I Know Everything

Chapter 929: Film actor auditions (below)

I looked at the time, "There is still a lot of time in the morning. Would you like to audition the next Chen Yongren?"


Tao Tao agreed.

They originally planned to start a formal audition at 9 o'clock, but the always hardworking and positive Fei Qingyang came very early, so in fact it started at 8:30.

It's only 10:10 now, and the two film emperors don't appear crowded after auditions.


As the most important characters, Chen Yongren's actors, Shen Huan and Bu Tao, invited two people to audition.

One is Jin Weijie, who claims to be both handsome and acting.

The other is Guo Hang, the new film emperor.

Jin Weijie has been performing since the TV drama niche, and it has been 24 years now.

It can be described as an experienced and outstanding actor.

He is also known as the most handsome man in the movie world. A pair of electric eyes seems to discharge. He can soak up teenage girls at the age of 40. Other girls want to be his little wife if they want to be alive. Charm.

Guo Hang's life is completely different from that of Jin Weijie.

As soon as Jin Weijie debuted, he was a rising star of the film and television company. After only 5 years in the TV series, Weibao Film and Television was trained as a housekeeping star.

Guo Hang is a grass root among grass roots, which is ten times more miserable than Yan Yu.

Yan Yu got a series of supporting roles and villains with his fierce face as soon as he came out.

Guo Hang didn't have any role for 3 years, he had been running for four years, and he didn't even have a serious role for more than 10 minutes.

Moreover, Guo Hang is very general, and the evaluation of some sharp fans is "the jaws of monkeys, pure malnutrition."

Therefore, the two people came to compete for a role at the same time, and the effect of the performance was absolutely different.

This is not just the expectation of Bu Tao, but also Shen Huan.

The advanced is Guo Hang.

Guo Hang also returned to Beijing last night, and today he went to deal with a few things first. He arrived at around 9:30.

When he saw Shen Huan and Bu Tao, he politely greeted him and started reading it with his script setting script.

This shot of him is the scene of "three years and three years" which is hailed as one of the most classics of Infernal Affairs.

Although there are only ten short sentences, Chen Yongren’s various grievances, various anxieties, and various troubles have been expressed.

Guo Hang read it for about twenty minutes, and then put down the manuscript.

"Teacher, Teacher Lu, let's get started!" he said.

The two nodded.

Next, Guo Hang messed up his hair before putting his hands on the inner fence next to the window, looking at the distance and starting to daze.

After a few minutes, Shen Huan walked over and said, "You said, you have hurt people a few times. I have tried every means and the Department of Justice to say that you have a mental problem and you are asked to see a psychologist...you Still hitting people everywhere?"

Shen Huan also leaned beside him, leaning his head lowered his voice a little, and said slightly: "Are you really psychopathic? Have you forgotten whether you are a good person or a bad person?"

Guo Hang didn't speak at the beginning, just moved his mouth in silence, an uninhibited look.

But when he heard his last words, Guo Hang frowned and gestured with his fingers: "It's clearly three years, three years and three years, three years and three years... by ten years! Alright, boss!"

At first, Guo Hang said a little bit excitedly, but when he spoke, his tone became low, and the last sentence was even more depressing.

But anyone could hear the pain in his tone.

Shen Huan slightly jaws.

The word "reliance" is not in the lines, but Guo Hang added a sentence, just echoing his current identity.

How about Guo Hang's acting skills?

Such a look, such a performance, such a tone change, is simply not something that ordinary actors can do!


There is no gap between the two film emperors.

After Guo Hang's performance was over, another film emperor Jin Weijie came in.

"Teacher, Teacher Lu, good morning!"

He was also very polite to speak, but from the moment he entered, the unrestrained chic taste had already been revealed.

And Jin Weijie is also wearing a leather jacket and leather pants. He looks shaggy and looks like a man.

Obviously, the film emperor was prepared in advance.

This touched Shen Huan's eyes.

He just thought that Guo Hang was very good just now, but this Jin Weijie's appearance coincided with Liang Yingdi!

First of all, Yan Guo crushed Guo Hang, and then his temperament also won the fans' favor.

If Shen Huan is thinking about the number one at the box office, now he doesn’t have to think about it, and he can directly make a decision for Jin Weijie.

When the assistant handed the manuscript to Jin Weijie, Shen Huan asked him a little curiously: "Teacher Jin, why did you dress up today?"

Jin Weijie smiled, "Isn't the movie called "Infernal Affairs"? I feel that it has such a taste, so I did it deliberately... is it okay?"

"It can't be better." But Tao couldn't help but praised it.

It wasn't just Shen Huan's eyes that shined just now, but Tao Tao felt at a glance that Jin Weijie's dress was simply great.

The assistant next to him took a look.

This is the first time today's mentor said that this film emperor is the film emperor, and it really is powerful.

But turning to think about it, all the previous auditions were film emperors, and I even felt that our crew was very cowhide.

The scene that Jin Weijie got was different from Guo Hang's.

What Shen Huan prepared for him was the classic matchup on the last roof.

The difficulty is much harder than "three years and three years".

But after watching Jin Weijie for half an hour, he signaled that he was ready.

He rolled up the two manuscripts smoothly, and still blew his lips.

This is his gun.

Shen Huan smiled, walked up to him, turned his back, and raised his hand.

Jin Weijie pressed the gun to Shen Huan's waist, squatted down, checked Shen Huan's equipment, took the handcuffs, and returned the bullet in Shen Huan's gun.

"It's quite easy." Shen Huan smiled.

"I also went to the police school." Jin Weijie also smiled.

"Your undercovers are really interesting. I always meet on the rooftop."

After handcuffing Shen Huan, Jin Weijie stepped back with a smile, "I'm not like you, I'm fair and honest. ... What do I want?"

Shen Huan turned around and looked at him calmly: "You must not bring what I want?"

Jin Weijie froze for a moment, then sneered, "What do you mean? Are you coming in the sun?"

Shen Huan looked at him slowly and said, "Give me a chance!"

"How to give you a chance?"

As they spoke, the smile on their faces faded.

Shen Huan said: "I had no choice before, now I want to be a good person."

Jin Weijie looked at him for a while and nodded: "Okay."

Just when Shen Huan smiled, Jin Weijie suddenly said: "Tell Fa Yu, let him let you be a good person."

Shen Huan's face became solemn, and his voice was inaudible: "That's why I'm going to die?"

Jin Weijie smiled, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "I'm sorry, I'm a police officer!"

When he said this, the smile on his face was the most brilliant.

Although Chen Yongren has not been a police officer for a day, he can say this at this time, his smile and spirit are completely different!

Bu Tao looked stunning beside him.

Just now Guo Hang's performance was already wonderful enough. I didn't expect Jin Weijie to be even more brilliant.

Do not.

It should be said that the fit is higher.

Jin Weijie's performance just made Bu Tao see the real and already released footage.

He really completely overlapped with the role of Chen Yongren!

If he were not worried about Shen Huan’s opinion, he would almost be determined now.

Missed Jin Weijie, but a great loss! !

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