I Know Everything

Chapter 972: Get together

After rehearsing and discussing other matters, Shen Huan left.

With Tang Yuan, Su Mo and Fei Qingyang.

Today’s rehearsal was arranged by people from Watermelon.com.

At this time, Wang Zhen was checking the venue arrangements and preparations for the second season of "A Longing for Life" in Qianzhou, and he would not be able to arrive in Huajing until after New Year's Day.

She was not the master planner this time, she would only take on the task of presiding, which was easier.

The three big brothers called Shen Huan and they were drinking tea and chatting together.

Although they are good friends with each other, they don't spend much time together on weekdays because they are very busy.

Now I just take advantage of this opportunity to relax and drink tea and chat, but it is also a busy time.

The star is very busy.

This kind of busyness is different from the busyness of uncle farmers. It is a busyness with great psychological pressure.

Farmer uncles are labor, they are labor.

From the perspective of life, it must be the farmer's uncle who has worked harder and has a harder life.

But celebrities also belong to a high-risk industry. Apart from various diseases, none of them has no psychological problems.

It's just the degree of severity.

The uncle farmer worked hard, but because he thought less and worried less, he just had to eat and feed his baby, so there was nothing wrong with his psychology.

If you don’t believe me, take a look, among those who hang themselves and go crazy, do celebrities account for more?

I found a teahouse at random, and when I entered, the waitresses inside went crazy.

Among the few super handsome guys in China, Shen Huan and Su Mo are definitely ranked first and second.

Then came Jin Weijie, Fei Qingyang, Chi Bin and others.

Now three came in one breath.

Just looking at them, a group of girls became a little dizzy, too excited to speak.

Sitting in the box, Tang Yuan felt very depressed, "I shouldn't have come out with you! Then I will become a complete supporting role!"

"Don't say that, am I still the same?" Fei Qingyang shrugged, "Both of them are more popular than me."


Su Mo shook his hand quickly, "Nowadays girls like little milk dogs."

Shen Huan was shocked at once, "Brother Mo, is it true that you insulted me in person like this?"

"Don't be angry." Tang Yuan also opened up. "When Mo Er debuted, others said the same thing about him."


Fei Qingyang was also from the same age as Su Mo, and said with a smile: "In order not to let people say that, your brother Mo did some extraordinary things back then and was scolded by many old scholars!"


Su Mo waved his hand, "Well, the kid is here, so don't talk nonsense...Drink tea and tea!"

Shen Huan smiled unconsciously.

He wanted to know how the handsome and unparalleled Su Mo was hated by men.

Especially the older and more stubborn guys, they must be extremely unpleasant to him.

Fortunately, after starring in the movie "Love Letters", I began to work hard in mathematics and became an international mathematician. Otherwise, the name Lu Xiaofeng alone would not end well.

So far, there are basically no people who are righteous to talk about Shen Huan's youth and handsome appearance.

Because the two big bosses No. 1 and No. 2 have met Shen Huan and praised him as the pride of China and a role model for young people.

If you suddenly rushed up to say what happened to Shen Huan, wouldn't it be going to shake the sky?

After thinking about it, Fei Qingyang talked about this charity concert.

"Have you heard? About our concert ticket sales in recent days?" Fei Qingyang said gossip.

The actor's personality is very active. If he is a familiar person, then he will definitely not be reserved, but will appear a little chatty.

Tang Yuan nodded, "I don't know how much it will sell, but at this price, if we put a normal concert, even if it's me and Mo'er, we can't do it."

"Haha, why did we all get together?" Fei Qingyang laughed, "This kind of hodgepodge, there are always many people like it! Listening to every star sings, the average cost is less than 30 yuan! "

"You say that, it makes a lot of sense." Su Mo smiled, "Such a cheap sale, I am a little moved."

"It's enough to see the two most beautiful faces in the world!" Tang Yuan was a bit envious and hated again.

But there is no way, who told his parents to give him such a fat?

Between several people talking and laughing, time passed quickly.

The watermelon.com charity superstar concert they talked about actually caused a lot of waves.

Watermelon.com played a lot this time.

They decided that Shen Huan, the three big kings, the two big queens, the three little kings, and the five big queens could all participate. In addition, Chen Hao, Fei Qingyang and other film superstars would also participate, and the ticket price was adjusted.

Originally, the ticket price of 1000-10000 was prepared.

However, in the history of the music industry, apart from some disaster relief evenings, there has never been a charity concert held by a company alone that can have such a scale.

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's efforts can't be ignored.

Therefore, the watermelon website was bold, and the chairman Jiang Zhenkun personally decided the ticket price of 2000-20000.

This is a price that all singers have never had before.

Even the king and queen have never had it.

At first, the outside world was very skeptical, thinking that the watermelon.com was too presumptuous. Your charity concert will have such a meaning. You can donate tens of millions.

Why do you have to make such a big noise and treat the fans with such a high price?

But then, just a few days ago, when the pre-sales started, one-third of the tickets were released on the ticketing website at one time. The watermelon.com, which was testing the wind, got a big surprise.

In less than 20 minutes, all the tickets were sold out.

Including more than 1,000 VIP tickets up to 20,000.

After watching the fans chat in their respective groups and the meager camp, everyone came to understand.

"Go ahead! For my sister Xiaofeng's first time singing, I bought this one for 5,000 yuan!"

"I am for Su Mo! I love Su Mo so much! Since ten years ago, I have not missed his concert every time!"

"Hehe hee, Jin Weijie's die-hard movie fan is here! The handsome guy with electric eyes doesn't need to sing, he looks at me, and I can go ahead! For this I bought a 20,000 ticket, I hope he can pass by me while singing ~~"

"I love Han Donger so much. I didn't expect her to come to participate in this charity performance between concerts. It's so touching! You must support!"

"Same as above! And I watched Han Donger's Huajing concert, which was great! Especially when Xiaofeng Sister and her duet sang "Select" together! I heard that at other concerts, because Xiaofeng didn't go, so "Select" There is no more, UU reading www.uukanshu.com haha! Looking forward to this time they will sing in duet again!!"

"I envy those who are rich and who like songs upstairs. I don't like listening to songs, but my wife likes them. This time, in order to see her two favorites-Su Mo and Shen Huan, I was hollowed out. I have a pocketbook, and two months of salary are gone!"

"Brothers and sisters! Anyway, a concert of this scale is definitely one of the few, and maybe there will be none in the future! Those who are able must go to see it!"

"Yes! I think so too, so I have to go!"



Or is the power of celebrities extremely powerful, and with so many superstars on stage, how can young people not like it?

Even if they only sing one or two songs each, it is the greatest happiness for fans and movie fans who like them!

Therefore, just today, one-third of the second batch of votes, once released, were all robbed in 10 minutes, which is not surprising.

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