I Know Everything

Chapter 946: This time, we admit defeat!

Originally this antique exchange meeting was a grand event in the cultural world.

The Japanese embassy of Japan was preparing to come the third day. Hearing Su Shi's "Shu Dao Nan" turned out, he came over early the next morning.

He's all here, and of course some clerks on our side must also be there.

Many celebrities in the cultural world must also come to appreciate it.

Many Japanese businessmen and presidents of big companies doing business in China hurried over when they heard the news.

Many big bosses in Hua Guo saw this, and of course they had to come to join in the excitement.

After one or two visits, the castle club became more and more lively.

Fortunately, this antique exchange meeting is not intended to be visited by ordinary people, only the people in the circle themselves participate, otherwise it must be squeezed.

Zhu Xirui has slept in the Castle Club these days. He did the reception and security work all the way, and he did not dare to relax.

Of course, he doesn’t have to worry too much because the number of policemen has doubled because of the increase in his level.

And after 10 o'clock in the evening, except for a group of antique collectors participating in the exhibition, as well as security personnel, guests are not allowed.

Until 12 o'clock, even antique collectors have to be asked to leave, it seems even more strict security.

In the past two days, taking advantage of the free time in the morning and evening, antique collectors also conducted the most detailed discussion and inspection with a group of experts.

They took out all of Su Shi's works handed down and compared them one after another, and also checked the orderly mode of inheritance inside.

Even the owner of each seal, as well as the status of these seals when they appeared in other places, were compared.

All these inspections and investigations were carried out cross-sectionally by two groups of personnel, and one group found problems, which was not enough.

Shen Huan only had a wry smile at the news.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything on it, otherwise he will definitely be exposed.

This also shows how serious the consequences of pitting the three blacks in the Liulichang are. Everyone is too careful when encountering this kind of national treasure.

If there is a problem with this, and then someone points it out, where should their old face rest? ——A group of experts identified for the three major blacks all left the Liulichang, and no longer mixed there.

However, Shen Huan did not regret that he had pitted the three big blacks of the Liulichang. These unscrupulous merchants who had been kidnapped by these pits did not make them bankrupt and closed down. That is why I am sorry for those who like antiques.

Chivalrous justice has always been something that Shen Huan likes to do.

After two consecutive days of inspection results, a group of Japanese benzene and Chinese experts finally notified Shen Huan, and most of them admitted that the "Su Shishu Li Bai "Shu Dao Nan"" he held was genuine.

Not everyone thinks "Shu Dao Nan" is the real thing.

But most experts and collectors think it is genuine.

This is also normal.

Any collection of calligraphy and painting before the Qing Dynasty cannot be considered as authentic by all people.

There are countless treasures in Qianlong's own collection. He himself said that they might be antiques of the Tang Dynasty, imitation of the Song Dynasty, and imitation of the Song Dynasty.

Even Wang Xizhi's "Quick Snow Time Post", there are many people who are imitations of the Tang Dynasty, not to mention Su Dongpo's work.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a royal academy with hundreds of court calligraphers and painters dedicated to this kind of work imitating ancient calligraphy and painting.

Therefore, as long as it is an authoritative certification, most people think that it is not flawed, and this work can be entered into the antique collection market in an upright manner.

Now several state-level institutions in China have identified this as a genuine product, so in a certain sense, it is a genuine product.

When the news came out, the collectors on the Chinese side cheered.

This not only represents the victory of the Chinese side of this antique exchange meeting, but more importantly, it represents the emergence of another national treasure in China.

The Japanese benzene side also lost their hearts and mouths.

"I'm sorry! This time we lost!" Abe Youshan still stood in front of Shen Huan, and bowed with a group of Japanese benzene collectors: "Congratulations to Mr. Shen, you have won a rare treasure! I hope one day we can compete again!"

The Japanese people are very elegant and have no annoyance.

On the contrary, it is still a bit condescending.

Why is this?

This is because there are many treasures like this in their treasure trove, which were previously taken from China by various means.

It's just that a lot of people are out of sight.

But that's only now. After one or two hundred, two or three hundred years, when everyone forgets what happened in the last hundred years, they can come up with it and say it was passed down from their ancestors.

Don't think it's impossible.

Many of the national treasures of their own countries announced by Japanese Benz are ancient Chinese.

The Southern Song Dynasty Yaotian Tianmu tea bowl, the Western Wei Dynasty "Bodhisattva at the Bodhisattva", Li Di's "Red and White Hibiscus"... and so on, are all our treasures.

These antique collectors also have such treasures in their homes.

Therefore, although they like and appreciate this copybook of "Shu Dao Nan" very much, they are not envious.

On the contrary, it feels that China is so big, there are so few treasures, but only occasionally produces a boutique, which is really sighing and sighing.

Watching them leave their slick packing, Yang Feng snorted coldly.

"Look at them like this, if we hadn't suffered a disaster that hasn't happened for a thousand years, they would be farts!" Yang Feng was still a bit of a **** old man's thought.

"It can't be said that way." Mu Guishu looked a little more eloquent. "Even if we have encountered such a big disaster, they are still a small country that can never stand up in front of us."

Muguishu's family is a family of scholars who have continued for many generations. Of course, they look down on this small country with the same outbreak.

Mu Ruru is also a little bit uneasy, "Yes, Shen Huan, next time we go to Myanmar, directly defeat these Japanese people in Myanmar!"

Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little girl started to repeat the old saying again.

She really misses her and Shen Huan's gains in Myanmar.

Shen Huan smiled and said, "Yes, when it comes to this, they can never compare to Emerald Princess!"

Several people beside him laughed.

Others don’t know, but Mururu himself knows that half of the credit goes to Shen Huan, which is not good for bragging.

But she admired Shen Huan very much.

In the face of such condescending confession by Japanese benzene collectors, they can still have a natural attitude and are not angry at all. This cultivation is also good enough.

But the little girl didn't know that Shen Huan had already planned.

Now that he has decided to go to Japan's fierce pits, how can he show his feet here?

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