I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 106 105 The Forgotten Archaeological Operation

Chapter 106 105. Forgotten Archaeological Operations

Hearing Elolo's story made Lloyd laugh. Is this guy here to tell a joke?

It seems that this is indeed the case. She is the weakest among this group of people. Others are all in the fourth and fifth levels. She has just completed [Enlightenment] and seems a bit out of place.

But then I thought about it, it seemed like it was human nature for her to be so timid and fearful?

After Elolo finished telling his lively jokes, it was Jenkins' turn.

As a fifth-level powerhouse and a well-known archaeologist in the industry, he naturally has many stories here.

But after some thought and weighing, he chose a story from decades ago when he was still very young:

"I was only 20 years old at that time, and I hadn't divorced Milly yet... Oh no, I wasn't married yet... I was very interested in past history, so I passed a lot of exams and became an archaeologist at that time. A student who learns from masters.”

"I remember the name of that master... no, he no longer has a name, I will call him mentor..."

"I won the respect of my mentor, and soon I joined a large archaeological team as his assistant to excavate the remains of a pre-disaster civilization. It was located in a remote dense forest, but there were very few rare ones. Monsters are infested and it’s an excellent archaeological site.”

After saying this, Jenkins paused and secretly observed the reaction of the Supreme Being.

When there was no response, he dared to continue:

"I think you all should know that before the proliferation of monsters, we humans once had a glorious era, but that history has been buried by time due to various reasons, and it has not yet been unveiled in front of modern people."

"The ruins we went to excavate are speculated to be a mausoleum. It may belong to an extraordinary powerful person in the pre-disaster era, a mage; it may also be a powerful man who dominates the area... In short, the scale there is very large, full of... The unknown and the mysterious.”

"Although our excavation progress is very slow, we have also gained a lot. We have found many pottery pots, statues, armors, and weapons from the old era, but we have also lost several lives due to various accidents..."

"But no one backed down. We all firmly believe that this ruins has extremely high historical value and can help us uncover that history."

“However, a year later, the sponsors who provided us with financial support suddenly lost their patience and asked us to dig out the core of the ruins within two months to find the location of the owner of the mausoleum, and preferably his coffin. "

"Under financial pressure, we had to adopt some destructive excavation methods and even used explosives... In the end, we were able to find the coffin..."

"It looks...no...sorry, I can't use specific words to compare and describe what it looks like, it's like...no...forget it..."

When Jenkins said this, he shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to dispel a certain impression in his mind.

"Anyway, we mustered up the courage to open the coffin and found a mummy inside that was no longer human. He may have once had a human form and still had some human bone structure, but the overall appearance...sorry , I still can’t find the words to describe and describe Him.”

"There is an astonishing treasure in the coffin, including gold, jewelry, exquisite vessels, and gorgeous jewelry. In accordance with the sponsor's requirements, we took out these treasures and arranged them carefully. After a day, there was only Get that mummy that I can’t describe..."

"At that time, everyone was immersed in the joy of discovering the treasure, and they were in a hurry to return to the city and collect the generous rewards promised by the sponsors. No one cared that the coffin was still open and not closed."

"I forgot what kind of considerations I was in at that time. I went there alone and spent a lot of effort to close the coffin again."


"I heard someone say 'thank you' to me..."

"At the time, I thought it was auditory hallucinations caused by fatigue, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I quickly followed the others, packed my luggage, and prepared to return. If nothing else happened, this long archaeological trip would be It’s over.”

When Jenkins said this, the chess piece swayed from side to side, as if recalling a truly terrifying experience.

"But there was an accident on the way... At first, it was just someone talking nonsense, unable to tell the direction, and they got lost in the dense forest and never came back."

"Then, without warning, an experienced archaeological team member slit his partner's throat, carried his body, walked up to us, and showed off to us the reindeer he had just caught..."

"We were forced to subdue him and tie him up, but he was not dissatisfied at all. He just smiled gently and invited us to his house to taste the smoked venison legs made by his wife."

"Later, more and more strange things happened. Someone cut open his stomach and said that there was a little rabbit hidden in his stomach and he wanted to let it out;

Some people thought that the bottom of the cliff was his home and jumped straight down;

Someone thought he was a bear and wanted to pick honey from the tree, but was stung to death..."

"More and more people are beginning to forget who they are, even forget that they are human beings, and then do all kinds of weird things."

"Only a few people, including me and my mentor, could remain rational. We were so frightened that we had to leave them behind and flee to the city alone."

"But then, even my mentor couldn't support it anymore... He started to whisper in a low voice, and would cry without any warning. Then his limbs began to become alienated and elongated, and his facial features began to become more and more... Vague."

"Others are experiencing the same symptoms as him, and they are becoming more and more like... dough balls?"

"In the end, I was the only one left. I ran like crazy in the dense forest, leaving everything behind. I could no longer think in my mind. I didn't even know if I was still human."

"Finally, after running for who knows how long, I came to the exit of the dense forest. In front of me was an inhabited village."

"I ran over in a hurry, and then..."

"The ancient ruins appeared in front of me..."

When Jenkins said this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave this story an ending:

"I passed out on the spot. When I regained consciousness, I was already lying in the hospital. I was discovered by a hunting team and they rescued me."

"To this day, I am still grateful for their life-saving grace, but I still don't understand why these hunters, who usually only operate on the edge, walked into the depths of the jungle by mistake and found that ancient ruins?"

"Forget it... Anyway, I survived, and the dense forest was quickly occupied by monsters, and no one dared to approach the ruins again."

"Actually, I told this story to many people, but no one wanted to believe it; I also visited the sponsors behind it and other scholars who knew about these archaeological activities, and found that without exception, they were all admitted to mental institutions. hospital."

"Including relatives of members of the archaeological team..."

"I tried to find documents and newspapers that recorded this archaeological activity, but found nothing. Such a huge operation did not leave any written records, as if someone had deliberately erased it."

"It seems like I am the only one in the whole world who still remembers this..."

"Later, when my mood gradually calmed down, I chose to inherit the mantle of my mentor and continue to conduct archaeological research until today."

"Then I got married, and under the guidance of my wife, I began to get involved in the mysterious and supernatural fields. However, I did not have as dazzling talents as they did in this area. In the end, I barely managed to reach the fifth level before I was almost too old to walk. , can live a little longer.”

"As for the fact that I set foot on the extraordinary road, there is nothing worth mentioning. The only thing that can be called special is that I did not go through the [Enlightenment] ceremony and directly entered the [Salvation] system, right?"

"And everyone present, like me, automatically entered the corresponding system and became extraordinary without passing [Enlightenment]... I later learned that people like us are called people in the Brilliant City. Called 'qualified'?"

After Jenkins finished speaking, he glanced at Valdes next to him, who then explained:

"Yes, thank you to the gentlemen over at Brilliant City for giving us a title that is quite bluffing."

After saying that, the four people in the chessboard room secretly glanced at the 'audience' next to them, trying to see if he would react.

In the end, he remained silent and motionless, like a true gentleman watching the chess game without saying a word.

In fact, it was Lloyd who was busy savoring Jenkins' story.

Although there was no clear evidence, Lloyd had a vague feeling that young Jenkins and the archaeological team had encountered some kind of [distortion]

The series of encounters that followed the archaeological team were very similar to the other seven players in the previous game.

But Lloyd can only speculate this way, because other systems can also achieve similar effects, and in Jenkins' description, the distortion suffered by the archaeological team is obviously stronger and more terrifying.

Anyway, Lloyd felt that he shouldn't be able to do that.

In particular, the distortions they suffered had a sense of gradualness and ease, and they happened to bypass Jenkins, the only survivor.

If Jenkins hadn't mentioned at the end that his mentor had gradually transformed into that kind of noodle man, Lloyd probably wouldn't have thought of it in a [distorted] direction.

Because he has seen such noodle people before. When he completed [Enlightenment] twice inexplicably, he saw those singing, dancing, and chanting creatures, which were such noodle people.

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