Lin Yi didn't think about it, whether he used the power of the wild to pull up the window faster, or the vase girl nibbled his head in one go.

There was no weapon in hand in the room, so Lin Yi retreated again and again, backed to the door, slammed his back against the door, the door handle was at his waist with thin clothes, A long hole was scraped.

Lin Yi couldn't help but let out a 'tsk', it hurt.

But he didn't check how many centimeters the wound on his lower back was, mainly because he didn't have time.

In the field of vision, the swollen hands appeared above the window, the vase girl stuck to the window like a spider, withered grass-like hair shook gently with her drooping head, maintaining in an oddly twisted pose.

Lin Yi knew that the vase girl was watching her. She had been frustrated by Lin Yi for several nights in a row. Now she found that she was able to come in, but she was still cautious, as if she was worried about what tricks Lin Yi played again. .

Her blood-red eyes stared at Lin Yi in the room for a long time, and moved her body little by little to drill into Room 304.

Slowly, the vase girl's head has been tentatively protruding into the room, but most of her body is still hanging upside down from the window. Her neck is very long, and the shape of her neck is the mouth of the labyrinth of the vase, which looks like a turtle head without a shell.

Lin Yi took a breath.

Although scratching the skin is not a small injury, the pain caused by the skin is sometimes difficult to ignore.

This pain made Lin Yi's mind instantly clear, and she couldn't let the vase girl come in anymore. If the vase girl found out that he had no way to stop her, she would no longer be careful.

"Miss Wang, I know where Wang Qingqiang is!"

In the light and flint, Lin Yi said the name.

He paid attention to the reaction of the vase girl. After the name landed, the vase girl's movements stagnated for a moment.

The excited 'gugu' sound stopped, and the vase girl stared at Lin Yi.

"Miss Wang, I sympathize with your experience." Lin Yi said, "Actually, I'm not the staff of Rare Cottage, I'm undercover to rescue you."

After hearing the 'Rare Cabin', the vase girl opened her mouth, a 'hissing' sound came out of her throat, and her blood-red eyes stared at him angrily.

Lin Yi took out the birth certificate and purchase slip from his pocket, and held it up to the vase girl, "Miss Wang, I didn't lie to you, this is the clue I found by sneaking into his room, If I were the staff of Rare Cottage, I would just use you to attract guests to earn dirty money, I don't need to do such a thing. Wang Qingqiang is very cruel to you. If you know that I stole his things, my It must be worse than you."

The vase girl has been living in vase since she was a child. The most she has seen is all kinds of guests. She does not know words, let alone what is in Lin Yi's hands.

She saw Lin Yi's serious expression, she had never seen anyone showing such an expression. Most of the guests will show expressions of surprise or fear or novelty after seeing themselves.

"Miss Wang, my name is Lin Yi."

Lin Yi walked forward towards the vase girl, his heart was beating in his chest, and a cold sweat broke out on his back, but he tried to keep his face calm, and then he was not close to the vase girl. Stopped a meter away.

At close range, the pungent odor penetrated into his nostrils, and it smelled like a mixture of verdigris and phosphorus.

Lin Yi leaned out again and pointed to the window downstairs: "That's Wang Qingqiang's room."

The position of his finger is actually Room 204 on the second floor. The duty room and their dormitory are not facing the same direction, and there is no window that opens towards the wall.

But when Lin Yi just looked down, he saw that the window of Room 204 was welded with steel bars, so he just used this to convince the vase girl to believe his words.

"It should be difficult for you to get in." Lin Yi looked up at the vase girl, his heart was beating wildly, but his face was very steady.

He could even think about it, Qin Zhou was right in giving him a dishonest evaluation.

He didn't know until he tried it, so he could say that with his mouth.

"Give me five days, and I will definitely bring Wang Qingqiang to you." Lin Yi said, and found that the vase girl had drilled into the room again.

He quickly changed his words: "Three days, three days at most. If I don't bring him after three days, and you want to kill me, I promise not to resist."

The vase girl stopped and looked at Lin Yi for a long time.

Lin Yi still had a very serious expression, and he also stared at the girl in the vase. Time passed by minute by minute, and after I don't know how long, the girl in the vase 'hiss' twice in her throat, and finally backed out from the window.


The sound of 'click' sounded on the wall, and the sound slowly got farther and farther from room 304.

Lin Yi sat on the bed with a buttocks, and threw the purchase slip and birth certificate on the bed. The signer on the purchase slip was Wang Qingqiang.

Then he exhaled.

Well, scared to death.

He bet is right, Wang Qingqiang is the name of the old dormitory manager, and also the father of the vase girl.

Lin Yi's eyes were so dry, he closed his eyes and let them rest for a while.

There is no need to play with the vase girl, this night gave him enough time to think.

, so my father opened a rare hut, and also invited helpers to provide food and shelter.

The only thing that remains unclear is the second floor of the apartment. What is on the second floor, so that the two sides of the corridor are locked, even the windows are sealed.

Even if the old host was afraid that the vase girl would come to him, but he didn't live in room 204, why did he seal the window of room 204?

Lin Yi sat up again and walked to the window. Knowing that Vase Girl would not look for him again within three days, and that the two death rules that currently existed were, 'Can't stop Vase Girl from crawling in' and 'Leaving the room at night', he boldly leaned out and inhaled recklessly. nose.

In addition to the mixed smell of patina and phosphorus left by the vase girl, Lin Yi did not smell the rancid odor of the corpse.

But Qin Zhou saw with his own eyes the old dormitory manager throwing Wang Duo's body into the second floor. Qu Jialiang's body was probably also on the second floor. The blood stains meandered from the toilet on the third floor to the second floor.

Even when they left the toilet tonight with their front feet, they heard the sound of the old dormitory dragging Li Ying's body on their back feet.

Although the rule world is absurd and terrifying, the rule world has a normal order.

The number of the dormitory is arranged in order. When it is dark, it is the night when npc can kill. This is the normal state of the real world.

So even though the windows of Room 204 are sealed with steel bars, they are not airtight. These corpses on the second floor cannot possibly have no smell.

There are generally four ways to keep the corpse from decaying.

First, freezing. The second is chemical treatment, such as soaking with formalin or mercury. The third is plasticization, which is similar to the making of mummies. 1

These three methods were quickly ruled out by Lin Yi. It is difficult for ordinary refrigerators to fit so many corpses. Formalin and mercury also have a special smell, but Lin Yi did not smell them. , not to mention the mummy, the old man made it alone, and when he made it, the corpse would also stink.

So there is a fourth way -

was eaten.

Lin Yi didn't know if these corpses had been eaten by 7-7 monsters, but he tended to eat the corpses for something else.

After all, the 7-7 monsters are hidden among them and have no time to enjoy their own 'good meal'. Furthermore, he tried to substitute monsters, and he would choose to slowly enjoy the full banquet of Man Han after everyone died in the ruled world.

But these are all guesses by Lin Yi. Whether the corpse was eaten by the 7-7 monster or something else, he still needs to ask Qin Zhou.

Lin Yi tried to knock on the wall of Room 305, and whispered, "Senior."

There was no response from there. Thinking about coming to Room 304 is a separate space, Qin Zhou in Room 305 couldn't hear him shouting.

Lin Yi can only wait for the dawn.

Waiting is always the most difficult, every minute and every second seems to be stretched. Lin Yi felt that he had experienced a century overnight, and finally waited until dawn. This time, before Qin Zhou came to Room 304 to confirm his life and death, he stood outside Room 305.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, Qin Zhou opened the door of Room 305.

"Senior, I'm still alive." Lin Yiyu quickly reported that he was safe, and then told Qin Zhou his problems.

Qin Zhou looked at him and said, "Monsters don't eat corpses."

This answer surprised Lin Yi. Qin Zhou said, "The night you stayed at the hotel outside the school, someone died in front of you the next day."

Lin Yi nodded, he still remembered.

Qin Zhou tapped Lin Yi's shoulder with his hand: "You who are involved in the world of rules are actually still in the real world, if you talk about fantasy, you can see that your consciousness is involved. After you die here, your state of death will be reflected on your body. That's what you saw that day as the dead person, the monster eats the human consciousness."

Lin Yi was thoughtful.

Qin Zhou added: "The time here is not equal to the real world, depending on the strength of the monster, the stronger the monster, the shorter the corresponding real world time, understandable, little genius. "

Lin Yi nodded, which is very understandable.

If the 7-7 rule world corresponds to an hour in the real world a day, then the 7-7 rule world completes a round, the real world only spends a few hours, and the 7-7 monster can start picking it again new prey to draw them into the world of the 7-7 rule.

This way it will eat more people.

"Now it's my turn to ask you." Qin Zhou asked, "What happened last night?"

Lin Yi told Qin Zhou what happened last night, "Senior, I think there are things that eat corpses on the second floor. I want to go and see."

Qin Zhou: "What can you do?"

They couldn't get in on the second floor, so Lin Yi must have thought of a way.

Lin Yi said: "Senior, you pull me, I will go out the window."

Qin Zhou frowned and said, "Have you forgotten something?"

Lin Yi: "What?"

Qin Zhou prompts: "If there are no dead people..."

If no one dies at night, a new death rule will appear. The reason why they dare to smash the door on the second floor and go to the duty room to check for clues is all based on the death of Qu Jialiang the night before. The rules are fixed on 'Failed to stop the Vase Girl from coming in' and 'Leave the room at night'.

If there is no death rule of 'leave the room at night', the existing death rule should be 'failed to stop the vase girl from entering' and 'be seen by the vase girl', so, Lin Yi the night before already dead.

I'm not sure if Xu Xiazhi is still alive, and if there is a new death rule, Lin Yi's action of turning out the window is very dangerous.

Qin Zhou said, "Go to 308 to see."

The room with the windows open is not only room 304, but also room 308 where Xu Xiazhi is located.

The two went to 308. Lin Yi was scared again at this time, and the responsibility of knocking on the door fell on Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou knocked on the door.

After knocking for a long time, there was no movement in Room 308.

Although Lin Yi does not want a new death rule to appear, in contrast, he still hopes that Xu Xiazhi can live.

The same is true of Qin Zhou. Although he seems to be immune to the death of his teammates, his voice is indescribably irritable: "Xu Xiazhi! Squeak if you are alive!"

Lin Yi also reached out and knocked on the door. He experienced the feeling of Qin Zhou knocking on the door of Room 304 every time, and he shouted eagerly, "Senior Xu, are you okay?"

"Get out of the way." Qin Zhou pulled Lin Yi away, and he was about to kick the door.

Lin Yi dodged to the side, and just stopped behind Qin Zhou.

The door of room 308 was pulled open a crack, Xu Xiazhi looked at them wearily.

Qin Zhou looked into the crack of the door, then kicked the door, and without a word, punched Xu Xiazhi in the face.

When the door of Room 308 was fully opened, Lin Yi's expression slowly solidified.

His wardrobe is in room 308!

Li Ying's death made Lin Yi forget to close the door. Later, they followed Zhou Lingling to the toilet on the first floor. Xu Xiazhi probably took advantage of this time to move the wardrobe in Room 304.

It is also thanks to Lin Yi's wardrobe. The vase girl remembered that the wardrobe came from room 304, and also remembered the agreement with Lin Yi, so she stopped last night and did not squeeze into room 308.

Xu Xiazhi did not dare to fight back and let Qin Zhou punch him in the face.

He didn't explain, he knew that someone like Qin Zhou could see through his mind at a glance.

He doesn't want to die, but he doesn't want new death rules to be added.

Lin Yi said that the new death rule is likely to be 'can't be seen by npc', that's too difficult, and he has to stop npc from coming in, but he can't be seen, he has been stared by the death rule On, the survival rate is very low.

Only when Lin Yi is dead, can the death rules be fixed on the two death rules of 'stop' and 'leave the room', and will not be derived from 'being seen by npc' or other death rules .

Lin Yi of course also guessed Xu Xiazhi's thoughts, he didn't say anything, but walked into room 308 and moved his wardrobe out.

Xu Xiazhi didn't know that it was Lin Yi's wardrobe that survived last night, so he didn't stop Lin Yi from moving it. Of course, he couldn't get up even if he wanted to stop him. Qin Zhou beat him ruthlessly.

Lin Yi moved the wardrobe back to Room 304, and Qin Zhou followed him as soon as he entered.

"Little genius."

Qin Zhou called him.

Lin Yi put the wardrobe in its original position, no longer against the window.

"Little genius." Qin Zhou called him again.

Lin Yi looked back at him.

Qin Zhou asked him, "I feel wronged?"

Lin thought for a while and nodded.

Qin Zhou said, "Would you like a senior hug?"

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