I Know Everything

Chapter 938: Sky-high sneakers! !

When he walked into the Adidas store, Raylisson reported his mobile phone number and identity certificate, and soon the waitress sister took out a beautiful box.

There are many customers in the Adidas store, and they looked at this ordinary boy enviously.

Shen Huan won the limited edition sneakers, but you can get them with money. It all depends on luck. According to legend, there is a local rich kid who gathered more than 300 people from his own factory and all went to register and buy. I didn’t even get one.

This boy is wearing an ordinary sweater and a jacket. At first glance, there is no money at home, but he can buy it. Isn't it good luck?

"Open! Open!"

While Rileyson was paying, a boy about his age slipped over and shouted a little excitedly.

Seeing Rayleigh look at him, he smiled, "Hey, brother, let me see, what color did you choose?"

After paying the money, Rayleigh held the box and said, "White."

"Oh, white." He was a little disappointed. "I have five pairs, can't you buy some other colors?"

Rileysen was shocked and looked at him seriously, and found that the boy was wearing all famous brands, wearing a pair of Shen Huan winning limited edition sneakers under his feet, and it was still purple.

Although purple is not as expensive as gold and red, it is also much less than ordinary black, white, and gray.

And he also said that he has five pairs of white, during this just released day, it certainly belongs to a price increase.

Not to mention, after ordinary people bought Shen Huan's limited edition sneakers, why should they cherish them at home for a few days before they are willing to wear them?

He turned out to be straight and came straight out of the street.

What a rich kid!

Sitting on the next test sofa, Rayleigh whispered: "I don't have that much money, of course, I can afford it!"

The boy followed him reluctantly, and he heard his words and smiled, not much.

Seeing him staring at the box in his hand without blinking, Reilson felt strange: "I said it was white, what are you looking forward to doing?"

"Don't you understand this?" A clerk who was sorting the goods next to him laughed, "Heim has been soaking in our store these days. He has found 5 color sneakers now, and he is most looking forward to it. Is to find the signature version of the sneakers!"

"Signature version?"

Rileyson sneered at himself and tore up the wrapping paper.

He thought that you, the young master, really thought about it. There are only 5,000 pairs of signature shoes in the world. How could it appear to me?

And people must be the rarer the color, the greater the chance of signatures, after all, you have to take care of the rich!

It's not that Shen Huan looks down on the poor, but Adidas will definitely sign him with these rare colors!

Thinking about it, he opened the box quickly.

As soon as he opened the box, he saw a slap-sized hard-shell card.


The Master Haim couldn't stop exclaiming: "It's the autographed version!"

He shouted so much that almost everyone in the shop rushed over and sealed the water around Rayleigh.

A group of little blacks outside also heard the shout and wanted to rush in, but found that they didn't jump in at all.

Inside are Master Heim and Rayleigh.

Rui Lisen was shocked. He had just wanted to ask how they knew it was a signed version. As a result, he saw several words written on the card, "Congratulations, you got a signed version signed by Shen Huan personally, number 3323." Typeface.

"Brother, take it out, take it out and see..."

Master Haim's voice shivered.

Rayleighson was shaking himself. What he thought was not how rare the signature version was, but what he remembered in an instant, if it was the signature version, how much more he could sell! ?

He slowly lifted up the two sneakers, and found that in the most prominent upper position of his right foot, he was writing two Chinese characters.

Everyone beside him took a breath.

There was already a scream.

These two Chinese characters, as an iron fan of Shen Huan, of course, Rayleigh is already familiar with it.

This is Shen Huan's Chinese name!

God! !

Rileyson wept with joy.

He really didn't think he was so lucky.

"Oh my God... woo woo..."

Rayleigh thought that I didn't cry, why...

As a result, he turned his head and looked at it, but Master Heim was crying: "It's ridiculous! More than 300 people in my family are qualified, and none of them won the bid, let alone the signed version... What a world! "

Rayleigh Sen suddenly wanted to laugh.

It turns out that the legend is true.

It turned out that the one who asked more than 300 workers in the family factory to help draw qualifications together was Master Heim!

After he thought about it, the people next to him became restless.

"Little brother, do you sell these sneakers?"

"Hey, buddy, can we have a talk!"

"Little brother, can I take a picture with your sneakers? We can go to the movies together~~"


In the noisy voice, Rayleigh quickly yelled, "Stop!"

After everyone closed his mouth, he said: "I was a **** fan of Shen Huan, but my dad had a car accident yesterday, the driver ran away, and now he is lying in Callance Hospital. So... so I Need money urgently...Which of you can offer the highest price, I will transfer the shoes to him!"

After saying this, Rayleigh closed his eyes in pain.

Obviously it is a gift from God, but now I have no chance to own it for a moment.

If he doesn’t take advantage of this crowd, he doesn’t know what the price will be.

Only if everyone drives up the price can he get more money to pay for his father's medical expenses.


A few people who just tried to ask for prices didn't feel ecstatic.

Originally just a temptation, the results are really promising!

But none of their other people acted fast.


Master Haim caught the hand of Rayleigh directly with a sudden thunder, "Man, $20,000, market price, I didn't lie to you. I will pay you immediately, please beg to transfer it to me!! "

The people around him took another breath.


Really rich and capricious!

399 basketball shoes, you actually out of 20,000! ?

Your price has increased by 50 times!

Is it so exaggerated?

Rayleigh thought that a couple of two or three thousand would be good, but he didn't expect the first offer to be so exaggerated.

The rich don't really take money as money!

Looking at his face with disbelief, Master Haim quickly clapped his hands, "Water, Water, come here!"

As he shouted, a strong man about 2 meters away squeezed into the crowd.

The children of rich people are not fools, of course, it is impossible to run around with tens of thousands of dollars in cash.

They brought bodyguards over.

There may be more fierce weapons in the waist. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After receiving the leather bag from the strong man, Master Heim took out two stacks of US dollars and quickly stuffed it into the hands of Rayleigh: "Come here, how about 20,000 here? How about it? Is it mine!?"

Rayleigh held the US dollar tightly, and watched Master Heim take the shoes carefully from his hands.

"My baby, I finally got you, ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing the bright smile on Master Heim's face, Rileyson's eyes slipped tears again.

At this time, his heart is mixed.

For his family, 20,000 yuan is almost life-saving money.

But perhaps the only time in his life to get Shen Huan won the limited edition sneakers, but also lost.

This deep regret will always be buried in his heart and cannot be dispersed.

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