I Know Everything

Chapter 944: Worship Su Xian

Shen Huan, in fact, they have not been pushed out far.

It is a few meters from the showcase.

Therefore, when listening to Zhu Xirui's introduction, Shen Huan also heard a group of Japanese people talking and watching.

Others may not understand it, but Shen Huan happened to have acquired professional Japanese (beginner) skills when he was in the public in Myanmar.

As long as it does not involve the natural science professional knowledge, what is spoken daily, it is all cute.

"Senior Abe, did you say that this Su Xian's calligraphy work is real?" Odawara asked.

"Looking at this handwriting and strokes is indeed very similar to the collection in my house." Abe Yushan watched while saying, "But you also know that the Chinese people are very falsified. Didn't there have been sensational events some time ago? Let's take another look!"

"But just reading this Su Xian's elegant cursive script, I feel refreshed, it is really extraordinary!" The next Kameda Castle II said with a smile.

The Japanese people especially like the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty of China.

After the Song Dynasty was destroyed, the Japanese nation Dai Xiao, crying that the Chinese Orthodox was dead.

This kind of humility is good, but the next operation is scary.

Since then, they have claimed to be Chinese orthodox, meaning that Japanese benzene is our heir.


Leaving aside the dynasty, the Japanese people most like the literati of the Song and Tang dynasties.

The emperor had to sew the "Pipa Xing" brought back by the Tang ambassador into the pillow to sleep peacefully. This is true.

At that time, Su Shi was demoted to Qiongdao, a place where birds did not shit. As a result, all the secretaries of the Japanese government quickly wrote to the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, saying that Mr. Dongpo is a fairy-like figure. How can he suffer this kind of suffering? Why not send him to Japan?

The emperor of the Song Dynasty thought, I depreciated him just to make him suffer. What will be your day when you reach Japan? Let him be the emperor?

So I didn't agree, so Su Shi went to Qiongdao to endure hardship.

From this you can also see how much they like Su Shi. They are generally called Su Xian, and they dare not call them by their names.

Su Dongpo's works collected in Japan are more than those in China.

There are many reasons for the wars in the late Song Dynasty, the late Ming Dynasty, and the late Qing Dynasty. Relatively speaking, Japanese benzene has not suffered much from temples and some government officials, so the preservation is relatively complete.

The most famous nature in calligraphy is Su Shi's "Xing Shu Li Bai Xian Shi", which belongs to the Abe family and was later donated to the Osaka Museum of Art.

Just listening to Abe Yushan's tone, his family has more than one Su Shi's work, and it may be more precious than the "Xing Shu Li Bai Xian Shi".

This group of Japanese benzene collectors said that there was no sound.

It turned out that they were addicted to the artistic conception of watching "Shu Dao Nan".

"It seems that there really is Su Xian Shen Yun!" After a long time, Abe Yushan moved her eyes reluctantly, "Su Xian once wrote the line of "Xing Shu Li Bai Xian Shi", not cursive. , But it’s completely interlinked, and it’s also the same as the Su Xian cursive works in my house. It’s great!”

There are many people who study Su Shi throughout the day, but when it comes to experts and collected works, Abe Yushan recognized the second, and no one could recognize the first.

He said this, a man in his forties holding a magnifying glass in his hand, looked up and said, "I have initially confirmed the logo on the seal, and there is no such kind of godlike pattern of fraud that came out before."

He is also very powerful, just looking at hundreds of seals, big and small.

"Well, you have to be more careful about this matter." Odawara said, "Wait until tonight, no one else is here. Check again a few times... This is completely sloppy."

"it is good!"

Several attendant assistants nodded again and again.

At this time, the fat expert just now squeezed over, "Mr. Odawara, aren’t you sighing this afternoon, is our Chinese collector’s collection better than the next generation? How about this? Your eyes?"

Oda Hara listened and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "If it is true, then of course it can be said to be the first bright spot of this antique exchange meeting. However, in the case of not confirming the authenticity, do not rashly talk about it."

He said this immediately by the translator.


The chubby expert pretended to be surprised: "You have already seen the place of fraud? Where?"

Odawara stunned, "When did I say it was fake?"

The two argued here that a Japanese benzene collector was looking for fault.

"The calligraphy works are all about ordering and inheritance... I see what is said here, the so-called "in the country", who is it? Is he famous?"

Wang Teng emerged from the side and laughed: "You are foreigners, and it is justified that you don't know many of our literati. But you should not know this country! Just 3 months ago, Didn’t you auction a "Xinglong Festival" at your auction? Would you know its full name?"

Kameda Castle 2 couldn't see at this time and said: "Although you are good at Yamamoto, you should be on porcelain, but you should also ask more about Su Xian.

Dingguo is Su Xing's best friend Wang Dingguo. The "Xinglong Festival" was auctioned some time ago. The full name is "The day before the banquet of Xinglong Festival, Weixue, and Ziyou visited Wang Dingguo".

And Su Xian's famous phrase "This heart is my hometown" is also written for Wang Dingguo's maid-"Ding Fengbo·Nanhai Gives to Wang Dingguo's Attendant and Mother".

These are very common sense things. Since you are a literati, not a businessman or a vulgar, you should know more. "


Yamamoto's face was red, and he quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

The group of Chinese people beside was shocked.

Because of the brand name of Kameda Castle Ernian and "This heart is my hometown", UU Reading www.uukanshu.com uses Chinese with correct characters, so you don’t have to wait for the translation to translate, so everyone can understand .

Many of the collectors present did not know these two words.

Unexpectedly, Japanese people can actually study this step, it is really amazing!

Shen Huan was also next to Xie Yang and Dao Zhu Xirui: "It seems that I don't have to wait for others for this copybook, as this group of Japanese benzene collectors can help me identify the authenticity."

The two nodded.


In terms of calligraphy and painting, the Japanese people still have a very good set.

Especially in order not to let Hua Guo's collections win the championship at this antique exchange meeting, they will use the most serious attitude to explore whether "Shu Dao Nan" is the real thing!

In fact, this also coincides with Shen Huan's heart.

After all, this copybook, but in the end it is to be used to pit their Japanese collectors!

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