I Know Everything

Chapter 940: It's time to pit people!

Shen Huankeng made the three blacks of the Liulichang and earned a full 900 million things. He did not intend to tell others.

This has done all three evils that have deceived and defrauded, and has already received retribution.

However, Shen Huan didn't want others to know that he was the one who was a hero.

After all, he couldn’t explain why he could write so many works by everyone.

However, Shen Huan was interested in the antique exchange meeting that Xie Yang said.

Interest is still great.

Because the teenager knows, where is the black-hearted merchant of Keng Huaguo better than the Kengri Benren?

If you can get a great reputation in the antique exchange meeting, then come to a transplant...

Shen Huan immediately began to conceive.

Xie Yang continued to speak there: "It's just that after such a great drama, people have become more and more cautious about acquiring calligraphy and painting recently. Not only depends on how the writing is written, even the most trusted inheritance and order in the past All seals should be read one by one.

For better works, there are dozens of seals just to see the seal. Do you say it is troublesome? Everyone is complaining! That hypocritical person is too unscrupulous! "

Shen Huan's mouth twitched, and he suppressed the anger.

The young boy thought, first, I will do it for the way of the sky, and second, if I don’t tell you the flaws, these fake calligraphy and paintings let the three big blacks sell out, even if they later know that they are fake, can they still be told to spit money come out?

As a result, wouldn't I be helping them get rich?

This is also called lack of virtue?

This is called Jide, OK?

He didn't talk much, but just asked about the business, "Xie Zong, where is this antique exchange meeting, and when?"

"Just in our Beijing, just three days later." Xie Yang replied, "Actually, many Japanese people have come. They are going to take a walk around here and take part in some parties these days.........not only They are Japanese people, and there are also some Tai Chi people. In addition to watching the excitement, they also want to buy something good. After all, Tai Chi people also have money."

"Isn't Qianlong not allowed to leave the country 60 years ago?" Shen Huan said in surprise, "How did they take it out when they bought it?"

"Humans are humane, rats have mouses." Xie Yang lowered his voice a little. "Every country has people who don't want to save money... As long as you give up money, where is there something you can't send? Don't say it's us , Is the United States, Britain, Japan, not the same?"

Shen Huanwen nodded.

Like many treasures of the previous life, it is clearly after 2000, and many good things are inexplicably disappeared. When it reappears, it will be at an overseas auction.

Among them, it is deeper!

Hard to say, hard to say.

"Ms. Lu, are you interested?" Xie Yang continued. "If we are interested, let's go and see!"


Shen Huan nodded.

Xie Yang smiled and said: "Okay, then I will call you in advance, let's go together."

After saying a few more words, Xie Yang left.

When boss Xie wants to please someone, he is still very patient.

He never mentioned what benefits he hoped to get from Shen Huan, but he kept getting close to Shen Huan and helped a little.

After such a small accumulation, Shen Huan will naturally owe him a lot of affection.

Wait until the most critical time, and then use this affection out of use, wouldn't it be able to relieve the urgent need?

Shen Huandeng did not think so much.

His thoughts at this time were entirely on how to pit the Riben people.

The teenager is still very short of money.

With the appetite of the good man getting bigger and bigger, as more and more things need to be stored, and the tasks released by the good man less and less, Shen Huan can only attack on his own and earn more money to get rewards.

After all, donations are rewarded, which is the only way to get rewards except for accepting tasks.

This method is very good, the only drawback is that it is too expensive.

It is proportional to how much money is spent and how many rewards are received.

Shen Huan now has 700 million cash in hand. For Shen Huan, this is not money at all, but a chance of 7 draws.

When it comes to starting a family, the antique dealers in China must be rich, but compared to those antique families in Japan, it is much worse.

In the past, when the economy was in a bubble economy, Japanese people bought oil paintings from Europe and the United States in dozens of paintings.

Although the economy is in recession now, these people have a very deep heritage.

Look at the antique auction market in Europe and America in recent years. From time to time, there are some super famous oil painters' works. The price of hundreds of millions of dollars is constantly moving. It is hard to say that these are not caused by Japanese antique dealers.

Shen Huan wants to pit these people, there are many conditions that need to be met.

The first is that there must be less and better things.

You can't take out seven or eight pieces at once and let the Japanese people see them, then secretly let them buy them.

In this way, in the end, there is no way to justify it, and it is not conducive to Shen Huan's final unraveling.

Therefore, there should be only one piece of calligraphy work, and once it is taken out, it must be calm.

Second, the value of this work must be high.

Anyway, Japanese people are rich, and those with less than 100 million US dollars are insulting rich people.

What's more, the oil paintings in Europe and America can cost two to three hundred million dollars, and the treasures of our country are only worth tens of millions of dollars?

Bringing out a shining treasure is also fighting for the ancient people of our country!

Of course, this is only Shen Huan's estimate.

Unless he takes out Wu Daozi's paintings and Wang Xizhi's words, or the poems written by Li Bai and Du Fu, he would like to sell them for more than 100 million US dollars, which is really difficult.

Because the value of the antique market is numerous, it is impossible to suddenly raise you a lot, that is, it will not be recognized by everyone.

The third is this work, which must withstand any level of inspection, and the work that has to open the door wide, must not have any flaws.

Otherwise, it is completely meaningless to take it out. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

No one else would want to possess it madly.

The more rare a thing is, the more urgent it is that people want to possess it.

The more urgent it is, the easier it is to get out of balance, and the easier it is to get fooled.

The fourth is how to maximize the benefits, how to wait for the antique exchange meeting to sell things quietly, and how to retreat all over the body, which is also a test of Shen Huan's planning.

For things like this, if they are not carefully planned and calculated, and a little bit of their feet will be caught by others.

Involved in tens of millions of dollars in business, the Japanese people found that after being deceived, they must be crazy.

If they were to doubt themselves, it would be absolutely bad!

Widows just want to make some hard money, but don't want to cause trouble!


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