I Know Everything

Chapter 955: Jin Xi! !

There are also large safes in the treasure room. This is to tell outsiders who have the opportunity to come down, the best treasures are in these two safes.

The safe is an old turntable type, not the latest one that requires a password or face recognition.

For old people like Abe Yuzen, he doesn't believe in these technologies at all, but likes to use the most traditional and most testable things.


Shen Huan patted the door.

The dull sound tells the teenager that the steel plates are at least 30 cm thick.

It takes a long time to get through such a safe, even if it is burned with a flame gun.

But the baby inside cannot withstand such a high temperature. When you open a hole, the calligraphy and painting will already be ashes.

Therefore, it can only be destroyed by physical means.

This is also difficult for ordinary people.

It takes too long and is easily noticed by people outside.

But Shen Huan was different. He wanted to open the safe very simply, as long as he destroyed the turntable structure.

The boy pressed the safety dial with both hands, and with a fierce force, there was a loud noise inside, and the whole was destroyed.

After pulling the hand twice, the doors of the four safes opened, revealing the true contents.

As expected by Shen Huan, there were some more precious things inside.

For example, in the cabinet on the left, there are dozens of boxes of diamonds of different sizes. The small ones are only a few carats and the large ones are more than 100 carats.

The colors are also colorful and look beautiful.

Shen Huan thought for a while, then let go.

What is Grand Theft Auto?

Rogue is just taking what should be taken, not doing unrighteous things.

Diamonds are nothing. In the other dozen boxes, you can see sapphires the size of a child's fist, agate the size of an egg, amber the size of a duck egg, a series of pure black pearls and so on.

In the cabinet on the left, in addition to gems and jade, there are more than 30 large and small porcelains.

Shen Huan couldn't understand porcelain, but with such beautiful colors and such naturally changing light and dark combinations, he knew that it was precious.

Uh, nonsense

Can it be placed inside if it is not precious?

On the shelves outside, many of them are fine products of the "Kangxi Years of the Qing Dynasty" and the "Qianlong Years", and they are worth tens of millions of yuan.

To be able to enter this, Shen Huan estimated that at least it would be hundreds of millions, and even more historical significance.

Of course, this kind of porcelain cannot be fired by the Japanese people, it can only be our national treasure.

Probably it is the five great kilns of the Song Dynasty, the fine works of Jun and Ru kilns, and even the famous blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty.

It is a pity that the porcelain is too fragile and easy to break. In the case of this kind of backpack, there is no way to take it away.

There are three or even four colors in jade and jade, but Shen Huan is the one who lacks jade, so naturally it is impossible to go home with his back.

Reluctantly passing these, Shen Huan looked at the safe on the right.

But immediately Shen Huan turned his head again.

Because he glanced at the bottom of the safe on the left, there was a box about the size of a melon.

Subconsciously, Shen Huan squatted down and picked it up.


It's a bit heavy.

It weighs about seven or eight catties.

Shen Huan opened it and looked at it, but it was a gold seal, with a button made of Panlong at the top, which was easy to hold, and the bottom was square.

This golden seal is shining and looks very beautiful.

This also shows that the purity of the gold seal is very high, not the kind of casual refining.

Turning around, I saw the eight characters "Long live the Golden Seal of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" written in regular script.


Shen Huan felt surprised.

Shen Huan happened to see this history.

Hong Xiuquan, the heavenly king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, did not have high cultural literacy, and he did not like ancient culture much. He worshiped God.

Therefore, his seals are all carved in the most easy-to-understand scripts, and they will not use such complicated small seals and large seals, which would be distracted by his subordinates and ordinary people.

There are three official jade seals in total in Hong Xiuquan, namely the golden seal, the jade seal and the wooden seal.

Among them, the jade seal and wood seal have been preserved, but the most precious golden seal has disappeared.

According to the "Tongzhi Chapter" of the "Selected Archives of the Qing Dynasty", there is an official document dated December 25, 4th year of Tongzhi, stating that the "Hong Ni Pseudo Golden Seal" from the Military Aircraft Office was stolen on this day.

Immediately after searching for a long time, it was not found.

In the end, news came from a jewelry shop. A buddy said that a member of the military plane surnamed Sa once took a gold seal to Tmall and asked for refining, saying that his family came from outside.

And the golden seal did have the words "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" on it, but he didn't care.

As a result, 10 gold bars were melted and handed over to a member of the surname Sa.

After grabbing him for a while to torture, he finally realized that he had indeed stolen the Long Live Golden Seal of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Although the member of the surname Sa was cut off in the end, the long live golden seal of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was never recovered.

At that time, Shen Huan was still regretting that this idiot did not know that what he got was a hundred times more expensive than 10 gold bars!

But now it seems that things are not the same thing!

If the golden seal in Shen Huan's hand is fake, things are fine.

But what if it is true?

What if it was Hong Xiuquan's Jinxi?

So how should things be explained?

Maybe it was the member of the surname Sa who lied, but he actually sold 10 gold bars.

Otherwise, the jewelry shop knew that this thing was a treasure, and hid it quietly, and used the other 10 gold bars to fool it.

Then after the sound of the wind passed, the golden seal flowed out of their hands, resold it everywhere, and finally fell into the hands of the Abe family.

According to normal considerations, the second type may be larger!

And there is a great possibility that the golden seal is real!

With the collection level of the Abe family, as well as their vision and abilities, it is unlikely that the fake Long Live Golden Seal of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom would be placed in the safe in the treasure room.

Only they confirmed that this is true, UU reading www. uukahnshu. Com Golden Seal will enjoy this treatment.

Shen Huan thought about it, and put the gold seal into his backpack.

It is better to bring such things back to China.

Unexpectedly, in the home of a Japanese benzene collector, such a valuable national treasure can be found. From this it can be seen that in other corners of the world, I don't know how many Chinese treasures are scattered.

For a while, Shen Huan felt that if he gave him more skills, he could become a professional antique thief!

Go to the Louvre!

Go to the Metropolitan Museum!

The British Museum is even better!

I am looking for antiques for the country, I am proud!

Good master, don't you think?

乛? 乛

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