I Know Everything

Chapter 898: The script is here!

Zhang Huawei himself has a studio.

Ordinary business and management are handled by his wife Xu Ruiping.

Zhang Huawei and Xu Ruiping are typical for young and old.

The age difference between the two is 10 years old. At that time, Xu Ruiping had just graduated from the Film Academy. The first movie he played was Zhang Huawei.

At that time she was a supporting actress. After finishing the film, she became Zhang Huawei's girlfriend.

Two years later, the two married and gave birth to a son and a daughter, which made Zhang Huawei very satisfied.

With a nanny at home and an old man helping to bring the children, Xu Ruiping put half of his energy on Zhang Huawei's work.

All the related business activities, as well as Zhang Huawei and the film company negotiated a cooperation intent, the rest are all for her to help negotiate specific details.

For so many years, Zhang Huawei, who was originally irritable and somewhat aura of rivers and lakes, has a good reputation in major film and television companies. Half of the reason is that thanks to Xu Ruiping's good relationship.

This morning, Xu Ruiping went to the activity of her daughter's kindergarten and returned to the studio. I saw several employees talking happily.

"What's wrong?" she asked curiously.

"Sister Xu!" A female employee said with a smile: "Happy event! Teacher Lu just passed on Mr. Chu's script! Zhang Dao is watching now!"


Xu Ruiping was also pleased. He couldn't talk to them much. He walked to the door of Zhang Huawei's office in two or three steps. After knocking on the door, he directly pushed in.

Zhang Huawei looked up and found that after his wife, he looked down at the thick stack of documents.

Xu Ruiping walked over and picked up the previous manuscripts that Zhang Huawei had read. The first page of the entry was two large characters.

Thai embarrassment.

Xu Ruiping is also from the class, and she slowly looked at the script.

After reading it unconsciously, she found that Zhang Huawei had lighted the cigarette long ago, and the room was full of smoke.

"bored to death!"

Xu Ruiping complained and got up to open the window.

A burst of cold air poured in, and Zhang Huawei shivered.

"Why are you?" Zhang Huawei frowned.

"Smoking, smoking all day and night! Is smoking a good thing? What if your son and daughter die early?" Xu Ruiping is not afraid of him. "You give me at least 80 years of age, otherwise the old lady can't spare you !"

Thinking back then, Xu Ruiping was also a charming little girl.

As a result, after so many years of training in career and life, it has become tougher.

Zhang Huawei is very domineering outside, don't look at the comedy he shoots, but in fact, cursing can often scold people and cry.

Otherwise, he did not have that fighting power, and directly fought against dozens of reporters. He could also scold them with blushing and tears.

It can be seen that Xu Ruiping is so violent, he can only temper his temper and smother the cigarette butts.

"How is Xiaoxin in kindergarten today?" He changed the subject.

"She is good, teachers and classmates love her!" When she mentioned her daughter, Xu Ruiping also danced, "The show I performed today also won the first place! How could it be my daughter? How talented to perform! "

Zhang Huawei sniffed.

I think that you, a mother, is a second-class level, far worse than the first-class, and I am embarrassed to boast.

But because she is also talking about her daughter, Zhang Huawei will certainly not belittle her.

When his thoughts turned, Zhang Huawei knocked on the table, "What do you think of the script "Thai embarrassment?"

"The idea is actually very simple, but the content process is very interesting." Xu Ruiping said, "In recent years, Chinese movies have rarely been filmed in Thailand, especially comedies... This can perfectly integrate the customs and plots of Thailand. Together, it's also very creative to take people to browse Thailand in laughter."

"Can it work?"

"of course!"

Xu Ruiping answered very simply: "There is nothing wrong with Mr. Chu's script. And I think this comedy is a little bit tailor-made for you! Who can take this script well except you? It's not that simple. !"

Zhang Huawei smiled.

The wife's respect for herself is also deeply ingrained.

Over the years, he has encountered some setbacks, but every time Xu Ruiping actively encouraged him and let him continue to struggle, only today's comedy director.

But then again, Mr. Chu Liuxiang's script really made him feel very novel, and made him desperately want to shoot it early.

"Shen Huan told me just now when he transmitted the script. Teacher Chu has seen my movies before and wrote a few scripts according to my style. This is the most suitable and polished one at the moment." Zhang Huawei Tao, "So look at it, genius is a genius! He saw a movie of someone else's style, and he could make a script that fits this director!

I now know that the script he gave to Hao He must be in line with Hao He's preferences, so he can't wait to start making it! "

"It can't be said that he can't wait. He's still carefully selecting actors, and he's still making preliminary preparations." Xu Ruiping has a better understanding of what's happening in the circle. "He is in Huajing half of the time, and he's busy in the northwest half of the time. It's been a month or two, and I haven't seen the official start of shooting!

That is, when Yang Feng was met, otherwise other film companies would allow him to spoil the money so much? Even if he is Hao He! "

Zhang Huawei nodded slightly.

He also had aspirations and ambitions, and wanted to make movies with sincerity and depth.

But reality caused him a lot of blows, and finally embarked on the road of this small-cost comedy film.

One of the biggest constraints is actually cost.

Every film company owner, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, thinks about small costs and big output, and all thinks about making big with small ones.

Except for a few people, no one can use huge capital to make movies.

At that time, it was able to get more than 30 million investment, even if it was a good production.

If you can get an investment of 100 million yuan, it will scare people to death.

And you see those directors who made big investment and big investment, how many are left now?

Hao He is alone!

In this way, Hao He has been unable to get a big investment in filmmaking over the years, and can only make some simple literary and artistic films.

If there was a boss like Yang Feng at the beginning, maybe Zhang Huawei would become an international director, just like Hao He.

So Zhang Huawei really admired Hao He, and he can stick to it until now.

He also likes Yang Feng even more. He can spend so much money and let everyone make movies as he pleases.

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