I Know Everything

Chapter 831: Infringement

Anything can be deceiving, data won't.

A game that is one of hundreds of preseason games, can actually have such a high popularity, so much attention, which can also be seen, Shen Huan's influence.

You mean the Lakers have hundreds of millions of fans themselves, and Kobe is also a man with 6 billion fans.

But for now, in this case, Shen Huan is the only focus.

Not even Kobe and Iverson care about themselves, let alone others.

As a world-class large-scale sports, basketball has many, many fans, at least much more than the first and second most rugby and baseball in the country.

When the eyes of these people are concentrated on Shen Huan alone, it will undoubtedly bring more than 1 billion potential consumer groups, or even more.

Therefore, all world-class companies with worldwide sales capabilities have targeted Shen Huan.

This morning, Burberry and Shen Huan reached an agreement. This contract has not been formally signed yet. Shen Huan brought them a big surprise.

So Burberry couldn't take care of anything. As soon as the game was over, he sent photos of Shen Huan on the global Internet and social accounts.

"A surprise look

A beautiful meeting! "

They also matched these two sentences.

Throughout the text, Burberry and Shen Huan did not sign, but the meaning is like this.

At one time, various clicks were forwarded more than millions of times, and hundreds of thousands of people left messages.

With the brave return of Shen Huan, Burberry immediately stood at the forefront of news.

Burberry's seniors couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, when Shen Huan’s official ad comes out, when Shen Huan kills the Quartet in the NBA, how widely will their products be publicized.

This is an absolute rhythm!

At least this year and next year, there will definitely be no more destruction of inventory, and it is sure to increase sales!

However, after being happy, they received a strong protest call from Ensaik.

Ensaik rightly told them that before the contract was signed, they used Shen Huan's image for advertising, which was an infringement.

Taking into account the upcoming cooperation between the two parties, Mr. Shen Huan will not sue, but Burberry must make financial compensation for this, otherwise it will not run out.

It is a taboo in foreign countries to use the portrait rights of others without permission from others, and it will be severely punished.

Burberry thought of this before using Shen Huan's photos.

However, they also thought that they will sign a contract with Shen Huan soon, so this matter will definitely not affect the cooperation between the two parties. At most, they will lose some good words and money.

As expected, Shen Huan's reaction was not very intense.

While apologizing, Burberry immediately put a million dollars on Shen Huan's account, so Ensece had nothing to say.

In fact, they are also preparing compensation of up to 3 million to 5 million US dollars.

If Shen Huan is not satisfied, they will do so.

There is no doubt that Burberry also knows that such an adventure is worthwhile and is willing to do so.

But such a thing can be one or two, but not repeatedly.

Burberry is also a world-class luxury brand. One such speculation is enough. If you do it again, it will be too tasteless.

So the next morning after playing the Toronto Raptors, Burberry had already announced his signing with Shen Huan on the global Internet and social media accounts.

The 10-year 50 million dollar contract is the highest contract Burberry has given so far.

The former endorsement stars usually have a term of no more than 2 years, and then there are those who renew or not.

So Burberry is still taking risks this time.

If Shen Huan's popularity is not as good as before and she has become a passerby, not only will it not help Burberry's product sales, it will also have a big impact on Burberry's brand image.

But if you think about it, this is impossible.

Not to mention abroad, Shen Huan is already the most popular superstar in this country alone.

In addition to playing basketball, he is also the best songwriter and has won many stars.

He will also do variety shows. The four variety shows so far have been wonderful and won the favor of countless audiences.

In addition, Shen Huan is also a great mathematician, solving the world-class mathematical problem-Fermat's theorem.

Even he himself is an entertainment star who has played movies and TV series, and is known as "the most handsome boy in the world."

Such Shen Huan will not be forgotten in China as long as it is not a matter of anger.

Even if he doesn't play basketball, the rest of the field will allow him to continue to be successful, thus thoroughly spreading the Burberry brand in a country with a population of 1.5 billion and establishing a high-end image.

Therefore, after Burberry made a detailed and thorough calculation, he only gave such a 10-year endorsement contract of 50 million US dollars.

Compared with Burberry's brilliance and boldness, BMW, who has been a little hesitant, couldn't sit still after seeing the crazy popularity of last night.

Early in the morning, after Burberry and Shen Huan signed, they found Ensaik and threw a new contract.

BMW decided to renew Shen Huan for another year, letting Shen Huan endorse the two models of X3 and sedan 3 series at a price of 10 million US dollars.

This price is higher than other companies, second only to their country's Adidas 30 million US dollars per year.

Ensaik laughed when he told Shen Huan.

A mockery.

BMW is really too careful and stupid.

The $10 million renewal contract looks good, but the problem is that they are divided into two distinct car types.

One is an off-road vehicle and the other is a sedan.

It is equivalent to let Shen Huan do advertisements for two different groups of people.

In fact, it is only 5 million for each ad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Compared to the 3 million dollars in the first year, the increase is not much.

It is definitely not generous.

"After the contract is over, stop working with BMW!" Ensec advised Shen Huan. "The Tesla electric car made by my friend Musk is very good. I will contact you when the time comes. See See if there is any possibility of cooperation! They are more generous than BMW!"

Of course, Shen Huan, a Tesla electric car, knows.

This is a world-famous electric vehicle with advanced technology and technology. Although it has been heavily in debt so far, its development momentum is unstoppable.

If you can cooperate with such a company, it is a good thing.


Shen Huan has no pressure to make money for foreigners!


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