I Know Everything

Chapter 892: Hot dog packages that are losing money

Lin'an in November was not much warmer than that of Beijing.

But one thing, Lin'an didn't have such a strong wind all day long.

Since the 1950s, Beijing Capital has been planting trees around the edge to resist wind, sand, and dust storms. However, it is of little use.

In 2020, when the wind blows in spring and autumn, the wind and sand from the Mongolian plateau will still "fly into ordinary people's homes".

Lin'an is different.

It has become a paradise on earth since Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty and Su Dongpo in the Song Dynasty vigorously developed it.

If Hua Guo selects the most livable city, Lin'an is not ranked in the top five, then this list is meaningless.

Therefore, the streets of Lin'an in November are still very lively.

The developed economy, the continuous rise of e-commerce, and the continuous development of various surrounding small and micro enterprises have made Linan full of vitality.

However, in this city, it is still full of people running for life.

Especially for young people, these later known as social animals, with a monthly salary of 2000-3000, pay for rent, utilities, telephone commuting fees, etc., basically nothing left.

Those TV shows said that these young people would call friends and friends on the weekend, and go out to eat, drink and have fun, completely separated from real life.

The reality is that young people who have basically been employed for less than 5 years will stay home at the weekend.

On the one hand, there is no money to go out to play, on the other hand, it is very hard to go to work, just take a break on the weekend.

As for talking about things like friends, it is impossible to talk about.

This is also an important reason why the fertility rate of our country keeps dropping.

Even friends don't play, how to get married and have children?


Come back.

As something necessary to maintain body function, food is definitely indispensable.

Now after the super war between Meituan and Hungry, the major food delivery platforms have entered a stable period.

Those who eat lunch for a penny are long gone.

Generally speaking, eating 20 yuan for a meal is definitely not a luxury.

If you add another cup of milk tea, 30 yuan is not too much?

Three meals a day, if this is the case, it is almost 100 yuan.

Such a moonlight is 3,000 yuan for dinner, even if the weekend and breakfast are removed, 2000 yuan is also necessary.

The 2,000 yuan of food and beverage expenses is simply unthinkable for the newly recruited social animals.

In other respects, they cannot save, so they have to save on eating.

For example, a bun with a cup of soy milk would be solved in the morning, a bowl of noodles with 8 yuan at noon would be solved, and an egg pie would be enough at night... and so on.

Of course, this kind of life cannot be done like this every day, otherwise the work will be boring enough, there is no fun in eating, and it is easy to fall into a depressed mood.

I don't know how it is in other places, but the livestock in Lin'an still have a way to improve their lives.

Their solution is to go in line to buy hot dogs in front of the Yongxing supermarket.

Unlike the previous American Costco Hot Dogs, Lin’s Yongxing Supermarket has developed hot dogs into 10 flavors of salami, 20 types of side dishes and more than 30 flavors of sauce.

For example, salami has black pepper, spicy, spicy, broad flavor, garlic flavor...etc.

The side dishes also change according to the season, such as pickled cucumber, lettuce, shredded eggs, shredded potatoes, tomatoes...etc.

The sauce is more abundant, mayonnaise, yogurt, Laoganma, meat sauce, seafood sauce...etc.

With so many ways to match, you can eat every day without repeating for a month.

Although it is bread and salami in general, there are three kinds of meat, fruits and vegetables, which are more nutritious than many junk foods.

Oh, yes, and drinks.

Because of the cooperation between Shen Huan and Pepsi, Zhang Duocai chose Pepsi as a partner. Each hot dog package also included a Chinese glass of Pepsi, with four flavors, to choose from.

Although carbonated drinks may have a bad effect on the body, sugar is one of the sources of human happiness, and young people like to drink it.

What is the price of such a hot dog package? Has the price already increased after the opening?

Do not!

No price increase.

It's still 2 yuan.

With these 2 bucks, you can go to another fast food restaurant to buy a medium-sized Coke, let alone a hot dog.

The normal market price should be such a package of 10 yuan.

However, the Yongxing supermarket has always been 2 yuan, which is guaranteed to be available anytime, anywhere, which is very commendable.

Uncle Feng once said that it is not difficult for a person to do a good deed, but the difficulty is to do good deeds for a lifetime.

Similarly, it is not difficult to raise prices without opening, but it is too difficult and difficult to keep increasing prices.

Basically, it is selling a losing rhythm.

Every day, the five facades of Lin'an City must sell at least 100,000 hot dog packages. How much do you say you will lose?

This does not count as the labor cost of at least 200 people working on this hot dog window on every facade.

Of course, if you can sell so much, it is impossible for everyone to listen to their demands and do it slowly.

Generally speaking, there are 20 vending machines in the queue place of Yongxing Supermarket. Everyone chooses the taste they want on the top in advance. After paying 2 yuan, they will take the meal card Wait.

This reduces the communication time and allows the waiter to devote more time to production.

On the other hand, at the peak of breakfast in the morning, middle and evening, the hot dog window vending machine will remind you which kinds of hot dogs with good flavors can be taken within 10 minutes, and if you mix them yourself, it may be Wait half an hour.

Of course, many people choose the fixed-configuration hot dogs, which will save a lot of time.

But Rao is so. Each class of the Hot Dog window is busy with more than 60 people at all times. From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., the business hours must be scored in three classes, otherwise no employee can bear it. High-intensity labor.

Oh, by the way, although it only opens at 6 am, it usually takes 4 am to enter the workshop to make various preparations.

At 5 o'clock, you must start making in advance to prepare for the most urgent breakfast peak-people have little time, and they want to buy hot dog packages quickly, go to the bus and subway to work early.

Then, after closing the business at 10 o'clock, not only will it often be delayed due to the "last-minute order", but also have to do all sorts of cleaning and cleaning, as well as to prepare for tomorrow's business, it will take at least 2 hours.

So the working hours of the three classes are actually 20 hours.

An average of 7 hours a class, such high-intensity work, can not be considered easy.

If it weren’t for the high salary and benefits of Yongxing Supermarket, and there was still a lot of guarantees, maybe a group of people had to be changed here every day.

But it is also natural that the hot dog window is the department with the highest turnover rate in Yongxing Supermarket.

The time employees spend here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ basically does not exceed half a year.

Although you can get a salary of at least 6,000 plus bonuses and subsidies here, but this kind of ultra-high-strength assembly line work, really not everyone can persist.

Also during the summer vacation, Shen Huan thought of a solution.

The teenager asked Yongxing Supermarket to announce that all employees who have worked in the hot dog window for more than one year can go to the store to do things, and guarantee to sign a work contract for more than 10 years to ensure that you can get a good salary and wages in Lin'an , And work is not so hard.

With such a cake waiting in front, the turnover rate of employees only changed from an average of one month to six months.

I believe that as time goes on, there will always be people who stick to it.

Of course, Yongxing Supermarket will not lose money. Employees who have been trained in the hot dog window, and those who can persist, where is not a good hand?

It is definitely very easy to use, and it is also an excellent employee who has no hard work!

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