I Know Everything

Chapter 850: Someone is trailing

Gambling material No. 834: "One piece of rough jade jadeite is inferior, with a 36% chance of producing jade, and ice jade appears at most."

Gambling No. 835: "One piece of the original Nanqi jadeite jade has a 37% chance of jade, and the most green jadeite in egg white appears."

Gambling material No. 836: "One piece of raw Molu jadeite has a 35% chance of producing jade, and the most common waxy jadeite appears."


Shen Huan watched more than a dozen pieces of jadeite all in one go, but none of them had a jade chance of hitting more than 50%.

This is not to say that these jadeite cannot produce jadeite, nor that they absolutely cannot produce good jadeite.

Take No. 835. If you really get the highest level of egg white seed green jadeite, even if it is just a jade piece, it should be worth more than 200,000.

With the performance of 835, if you don't open the window, you can sell it to 20,000 to burn it.

In this way, the income ratio is quite high.

But the point is that the chance of the best situation is not high.

If Shen Huan needs money urgently, it is okay to gamble, and the loss should not be lost.

Shaking his head, Shen Huan walked towards all the gambling materials after the 1000th.

As a result, I watched more than 20 pieces, but they were still unsatisfactory. Shen Huan only wrote down a jadeite 1039 at most.

This jadeite has a 52% chance of producing jade, but the highest is only glutinous seeds.

If it can be bought for 10,000 yuan, then it is a good attempt.

Next, Shen Huan went to No. 1300 again.

The teenager picked up a rough stone, but instead of looking at it seriously, he cast the rest of his eyes to the place where he had just stood.

A typical Burmese man in a colorful shirt, holding a piece of gambling material slowly, recorded the number on it.

If he didn't watch it carefully, he would just like to watch hundreds of Burmese jade merchants on the spot, watching casually.

But when Shen Huan watched the gambling for the first time, he discovered that this person followed behind him.

All the gambling materials he had seen were picked up by this person and then the number was written down.

In order to confirm whether he judged correctly, Shen Huan also deliberately took a few positions and took two and a half pieces of gambling material to see. In the end, he still took notes in the past.

The same goes for the second dozen pieces.

This is not a coincidence.

This Burmese man came purely to Shen Huan.

Not only did he write down all the jade stones that Shen Huan watched, but also all the stones that Shen Huan watched for a few more minutes, he also saved directly with his mobile phone.

This proves that instead of buying gambling materials by himself, he wants to give these materials to others.

The people behind the scenes.

Who is behind the scenes?

A figure appeared in Shen Huan's heart.

There is only one person who can do such a mean thing and have a holiday with himself. In Myanmar today, there is only one in Naypyidaw.

Ruan Jiahao

Young Ruan.

Although there are other people's possibilities, the biggest possibility is him.

As for why Burmese are allowed to trail the record number, this is also very simple.

Ruan Jiahao is surrounded by Chinese people, which is very conspicuous at first glance.

Switching to a Burmese is irrelevant.

There are many Burmese people here, and in general, no one will notice the actions of people who are not from their own country.

Since Ruan Jiahao is playing jadeite, he is definitely not the first time he has come to Myanmar or Naypyidaw.

It is not difficult to hire a familiar person here to follow Shen Huan.

He has only two possible purposes.

The first is to add chaos to Shen Huan’s buying gambling materials.

Any gambling materials that Shen Huan may bid, he can insert a foot, so that Shen Huan can only get the gambling materials he likes at a higher price.

The second is that Ruan Jiahao hopes to borrow Shen Huan's light.

In the game of gambling, Shen Huan won Ruan Jiahao and opened a sky-high price of 300 million jadeite. Not to mention, the other 4 jadeite rough stones all rose sharply, and even a piece of violet.

The five jadeite brought Shen Huan a huge wealth of 480 million yuan.

Your young Master Ruan wants to say that Shen Huan has no skill in the jade gambling materials, that is purely self-deception.

Therefore, Young Master Ruan wanted to get a good jadeite rough stone, followed by Shen Huan, and intercepting Hu Huan from Shen Huan, is also a good way.

He can use much more money than Shen Huan, and he can completely suppress others.

Thinking of these, Shen Huan felt a little shocked.

Means such as Da Nguyen Nguyen seems to be a bit cheap, but when implemented, the guaranteed profits will definitely not be less.

If he bought all the jadeite stones that Shen Huan focused on, he would earn at least three or five times, maybe twenty or thirty times.

But the prerequisite is that Shen Huan does not know.

Shen Huan didn't know that someone wanted to buy with him, and then he was silly and focused on gambling, so he leaked all his information and cheaply ruan Jiahao.

But now Shen Huan knows.

Then there is nothing to say.

If it is someone else, Shen Huan doesn't care about it, but Ruan Jiahao, a child of a rich family with bad personality, Shen Huan doesn't like it very much.

The last time he was racing, the dangerous light in Ruan Jiahao's eyes kept Shen Huan very alert.

So in such a good opportunity, Shen Huan could not justify him.

Thoughts passed, Shen Huan turned and walked towards the bigger gambling materials.

The gambling materials of this small venue are also more expensive.

There are 3500 thousand euros and 7-8 million euros.

Oh, by the way, the price of Myanmar's public offering has always been settled in Euros.

The RMB can be used casually in the private sector and is a hard currency, but on the public market, they only recognize the euro.

In fact, Shen Huan doesn't need to watch the gambling materials at all.

Because everyone in Jade (intermediate), Shen Huan can know the quality of jade gambling materials as soon as they get started.

The reason why he looked so long ago was because he wanted to take a closer look, to see how his vision and judgment differed from his own skills.

Facts have proved that every other line is like a mountain.

Rao is Shen Huan is a wise man. During this time, he also made up a lot of knowledge of gambling materials, but looking at the performance of these gambling materials, it is still a bit foggy.

Some of the appearance features are very good, and the inside is a mess.

Some inconspicuous ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a good performance.

That's why he focused on a few jadeite rough stones just now.

it's good now.

Since he was going to dig Dao Ruan, he picked up the jade gambling materials that performed well and put them down. Those jade gambling materials that looked good but were actually poor, he was there to concentrate.

The Burmese at the back really took the bait.

Mobile phone photos were taken with great pleasure.

If Ruan Jiahao really believed all the information he got, Shen Huan could imagine that, after returning to Huajing Jieshi, Young Master Ruan, that kind of tearless expression!

乛?? 乛



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