I Know Everything

Chapter 953: Emergency task

Coming out of Kameda Castle II's house, Shen Huan did not delay time, and after taking a taxi to the station, he boarded the Shinkansen to Tokyo.

Three hours later, he came to a house called "Odawara" in Minato City.


This is Akira Odawara's home.

There are either rich or powerful people around, and every family has a very big home.

At Akira Odawara's house, Shen Huan took a picture of a gourd and gave him another picture of "The Road to Shu".

The asking price was still 100 million U.S. dollars, and he was still given a day to collect money.

Akira Odawara was also surprised at Shen Huan's refreshment, and he was a little doubtful whether this was a fake with high craftsmanship.

In the end, Shen Huan still used the same trick that Kameda Shiroji used to make him look at the circle of detonators tied to him.

Suddenly, Akira Odawara was even worse than Shiroji Kameda, and he almost came out of fear.

There was a little bit of caution in my mind, and it was immediately dispelled.

Just like what Shen Huan said to him.

Jade and stone can’t touch each other, otherwise the jade will be the one who suffers.

How could his family have a big business and ruined his life for such a treasure?

So he immediately became honest.

The Japanese people are usually like this. They are very cruel at first, but after knowing that the other party is someone they can't afford, they immediately become very obedient and the best business partners.

Is Shen Huan afraid that the news will be revealed?

Not afraid at all.

People in the antique collectors circle, even people from the same country, will not let their compatriots encounter something they like.

The Japanese people are still relatively united, but if they are really obsessed with buying treasures, they are still reluctant to perfect others.

For example, "The Road of Shu", Yang Feng and Mu Guishu knew that if they missed it, they would not be able to buy it for the rest of their lives. Don't the Japanese people know?

You give it to others, and you are arrogant, but this means that it is impossible for you to get "The Road to Shu" in your life.

If you want to see it, it all depends on the mood of the person, whether you want to see it.

Does this feel good?

of course not!

So once they have a chance, they will buy it themselves as soon as possible, and will not give others a chance.

To be on the safe side, not only would Kameda Shiroji not tell Akira Odawara, he would not even go to the appraisal experts he knew with Akira Odawara.

In case they had a lot of mouths, I told Akira Odawara, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Therefore, he must be looking for a very reliable expert with more than ten years of cooperation experience and a very strict slogan.

What if the talkative experts went around boasting about where and where they saw some billions, tens of billions of yen worth of treasures, those wicked robbers, what if they came here?

Even if it is not the robbers or the thieves, it is not annoying to come one after another?

People in their family can't help but toss like this.

In the same way, Akira Odawara would certainly think so.

He is an idiot to discuss with Kameda Castle.

If you want to show off, you have to do everything yourself.

Even the appraisal experts invited are different.

One of the two is in Kansai Nara's circle, and the other is in Kanto Tokyo's circle. Basically, it is unlikely that the experts overlap.

In Japan, Kanto and Kansai can even get their heads out of their minds on weekdays, and want them to unite in internal struggles, just like daydreaming.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Shen Huan failed, the two of them exchanged information, knowing that they were holding the same piece of "The Road to Shu", knowing it was a fake, and would not give Shen Huan money. It's nothing.

What Shen Huan lost was the paper, pen and ink he bought in Riben these past two days, as well as two Shen Yun charms.


These two copybooks were written by Shen Huan after he arrived in Japan and bought utensils.

It is not only troublesome but also prone to accidents.

Anyway, the most important thing is Shen Huan's calligraphy and calligraphy ability, as well as Shen Yun charms, so you can complete the work in Japan without so much trouble.

Of course, Shen Huan will not suffer in vain.

He naturally has a way to clean up these two people.


Facts proved that the probability that Shen Huan considered was correct.

In the afternoon of the next day, he received a 100 million US dollars.

Waiting until dinner time, the second 100 million US dollars were credited to the account.

After some operations, Shen Huan transferred the money twice, before breaking it up and setting it to be credited to his account in China within one month.

In this way, Shen Huan's benzene thing in Japan this time has been completed.

He was in a good mood, talking to the beautiful girl next to him while eating, and the witty words were like beads, making the girl laugh, and the body was already nestling on him.

This sister paper is the one who Shen Huan helped take the picture in the Tianshou Pavilion yesterday.

Since this afternoon, the two have been strolling in Osaka City, and the girls are willing to let Shen Huan take her hand everywhere.

If Shen Huan is willing, she can definitely take her back to the apartment tonight.

However, after the meal, Shen Huan escorted her back to the hotel very politely, leaving her free and easy in the eyes of the girl.

He had to go back to the rented apartment to clean up, destroy some things, and then withdraw the rent normally.

AIRBNB can do all the formalities without seeing the landlord. This is also a good way for Shen Huan to hide his traces here.

Then Shen Huan would take the car to the airport and get into the plane.

If everything goes well, you can return to Huajing tonight.

However, as soon as Shen Huan turned around, a familiar voice rang again.

"Ding Dong!"

"The host finally came to Japan Benzene, how can he return empty-handed?"

"In the home of Yuzen Abe, the first collector in the Kansai region of Japan, there are many treasures stolen, bought, and robbed from China. The host should go and take some of them home to contribute to the return of China's national treasures!"

"The system will judge by the host's credit. The better the national treasure UU read www.uukanshu.com gets, the easier it is to get precious rewards!"

Hearing this, Shen Huan immediately stopped.

Good master, you are really bad enough!

Actually let the widow go to someone else's house to steal something

But this stealing, I really like it.

Because many of their treasures are obtained from us using improper means.

Today, I walked the path for the sky and brought these things back to China. That is a matter of accumulating good fortune and virtue!

Maybe these blessings will be returned to my children and grandchildren in the future?

Not bad!

Thinking of this, Shen Huan returned to the rented apartment cleanly.

He destroyed some things first, and after some disguise, he walked into the night with Shiran.

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