I Know Everything

Chapter 839: Urgently needed jade!

Shen Huan also read these comments. He said that he was very happy and not unhappy.

The main reason is that the preseason game is over, and will not play until the next April.

Without the constraint of having to do something at a certain time, he is certainly happy to be relaxed.

After the game last night, because today I will leave Huajing and go to Shanghai to do commercial activities, the Lakers team went out together and packed a bar.

They also called a large group of foreign girls to come. God knows how suddenly there will be so many foreign girls. It is estimated that most of them are foreign students.

Shen Huan just sat for a while and left.

In fact, he was not interested in this. He came here just to take advantage of the occasion of celebration and put plaster on Kobe, Iverson and Howard.

Dog skin plaster for the knee (primary), dog skin plaster for the back injury (primary), dog skin plaster for the ankle (primary).

Of these three dog skin plasters, Shen Huan posted Howard's treatment of back injuries, and Kobe and Iverson posted all three.

After all, Howard is only 31 years old. After having the strong muscle strengthening bone marrow decoction (intermediate), you don't need this supplement.

The remaining two big brothers, a 38-year-old and a 41-year-old, are both of age to hold grandchildren in rural China. It is not enough to make up a little.

For Shen Huan to appear in the classroom on time the next day at 9 o'clock, the students of the Agricultural University have said that this is a bit untrue.

Last night, he also killed the Quartet on the basketball court and became the most beautiful star in the world.

As a result, early in the morning, it became an ordinary student.

This contrast is really unbearable.

Even the professor who taught in the first class shyly asked Shen Huan to go to his office after class, took out a basketball, and asked for a signature for his grandson.

At noon after school, Shen Huan ran directly.

Not because there are too many crowds around him, but he is rarely available today, so he has to go to the mountain to collect the Juling Liquid and arrange the Juling Formation (intermediate) by the way.

Since completing the task of saving Kobe that day, Shen Huan has been busy training, advertising and playing, and has no time to go out.

Besides, there were reporters all around him, and he could not drive alone into the mountains.

So this is why Shen Huan feels very relaxed.

After the NBA preseason game was over, Shen Huan also returned to the school, and the reporters' attention has basically shifted away from him.

Reporters are following in the footsteps of the Lakers. After all, this basketball team that is now the number one in the United States is very popular in China.

The arrangement of the Juling Array (Intermediate) is not difficult.

It is not to overthrow the reconstruction, but to improve on the basic level.

Compared with the junior, Juling Formation (intermediate) has reduced the consumption of jade and jade by one third, and only needs about 20 million pieces of jade.

However, according to Shen Huan's estimate, its revenue is at least one and two times higher than before, in order to be worthy of its name.

Before entering Shou'an Mountain, Shen Huan made a special observation with his Feng Shui master (primary).

The teenager found that Shou'an Mountain was a little more lush than when it was in September, and it was more vibrant than the nearby Xiangshan Mountain and Baiwang Mountain.

This is the role of Reiki attraction.

He also planted Yingyue grass next to Juling Array, but now it is obvious that it grows much stronger than before.

If you want to make Yingyue ointment made by Yingyuecao, the effect should be even better.

There are a lot of jade and jade in Shen Huan's hands, and there is probably jade worth about 1.5 billion.

But after finishing such a gathering (intermediate level), after calculating the loss, he still felt that he needed more jadeite.

Now the consumption of a gathering of spirits is enough to make Gubendan and Yingyuecao by yourself.

If you start using Juling Liquid to cultivate crop seeds, God knows how much Juling Liquid is needed.

Even if it is only a small-scale research, I am afraid it will be very expensive!

Fortunately, in a few days it will be Myanmar's autumn market.

At that time, there will be thousands of original jade stones, and Shen Huan can choose them there.

It's just that Shen Huan is still very poor. I'm afraid I can't buy too many good jadeite rough stones on the fall market.

Saying Shen Huan is very poor, just for the world's largest jadeite rough trade.

The current cash in the hands of the teenager is 1.5 billion, which is still after adding VISA's 20 million US dollars, BMW's 10 million US dollars, and Burberry's first 5 million endorsement expenses.

In fact, it could be a little more, but the last time in order to get professional racing skills, Shen Huan smashed 300 million in one breath, and finally got what he wanted. The reward he received was actually professional racing (intermediate). He already felt that he Was put by a good man.


What is the concept of 1.5 billion yuan in the Myanmar public offering?

In the 14 years two years ago, the price of the king of the Burmese public market was 500 million yuan.


You read it right, just one piece.

One piece is 500 million yuan.

It's just that the boss was unlucky, and he cut 200 million with a single knife. It's really hard to imagine his state of mind at that time.

In the 11 years five years ago, the price of the king of Myanmar's public offering was 310 million yuan.

It can be said that if Shen Huan's 1.5 billion yuan, if you want to compete with others for good materials, then there is no way.

Because there are too many wealthy people in Myanmar’s public market, buyers from Japan, Tai Chi, and even Europe and the United States are flocking to them. The 1.5 billion yuan in money is not in their eyes.

However, Shen Huan was not depressed either.

Because there is definitely the most number of dark marks on the first Myanmar market.

As long as not all of them open the windows and all of them are clear materials, Shen Huan has a chance to pick up the leaks.

Burmese are very bad.

When they took out the jadeite rough, the hundreds of roughstones that usually performed best were all opened or cut.

So that everyone can see a lot of details, so it is easy to push up the price.

Only those jadeite rough stones that they can't see for themselves will be allowed to appear on the market in the form of full gambling.

Shen Huan can only bet on all these gambling materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, will he really spend 1.5 billion on the flowers and only get back a few pieces of jade?

What Shen Huan wanted was not jadeite for sale, but usable jadeite.

The 1.5 billion yuan cannot be used up.

It’s a wise choice to spend 1 billion and leave 500 million on the body.

Because who knows when a good man goes crazy again and arranges some tasks that require money to buy roads?


And 1 billion was smashed out, and not returning this jade jade of 3-50 billion is a loss for Shen Huan.

With the skills of everyone in Jade (intermediate), Shen Huan is full of confidence!



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