I Know Everything

Chapter 948: The joy of youth

Of course, "Meteor Girl" is also very lucky,

They have a best teacher-Lu Xiaofeng.

Shen Hua not only included the three songs since their debut, but also tailored them to the "Meteor Girl Restaurant".

"Meteor Girl" can be so prosperous in the past two years, Shen Huan is definitely the first hero.

The strong promotion and operation of Shanhai.com should rank third.

Ranked second?

Naturally their nine girls' own efforts!

They also gave themselves the nickname "Desperately Nine Heroes".

At 10 o'clock in the evening, after busy recording the New Year's Eve concert, nine people were paralyzed when they returned to the hotel.

One by one in various strange shapes, lying on the sofa, chair.

If their fans saw it, the first reaction was that they couldn’t believe it, the little fairies were still so lazy.

The second reaction must be to pick up the phone and pat, because even if it is like this, they are all beautiful and bubbling.

Do not wonder why they are crowded in a hotel room.

It's not that Shanhaiwang was so stingy that it only gave them a suite or something.

It is their own hope that if they go out, they can live together, have a look after each other, and increase their feelings.

Of all the combinations in the world, whether male or female, one out of a hundred can exist forever until they withdraw from the music scene, which is good.

Usually, due to various situations and various developments, they will be split up when combined to a certain extent, and they will develop independently.

This is inevitable.

However, in this period of time, in this stage of the rising career, "Meteor Girl" is still very united and loving.

After hard work and training, they are too lazy to have other thoughts, as long as a few of them can hold a good group to keep warm.

Anyway, they signed a contract with the company for 10 years. During these 10 years, they could not fight against such a powerful Shanhai Net.

And now girls are very smart.

Although many brokerage companies and entertainment companies have been in contact with them, the conditions given are not bad, but these conditions are not as good as Shanhai.com except for the financial advantage.

Let’s not say anything else, can you guarantee that Xiaofeng writes a song to me a year?


Then what do you say! ?

Then again, you help me pay a high amount of liquidated damages, and then sign me at a high price, don’t you want to pay back?

If I want to return to the capital, then I have to work harder, or even force me to do something... can I do it?

When I'm successful, I have the capital to fly solo. Then I can sign a contract with me. What's wrong?

Moreover, the conditions given by Shanhainet are not bad now. If I just ran like this, how would people outside see me?

People have spent a lot of time and effort to cultivate people, but as a result of a little fame they jumped to make money, this person collapsed, okay?

Once the staff collapses and is suppressed again by Shanhai.com, can these companies like you win me?

Will netizens and fans forgive me?

The most important thing is, Xiaofeng will forgive me?

Obviously impossible thing!

Since there are not many benefits and so many disadvantages, why is it that for a momentary impulse, it is possible to rashly change oneself to have a better future?

Therefore, these girls resolutely refused to lure x and chose to stay behind.

Shanhaiwang knows more or less of these situations and is very pleased with their performance, so the daily treatment given to them is quite good.

For example, if they go out and want to live together, Shanhai.net will give them the best oversized suites in a high-end hotel, with four or five bedrooms and two or three living rooms.

So they want to sleep together and sleep together, they want to sleep alone in the living room and sleep in the living room.

Now they are in the living room of such an oversized suite.

"Get up, Xiyu, let's go take a shower." Li Yating with her eyes closed, patting Kong Xiyu lying next to her, is very upturned. "Then wipe some Yingyue cream and go to sleep, it's past ten o'clock..."

"Oh, okay...but I'm out of it, okay to use yours?" Kong Xiyu leaned on her, and said coquettishly.

"Let me don't install garlic. You're running out before your face is big? Don't you even wipe your ass?" Li Yating squeezed her again. "Well, it feels a lot better than before. It seems that I will have to test it myself later."


Kong Xiyu hurriedly escaped her clutch: "I'm really running out of it, so there is just a little left... When I was at home the other day, I only dared to wipe around the bags under my eyes."

The family here is talking about their dormitory. In the dormitory, they are small apartments with one room and one hall for each person. They live separately.

After all, if you are outside at home and you are together every day, couples will get tired, let alone girls.

"Wow, you're pretty good. I've run out of it, and I don't have any left." Liang Yu on the other side wailed in her sweet voice: "I blame me, I was so excited when I got it, I use it every day, but it ran out two weeks ago...I am embarrassed to say that I think I am too wasteful."

"Hee hee." Little Chili Meng Yun smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I ran out in the first month... Who told me to like spicy food, and often have acne on her face? The Yingyue ointment is very useful, wipe it, it will be gone the next day..."

"Fuck! Then you are really wasteful!" Zhu Ludan gestured her thumbs.

Chen Wu leaning on the table suddenly became complacent: "Okay, okay, I admit, I still have half a bottle. Think about what you would use to bribe me, and I will bestow you with me."

"Wow, dare to hide?" Meng Yun flew up immediately, "Hand over... Look at my face, two pimples, so pitiful!"


Chen Wu, who was tickled, was struggling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while being misled, "Xiaojie is a little more than me, you go find her..."

Zhou Songjie was shocked and stood up quickly, staring at them cautiously, saying timidly: "Don't mess up, or I will call Xiaofeng to cry!"

"Come on, why should you call?" Hu Ying stared at her, "You simply recommend yourself to a pillow! Anyway, I think you want to do this!"

"You... aren't you?" Zhou Songjie grieved, "You said dreams that night...ah~~"

Hu Ying also rushed up immediately and covered her mouth.

All of a sudden, several girls were in a mess.

The room was full of youthful joy.


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