I Know Everything

Chapter 810: Sad watermelon net

At this moment, the watermelon net as far away as Nanwan is almost in a depressed atmosphere.

Jiang Zhenkun led a group of high-ranking people, sitting in his office and smoking, and sighed from time to time.

Even Deng Xia, who used to hate men's smoking, was sitting by the open window at the moment, frowning and not talking.

As this year's performance by Shen Huan at the Lakers' dominance level, Suddenly became famous and acquired by Beidou Holdings at a high price. It is the luckiest Internet company in the whole country.

Not only did the creators make a lot of money, but all of them enjoyed the dividends from this adventure.

Therefore, they are also hailed as "the most adventurous Internet company in 2016".


But now they are dying!

The reason is very simple. The Lakers packaged the live broadcast rights for the China region in the new season, and they did not get it.

Not because the competition didn't get it, but they didn't buy it at all!

In fact, the Lakers have the right to pack live broadcasts in the China region of the new season, and there are also Internet companies in China to talk about.

But the Lakers' asking price was 30 million dollars last season, which made everyone feel unworthy.

Shen Huan is not in the Lakers anymore. Are you even questioning whether you can enter the playoffs? How dare you open such a high price?

Even if the price includes the regular season, what good is it to play the weak chicken team in the regular season?

If you don't play the weak chicken team, when you play the strong team, the NBA will have a live broadcast. Youyi also bought a live broadcast. Isn't this overlapping with others?

Not worth it!

With this price, I might as well buy the Rockets, Cavaliers or Golden State Warriors!

Therefore, there is no Chinese company to purchase the packaged live broadcast rights of the Lakers.

Watermelon also heard the price, and after considering it again and again, chose to buy the Cavaliers.

Because in their view, this season's Cavaliers are very strong, and they can certainly have a good performance in the finals.

Although not as good as Shen Huan last season, it is also a good material for them to continue to play and continue to attract basketball fans.

However, I never expected!

Shen Huan actually agreed to the Lakers' request once again, to play the NBA again! !

Hearing this news last night, Jiang Zhenkun, Deng Xia, Zhang Pingdong, Wu Caifu, the four senior executives of the watermelon net, suddenly felt like a dog.

What frustrated them most was not that they didn't buy the packaged live streaming rights of the Lakers for price reasons.

Instead, when Shen Huan went to Nanwan to help in the production of "Longing for Life", he specifically advised them to buy the Lakers' packaged live broadcast rights for the new season.

As a result, they discussed and considered for a long time, and finally did not adopt Shen Huan's suggestions.

This is all right now.

Not only did the chicken fly eggs beat, but also offended Shen Huan!

They want to make up for it, at any cost to buy the packaged live streaming rights of the Lakers.

It was still a step late.

Just at Watermelon.com and other companies, when asking the Lakers what the package price is, Shanhai.com has already announced on their own website that they have won all the 2016-2017 Los Angeles Lakers Asian games Live streaming rights.

The speed of Shanhainet is very fast.

That is, within half an hour of Tweeting by Little Bass.

This speed is awesome!

Of course, the price is also very touching.

200 million US dollars.

Youyi purchased all the packaged live broadcast rights and news interviews of the NBA. The three-year price is 600 million US dollars, and the average price is only 200 million US dollars a year.

Now Shanhai.com buys a team a year, it is already the same as all NBA teams.

Although it is nominally from the Asian region, which has increased the scope of viewing, the main focus must be on the Chinese market.

Hearing this price, all competitors are willing to accept the disadvantages and think that they are willing to lose.

This is too cruel!

It is simply the rhythm of blood loss!

But considering the style of the princess acting over the years, everyone would not be surprised.

It's a watermelon net, which has been ridiculed well since last night.

I don't know who leaked it out. At first, Shen Huan suggested that Watermelon Net buy the live rights of the Lakers. As a result, Watermelon Net bought the Cavaliers.

If Shen Huan didn't return to the NBA to play, it would be fine.

However, Shen Huan has now returned to join the Lakers, and this practice of Watermelon has become a joke, making people laugh.

Moreover, when the direct price of Shanhai.com won the Lakers' package live broadcast right, the watermelon had no chance to make up for the mistake.

After the cigarette was smoked, Jiang Zhenkun, who wanted to draw another shot from the cigarette case, found that a pack of cigarettes was gone, and he could only do it in a daunting way.

"The situation is now like this. Let's talk about what to do?" Jiang Zhenkun said, "Will we still make NBA albums in our new season? Specifically, will we send reporters to interview Shen Huan with the team? Alright?"

"Shen Huan can agree?" Vice President Zhang Pingdong smiled bitterly.

"If the interview is not conducted, it has nothing to do with Shen Huan. The key is whether you can interview with the team, or even go to Shen Huan's home for personal interviews like last season." Now."

"Why?" Wu Caifu, Chief Financial Officer, said, "Don't we have Wang Zhen? Send Wang Zhen again, will Shen Huan refuse? The relationship between the two of them is not ordinary!"

"Wang Zhen now has his own program, is still the planner and producer, and is no longer the same reporter as before." Deng Xia shook his head and explained, "And the number of viewers in "Longing for Life" is very high, and the evaluation is very good. With the first trump card of our watermelon net, if she doesn't want to go to the United States, who can force her?"

"Longing for Life" has been broadcast three times since it began airing in September.

The first guest was Shen Huan. As the most popular idol in China recently, Shen Huan and Wang Zhen were a little bit unclear, so the highest online viewers in the first phase directly broke 100 million people, with an average of 7700. Million.

The second issue came with Zhu Mei, the sixth super first-line director in China.

After all, Zhu Mei is a topic that is not high, but with "The Gift of Room 7" and the upcoming "Little Eight Story", there are also many loyal fans to watch.

Her data is up to 80 million people, with an average of 50 million.

The people who came in the third issue are amazing. His name is Su Mo, which is the best super king in China in 20 years.

So the number of viewers exceeded 100 million, reaching an average of 65 million.

With these three episodes, "Longing for Life" has become a phenomenal super variety show.

There are countless celebrities who want to participate in this variety show.

Under such circumstances, you said that Wang Zhen, as the host, producer and planner, has confidence?

"I still have to worry about Xiaozheng, I will tell her in person later." Jiang Zhenkun waved at this time, "I will not mention so much, let her go in contact with Shen Huan... This line can not be broken! It’s still a long time, we can slowly repair the relationship! As long as she can guarantee that she can appear next to Shen Huan in the playoffs."

Deng Xia's mouth moved, and he didn't say anything.

The Shanhai Net spent $200 million to get the opportunity to enter the Lakers locker room, sit down next to the Lakers bench and record and interview.

Lao Jiang, you just let Wang Zhen use his personal relationship and want to get 200 million US dollars worth of resources?

Isn't this too worthy of Wang Zhen?

Or are you too lucky?

But in the end, she still didn't say anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since it was acquired by Beidou Holdings, Jiang Zhenkun has changed a lot.

Jiang Zhenkun, who used to be stunned and willing to smash the pot and sell iron to the secretary, has long since disappeared!

Now Jiang Zhenkun has become cautious, hoping to move forward in the most stable manner.

But in the Internet industry, such a gesture, but there is no way to stand in the ranks of first-class companies!


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