I Know Everything

Chapter 872: You are the same as the devil

     returned to Beijing in the morning, and Shen Huan received the emerald rough from Abao Express in the afternoon.

  One by one large boxes were transported to the yard, and the rest was Shen Huan who came to unpack the boxes.

   was busy all night, and the next morning, Shen Huan arrived at the school early in the morning.

   As a freshman student, he took such a long leave in the first semester, he was a little embarrassed himself.

   But fortunately now he has acquired the skills of professional agronomy (intermediate).

  When in class, Shen Huan was the one who answered questions positively and explained it clearly, which made the teacher who taught was very relieved.

  Look at it!

  Genius is genius!

   Something was delayed, I never forgot to study, and did not make progress.

   The students also felt the same. There was no complaint about Shen Huan's leave for so long.

  When a person does not attend a class and still has a good grasp of knowledge, he can enjoy some rights that others do not have.

   took 5 lessons in one breath, and Shen Huan was dragged away from the classroom by Zhou Xilan.

   "Where have you been during this time? Why haven't you seen anyone?" Zhou Xilan pulled Shen Huan and went to the animal husbandry area.

   "I went to the field to do something." Shen Huan said, "There is something to find me, you can call."

"Who's okay to call? I hate the people who call me often." Zhou Xilan said very cheerfully: "Besides, it's not a big deal for me to find you... It's just that these two days, the Devil King began to be restless and tempered. It’s still big, but we can’t find the reason.”

   "Dare I become an animal husbandry expert." Shen Huan said with a smile, "Why don't you ask the teacher?"

   "Teachers have a lot of things, and if we do not work hard to explore ourselves, what will we do in the future? What should we do at work?" Zhou Xilan asked him back.

  Shen Huan thought for a while, "Classmate Zhou, if you are a veterinarian, will President Zhou be angry?"

"Where is work not work? What work is not work?" Zhou Xilan doesn't care. "Besides, I don't work as a veterinarian. I am preparing for the future I can keep small animals... I will keep it at home. Many animals!"

   Energetic enough!

   Shen Huan admired this girl.

Is    going to school actually for the convenience of keeping pets?

  Will your principal grandpa not kill you?

   talked and laughed, and they arrived at the familiar breeding area.

   The "Bull Demon King" was really anxious, wandering back and forth inside the bullpen.

   Seeing that they were coming, they screamed loudly and snarled twice.

  Just a minute later, it growled again.

   "Look! It was like this two days ago, and eating grass is not good." Zhou Xilan introduced, "It is not sick, we have checked it."

   "How old is the Demon King?" Shen Huan asked.

   "One year old."

   "Did it stay here alone since it was born?"

"Well, sometimes I will pull it out to stroll around." Zhou Xilan replied, and suddenly woke up: "Yes, we have been very busy recently, so we didn't take it out... Is it that it wants to stroll around? Or is it? Miss its partner?"

   "I see, has it started to turn green?" Shen Huan said.


  Zhou Xilan recalled and nodded: "12 months of yellow cattle can reach the greening period... well, this is very possible!"

   She's not stupid, but she hasn't been in touch before.

   Their team raised this cow demon also from its birth, many things are from scratch, and have no experience.

  Now Shen Huan reminded her of this possibility, Zhou Xilan immediately understood.

   Then she looked at the eyes and expression of Niu Demon again, and the more she looked, the more she looked.

   "Are you looking for a heifer now?" Shen Huan asked curiously.

   "Smelly man!"

Zhou Xilan glared at him immediately, "Who said that... that he must find a heifer right away? This is a good opportunity to observe. We have to observe its greening state before we consider it. Back!"

   Poor Bull Demon King!

  Shen Huan silently observed this cow for a minute.

   But this is also normal.

  Just like the laboratory to raise white mice, the biggest role of the current Demon King is to let a group of students see its life status and understand its performance at all stages.

  Students will only know what the process of raising cattle is and what they need to do at each stage only after they have seen and studied it in person.

   Therefore, even if the demon king is sick, it has to be sad for a while before he can be treated by students in various ways.

   This is not to mention the greening period.

   Without studying the character changes and body changes of its whole stage clearly, heifer must be missed from it.

  Zhou Xilan was calling at the moment and called several of his team members to hurry up.

  After the notice, Zhou Xilan went to pat the head of the demon king, "Now demon king, Niu Demon king, why are you so unreliable? How old are you! Just thinking of heifers? It's like Shen Huan!"

  She just sent her emotions out of the mouth, but Shen Huan was shocked: "Classmate Zhou, why did it touch me again?"

   "Aren't you like this?" Zhou Xilan glanced at him.

"but I……"

  Shen Huan would like to say that the widow is still a boy, but instead of thinking, why tell her this?

  If she believed this, wouldn't she laugh me more?

   By the time it spread all over the world, wouldn’t I have wiped my face! ?

  Looking at Shen Huan's hold, Zhou Xilan smiled and patted Shen Huan's shoulder, "Okay, Shen Huan, you are actually pretty good! Don't care about these jokes!"

   Get it!

Now it’s not enough for me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe I knew I was a bit hurtful when I spoke just now, Zhou Xilan changed the topic, "Don’t you know Shen Huan, Chai Xu has gone to the south and joined there?" Of a team!"

  Chai Xu?

  Oh, the driver that Ruan Jiahao found.

  Shen Huan nodded, "His technique is good and he is very pious. If he earnestly practices, his grades should be improved."

   "He is all right, how about you?" Zhou Xilan said, "Have you ever thought about going to a professional car one day? Or directly into F1 to add luster to our Chinese people?"

   "No more."

  Shen Huan quickly refused, "My technology is not enough."

  Professional racing (intermediate) is not enough to compete with international racing drivers.

   Moreover, Shen Huan's mind is not on it.

   says that if you have more skills, don't crush, but if you are in the limelight in too many areas, it will be unfavorable for one person.

  People will be more and more curious about Shen Huan, saying that one day Shen Huan will "enjoy" Einstein's treatment.

   That would not work!

   The skin of the widow is affected by the parents, even if it is dead, it cannot be sliced ​​and studied!


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