I Know Everything

Chapter 857: I also want to try 1

The bodyguards all stood near the elevator.

Along with them, there are more than forty people, all of them are big men.

Only the rich and related people will go in and select the original jadeite.

A dozen Burmese men in suits standing against the wall in the corner are obviously staff members.

Therefore, Shen Huan's more than twenty people are all rich people.

But half of them are wearing T-shirts and shorts, plus a pair of slippers, and they look very casual.

Oh, I got it.

These people must be old Guang!

Only the wealthy people in East Guangdong will be so unimpaired.

On the contrary, in the east of Guangdong, if you look at the people in suits, they are usually hard-working office workers.

After glancing at it, Shen Huan didn't have the mind to care about others, and he touched one piece of emerald stone after another.

Looking at Shen Huan like a punch card, a middle-aged man smiled next to him, "Boy, are you feeling the emerald heaven and earth aura?"

Shen Huan raised his head, "I'll take a look first. If it feels good, then focus on it."

"Oh, the gambling people are really strange!" Another little fat man in his thirties was also funny.

"What is he doing like this? Have you ever seen yourself smearing **** every time before betting? Has that been an exaggeration!" A man next to him said smoothly.

"Yes, and xxx, I can't read it. What is this habit of riding a horse?" His friend also said an example.

The process of looking at the original jadeite is very boring. When you have time to brag about it, you can also adjust your mind.

In recent days, Mu Ruru has seen several masters' methods and techniques for distinguishing jadeite, and has also seen enough jadeite stones with millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

The little girl already feels a little bit tired, so watching Shen Huan touch the rough jade stone in such a random way, but instead finds it interesting.

"Shen Huan, is this your exclusive cheat?" Mu Ruru quietly followed behind Shen Huan and asked in a low voice, "Just tell them, is this a way to sense jade?"

"It's a pity that you don't write." Shen Huan laughed. "I look at the edge of the eye. If I feel good, just look at it. If I feel bad, don't look at it."

"Such a play?" Mu Ruru frowned beautifully. "It is completely different from the methods of Teacher Yuan and Teacher Ma. People have to think about the taste for a long time!"

"Everyone has their own habits."

Shen Huan didn't stop her footsteps when he talked. In a blink of an eye, he touched all over 100 stones in the hall.

"Then do you feel a good jadeite?" Mu Ruru said quietly: "Let me buy one... My dad must be shocked!"

She was quite interesting.

Ask Shen Huan which one is better, which one she buys.

Did not feel that he was eating white food at all.

But in fact, Murru really doesn't mean that.

Because she did not know that Shen Huan had the skills of everyone, she thought that Shen Huan still relied on speculation.

If the guess is right, then all will be happy. If the guess is wrong, then it should not blame Shen Huan.

With such a psychology, of course, she would not be embarrassed.

Shen Huan second understands the mentality of the little girl. So she smiled and pointed at the last piece of jadeite that she touched. "I think this piece is quite good, ask the price. If it is below 10 million, you can take it. under."

Mu Ruru is a fan of Shen Huan, plus she has seen the magical performance of Shen Huan gamble. Shi, so I have a special trust in idols.

Upon hearing Shen Huan's words, she immediately stood upright and raised her voice a little: "The boss? What about the boss? Come here!"

Immediately, a middle-aged man in a suit standing in the corner came over.

"Miss Mu, my name is Yang Ang, do you have any orders?" He still said a little crappy Chinese, but there was no problem with the meaning and expression.

Like the man downstairs, he was all Chinese.

There are a lot of people like this in Myanmar. They were all Burmese who came to avoid the war, and have never returned since then.

It can be seen that their intelligence work has been done very carefully, and they have long known the identity of Mu Ruru.

"Can this stone be bought now?" Mu Ruru asked directly.

"Yes." Yang Ang nodded, "But according to the rules, at least 5 people should participate in the auction before they can buy."

"Then hurry to find someone!" Murru said, "Yes, Shen Huan beside me is just one."

Yang Ang grinned, "Well...Mr. Shen, I am also your fan!"

Shen Huan nodded with a smile.

In the past few days, he met a lot of Myanmar fans, and also gave many people to sign and take pictures as a souvenir.

As Yang Ang shouted a few times in the field, everyone turned their attention to Mu Ruru and the gambling materials around her.

Interested people immediately came over, there were 7 people.

Mu Guishu glanced over here, resisting the meaning of wanting to come over and look at her daughter's business, preparing to let her exercise for herself.

The leather shell of this gambling material is a bit rough, but there are a few deep jade ringworms with many spots.

The nameplate on the side reads that it is a 57-kilogram material from the old pit gray card, with a starting price of 3 million yuan.

The reason for the settlement in RMB is not only because the guests who come today are Chinese, but also because in fact, there are various trade transactions among the people in Myanmar. RMB is a very strong currency and is very popular with everyone.

The local government only recognizes the euro, but the following people, regardless of the US dollar or the renminbi, or the Japanese yen, can.

The price of 3 million is not too expensive, but when the price is shouted, it can't be stopped.

Mu Ruru looked at this group of middle-aged people and said generously, "Seniors, today I am buying gambling for the first time, and I will not be polite to you. Let's all shout for a price, all abroad, don't want to Let foreigners pick up cheap."

Yang Ang heard the twitching of his mouth, but said nothing.

A few middle-aged people met face to face.

It stands to reason that buying gambling is not such a rule, but constant competition.

But now is a little girl competing, the most important thing is her dad or Mu Guishu, you have to tear your face to compete, can you compete?

Gambling. Shijie has long spread. This little girl was in Beijing in September, but she bought a piece of three-color jadeite for 300 million at a stretch.

This handwriting is so big!

"Well, since Miss Mu said that, I will also give you this face." A 40-year-old Lao Guang nodded, "I am very optimistic about this stone, I bid 5 million."

Nice guy.

The price shouted nearly twice as quickly as a sip, and the corners of Yang Yang's mouth were smiling.

His outcry made the two 50-year-olds nod slightly, turned around and left.

A man with a dark face turned back after thinking about it.

There is too much gambling on the spot, and there is more than one piece of good news. 5 million is definitely not the final price. Why do you waste time with others here?

Sure enough, the rest of the next step will be quoted.

"I'm paying 6 million!"

"I'm paying 7 million!"

"Me 7 million too!"

Listening to the quote from all of them, Mu Ruru Yingying smiled, "Then I will give 10 million, if you are higher than this price, I will quit."

Several people frowned.

Don't look at the price of 10 million relative to the gambling materials in these few days. The UU reading www.uukanshu.com is about 1 million euros.

But this is all gambling!

10 million to bet on a piece of wool of 100 kilograms, you can't see anything, only to rely on experience to gamble, this seems a bit inappropriate.

After all, over the years, the whole wool has been gambling very much.

Otherwise, more and more people will not bet on this kind of semi-expected window opening, at least the risk is lower.

Not to mention that there are so many stones around waiting to be picked by oneself, a piece of gambling material will be invested 10 million, how many 10 million are cast?

Their father is not Mu Guishu!

Thinking of this, several people shook their heads and chose to give up.



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