I Know Everything

Chapter 914: The retribution is coming!

"So, from these aspects, it can be seen that paintings with these characteristics are all fakes! Please be careful and remind people around you not to be fooled!"

After finishing the last word, Shen Huan chose the send button.

Then through some technical means, Shen Huan eliminated his trace on this antique forum.

It's like transferring money.

Shen Huan used a virtual account. After receiving the money, he remitted it to dozens of small accounts.

Then through some turnovers, I directly called bank accounts in Europe and the United States, and finally through several turns over there, I finally remitted to the account opened by Shen Huan at the Swiss bank.

Then transfer money back to the bank account under Shen Huan's name, and there will be no procedural problems.

After all, Shen Huan has its own sponsors in the United States and Europe. They pay Shen Hua’s various payments, and their names are very diverse. It is normal for money to come in at any time.

As a master with professional mathematics (historical level), I have used the computer for so long to do this little trick, then I was fully competent.

The money Shen Huan got from the three big blacks in Liulichang is far more than five or six billion, but a full 800 million!

There are 230 million in Wang Jun, 250 million in Yin Changyi, and 420 million in Lin Youde!

Lin Zhongxin and Lin Youde were too greedy. As soon as they saw Su Shi's "The Inscription of the Humble Room", they lost their minds and spent a full 280 million yuan to buy this work.

Of course, they felt that they were seriously appraised, and the discussions of several experts were in the palm of their hands before they finally decided.

These experts are not the ones that Wang Jun invited before. After all, the glass factory is so big. There are many people who specialize in eating this bowl of rice. People from different circles will not be the same experts.

The price of 280 million yuan is absolutely sky-high.

But when you consider that in 13 years, Mr. Liu’s Su Shi’s “Kung Fu Post”, which he bought from Sotheby’s New York for 50 million, was just nine words of “Su Shi would like to discuss with others”. Imagine the value of the 81-character "Room Room Inscription"!

This is not the price in terms of words.

The literary value of a sentence and a complete word is completely different!

Of course, Lin Zhongxin and Lin Youde didn't have so much cash. They all found a lot of peers to sell their good collections before they finally collected so much money.

The same is true of Yin Changyi.

The three of them bought a total of nine calligraphy and paintings, which cost 800 million yuan, and basically took out two-thirds of their families.

Decades of hard work have basically returned to the past.

Of course, this must be based on the fact that Shen Huan's paintings and calligraphy are confirmed to be counterfeit and fake, and everyone knows it.

Otherwise, they can be sold to the rich, and those rich do not know it is fake.

In this world, except for Shen Huan who knows what he is doing, basically no one can perceive what is fake.

In fact, the experts of Liulichang are really powerful.

They repeatedly checked the content and skills of the calligraphy and paintings, as well as the performance of these calligraphy and paintings compared with other calligraphy and paintings by the author.

Even the seal will be checked.

Only when no false traces were found did they choose to believe.

Otherwise, do you think the three blacks of Liulichang are vegetarian?

Is money so easily scammed from them?

The place where Shen Huan falsified was actually on the seals of three different collectors.

Ming Huan collector Xiangyuan Bian, Qing Dynasty Kangxi collector He Pu, and late Qing collector Chen Baochen, three of them, Shen Huan sold 9 paintings and paintings, each of which had a seal of one of them on it.

And because these three are not emperors and generals, but are more famous among collectors, usually everyone will ignore them when they look at the seal.

Not even looking for any secrets in it.

Shen Huan secretly remembered the English word "FOOL" in the seal.

If no one is pointing, you will definitely not know.

But when it comes out, you can immediately notice.

There are English words appearing in the imprint of ancient people. Is there anything more fake than this?

And the most powerful thing is that Shen Huan put these three seals on the copybook or painting. If you want to remove it, it will definitely affect the quality of the copybook painting, and it will cause great damage.

If you forcibly clear it, I am afraid that 100 to 200 million treasures will be reduced to tens of millions, or even 8 million to 8 million!

The post posted by Shen Huan just now is a detailed explanation about these three seals.

I believe that once this article comes out, everyone will be more cautious about the works of calligraphy and painting printed with these three collectors.

Fortunately, other works involve more than 10 million and more than 100 million. Those appraisers would like to crush the calligraphy and painting works bit by bit to check.

Of the 9 paintings sold by Shen Huan, the cheapest ones are 30 million. Do you think those experts will focus on the stamps?

Of course, Shen Huan is not without any effort.

In order to get enough charm for Shen Yun, Shen Huan smashed 200 million yuan back and forth, 3 stocks were used up, 6 new ones were used, and finally 6 more were saved.

There were also three paintings and calligraphy bought by ordinary painters, which cost 600,000 yuan.

It stands to reason that this is also a flaw.

If one day the three paintings leaked out, would they recognize that they painted it themselves? So through some records, trace to Shen Huan?

of course not.

After the intermediate Shen Yun bonus of "Shen Yun Run Man", it is already very close to the original, and they cannot recognize that they painted it by themselves.

Shen Huan paid more for what she paid.

In just three days, Shen Huan's account changed from 200 million to 700 million, and the teenager suddenly felt that he had enough courage!


Two days later, the Baobao Building, one of the three blacks of the Liulichang, was seized because the boss Yin Changyi ran for money.

Dong Yunzhai boss Wang Jun, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sold his shop and antiques, and packed up things to go to the United States to invest in his son. He has never returned.

Dawangtang, the largest, is still operating, but it is said that Lin Zhongxin, the owner of Dawangtang, was crazy and has been sent to a mental hospital.

Suddenly, the three blacks of Liulichang encountered retribution at the same time. I don't know how many people applauded!

There are many and many legends about them in the rivers and lakes, and the reasons are various, and there are many outrageous ones.

But one thing everyone believes.

Good people do not bully the sky, and evil people fear the sky.

As long as you are conscientious about doing business, one day you will be retaliated!

Liulichang Sanhei is the best proof! !


The addition is complete! Although the subscription has fallen, the talents are struggling to be strong and should be worthy of the subscription of the old men! !

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