu standing beside me.

因为 Not only because of her voice, but also because Shen Huan smelled a fragrance that belongs to her alone.

Lishui Qianyu does not like makeup, and she does not like to wear perfume, but she has a scent of scent on her body, which is different from Han Donger.

During this time, Shen Huan went out early and returned late, so she gave the little girl the key, so that she could come and help her when she was free.

Just now she heard Dad say that Shen Huan came back early today, and then slipped over.

She looked at Shen Huan and stared at the things on the table. She took a closer look, but found that it was a math paper.

I just did not look carefully, and found that this was actually a college entrance examination paper.

She thought it was an exercise in high school.

The name of Shen Huan, who studies scum, is well known.

Before I was young, I didn't know the importance of intelligence, so I always thought that Shen Huan was fooling around with girls at school all day and didn't study.

This is also the biggest reason that Shui Qianyu was dissatisfied with Shen Huan.

"After Grandpa left, I also learned to be more sensible and work harder." Shen Huan turned to her and said, "After all, I'm alone. If I don't work hard, how will I live?"

"Well, you have such a thought, and you are still very right." Shui Qianyu was very pleased that this stinky kid had grown up, "but not too impatient. As long as you study hard, you will catch up someday."

Shui Qianyu herself is a primary school tyrant. Although she is not a brilliant genius, her grades can be ranked in the top 20 in Lin'an, plus a sweet and weird look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In their middle school, she A well-known treasure of the town school!

Watching Shen Huan study hard, Shui Qianyu was in a good mood. She sat down beside Shen Huan, "I haven't asked you yet, how does it feel about filming? Is Han Donger like the legendary 'face paralyzed fairy' 'And' natural stay '? "

"Shooting is acting, acting another person's life. It's definitely difficult. After all, I don't have much experience." Shen Huan laughed and said, "However, this little queen of Han Donger is exactly the same as the legend, not only has no expression People do n’t care much about anything. ”

"What about her musical talent? Have you heard of it?" Shui Qianyu continued to ask cheerfully.

Qingshui Qingshan was originally a rock singer. She trained her daughter to learn zither and guitar since she was a child. Of course, she was very interested in music.

Han Donger, who is cold and self-conscious, is liked by many people, even the rain and water are no exception.


Shen Huan shook his head, "But Xiao Shui Shui, I wrote another theme song of" Love Letter "today," You at the Same Table ". Would you like to listen?"

"Okay!" Shui Qianyu immediately took the guitar and sat next to him.

"Do you think of tomorrow ..."

Shen Huan once again sang "You at the Same Table".

此时 Because at this time, the night is quiet and the mood is more peaceful, so Shen Huan's "You at the Same Table" sings particularly well.

Qianshui Qianyu listened, but didn't feel a little foolish, staring at Shen Huan dumbly, and not returning to God for a long time.

"It sounds good ~~"

She was so embarrassed and crumbled.

At the same time, the girl's beautiful big eyes blinked, her face was a little shameful, and she didn't know what to think.

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