I Know Everything

Chapter 935: I want to sing love songs with you too!

Han Donger's concert lasted 4 hours.

Usually a singer's concert time has agreed standards.

If you don’t have enough coffee, go to a venue with around 10,000 people for a concert. The price is cheaper and the time is about 2.5 hours.

If it is a first-class singer, a concert of 30,000 people, the time is around 3 hours, Xiao Tianhou and Xiao Tianwang are basically the same.

Coupled with the guest's singing time, or is full of energy, it is normal to reach 3 and a half hours or even 4 hours.

But instead of having a concert with Uranus and Tin Hau, the time will generally not exceed the standard, and 3 hours is enough.

It’s like a 4 hour Sumo concert this summer, which is really rare.

So Han Donger's 4 hours of the first concert was quite kind.

When the fans came out, they all smiled.

Not only did they hear Han Dong'er's first concert today, they also saw the interaction between Han Dong'er and Shen Huan, and that "Choice" was a classic of love song duet.

Especially when this song is sung in such a way, it has completely become Shen Huan and Han Dong'er's love song.

The significance of this witness to history is completely different!

So as soon as they came out, they started a meager or circle of friends.

Many people don’t know that when the concert is held, because there are too many people, the network will be unblocked. You have to wait until after you come out and go to a place with fewer people before you can send messages to the network.

"Hahaha, Xiaozhu, it's a pity that you don't come to the concert! Missed the peerless classic!"

"I'm sure that in the 12 concerts, basically not like us, because Shen Huan can't run 12 cities with Han Donger in one breath!"

"I highly recommend it to everyone. Mr. Lu Xiaofeng personally wrote and composed the song, and sang "Choice" with Han Donger! It was amazing!"

"Why is the song "Choice" not yet allowed to be downloaded on the three major music websites? Good song!"

"I feel that "Choice" is a bit like the song of our father and mother, but we listened to it, and there was no feeling of violation."

"In the karaoke hall in the future, there will definitely be one more classic! Even if the boys do not want to sing, the girls will force the boys to sing!"


They yelled here themselves, but the people who had not been to the concert, but the heart of gossip paused, and they asked what happened.

After a night of fermentation, finally on the next morning, heavy news about Han Dong'er's first concert occupied a meager hot topic.

"Han Dong'er's concert was a great success, but the most concerned about it was something else"

"Xiao Tianhou and teacher Lu Xiaofeng open relationship? 》

"A "choice" sings the way to keep love together! 》

For a time, Han Dong'er's meagerity was almost squeezed.

Everyone wanted to see if Han Donger wanted to openly love.

However, Han Dong'er maintained her "natural stupidity" characteristic, not saying a word at all.

The latest information, or "Thank you fans for your enthusiasm", said last night, and it's over.

This makes countless fans feel distressed.

Say "together", how difficult is it to say it?

The people who eat melon will not mention it for the time being.

Professional music professionals have a high opinion of Han Dong'er's concert last night.

"I also listened to it yesterday, but unfortunately Xiaohuan grabbed my guest status, so I can only listen below. But the song "Choice" is really good! My wife made me and She sings, but unfortunately she can't remember the lyrics again, haha!"-King Tang Yuan.

"Well, I'm naturally there too. Dong'er's concert was very successful! Xiao Huan wrote this song to her very well, I like it very much!"-Sumo, the King of Heaven.

"I really like the song "Choice", but don't you think it would be more appropriate for me and Mo Mo to sing this song? After all, we are all 30 or 40 years old. Feelings of mutual support are just right!"——Xu Ping.

"As a songwriter in the music industry, I always admire the talents of teacher Lu Xiaofeng. Today's "Choice" is not that kind of amazing song that makes you scream, but if you taste it carefully , I will feel that this song is endless, especially flavorful, and particularly good! I believe that even after 50 years, when people choose classic classic love songs, there will still be the need for the existence of "Choice"." ——Bao Song.

"With the teacher Lu Xiaofeng in the singing world, we will not be lonely! He will also inspire me, let me better create, and fight against him!"-Wu Xinyan.


Apart from the nuisance outside, Shen Huan is also facing questioning.

After the concert last night, watching Han Donger so tired, Shen Huan sent her back to the hotel and went home to rest.

Because this morning, Han Dong'er will rush to Jinmen, and after a day of recovery and rest in Jinmen, he will start rehearsing and preparing.

In such a busy situation, there is no time for love.

Calling Shen Huan, naturally, is another little queen, Li Bi.

Li Bi didn't go to see Han Dong'er's concert, but she actually read the lyrics from the online fans in the song "Choice", and it suddenly tasted a bit.

Li Bi has always dared to love and hate, and if there is any dissatisfaction, he will naturally speak in person.

"No, no, you wrote a chorus to Han Donger, then I want it too!" she said coquettishly on the phone.

"Dong'er is going to have a concert for the first time, so I sent her a song... You have played so many concerts, UU reading www.uukanshu.com want more?" Shen Huan said funnyly: " People are so big, you are older than me and Dong'er, and the result is like a child!"

"Why? I'm not old!" Li Bi said angrily: "Is that called a concert? It's just a fan club, a club of friends, it's not serious! Next year! Next year, I will hold my own concert. Alright! You also wrote a duet love song for us. Let’s sing together. Okay, happy brother~~"

This last shout almost made Shen Huan goose bumps.

But Shen Huan also liked her being so straightforward.

After thinking about it, it seems that there are still many songs sung, and the teenager nodded simply: "Okay! Wait until then, I will give you one!"

"Wow...hahaha...Shen Huan you are so nice!"

Li Bi, over the phone, laughed like he got a candy boy.

Not a lady at all.

But that youthful taste made Shen Huan like it very much!

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