I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 115 114 Fortunately, I found it in time

Chapter 115 114. Fortunately, I discovered it in time

Regarding these three theorems, Lloyd had some bold speculations in his mind.

Perhaps they seem rather inexplicable, lacking a more specific and detailed explanation, and require more principles to supplement and explain.

But it is very possible that there is no such explanation or supplement...

In other words, I can't touch the deeper things...

Don't think too much, don't ask too many questions.

He silently recited this principle, which he felt was becoming more and more important, in his mind, and did not think about it any further.

Just treat these three theorems as mathematical formulas and just write them down. Let’s forget about the specific derivation process behind them...

In addition to these three theorems, he also confirmed through the "Book of Truth" that the "Supreme One" mentioned by black soldier Jenkins actually existed.

There is indeed a way to surpass the Saint, and it is not just Jenkins' wild imagination.

But he also vaguely felt that it was probably not a path that humans could enter...

But Lloyd recalled the murmurs that surrounded his ears when he had hallucinations in front of him.

Immortal person, dominating person, dominating person, divine person

So... the entire human race’s understanding and mastery of the extraordinary realm is not that complete?

Of course, it may be that these things are not put in libraries that are accessible to ordinary people, right?

There were many speculations in Lloyd's mind, but there was no way to verify them.

Based on his current reading progress of the "Book of Truth", he can only know this. He will read it later.

But although this book is stuffed into my brain, I can't read it as I want.

It is like a book that has been read and forgotten. It exists in memory but cannot be touched or read.

Maybe it requires some time interval, or some special environment and opportunity?

So...why do I want this book so much?

Or...does it want me?

A very strange idea suddenly popped into Lloyd's mind.

But that was all. Without thinking about it in depth, he put the book aside and began to look at the memory fragments left by the talking monster.

He was quite 'fresh' when he died, and he left a lot of memory fragments behind, but they were too fragmented. Many of them were dark and blurry, with a few broken pictures and meaningless patterns flashing across. Kind of, can't read.

That is to say, the memory before death should be relatively clear, allowing Lloyd to roughly piece together a plot.

It turns out that this guy dressed like a truck driver is actually the leader of the 'Hermitage Society of Dawn', the culprit who has not been caught by the Holy Grace Hunters so far.

After knowing that Sheng Enting was attacking hard, he chose to avoid its sharp edge and arranged for three of his capable subordinates, the three who had just been executed by Lloyd, to help distract the hunters. If he could no longer hold on, he surrendered directly and He promised that he would come to save them after he mastered the supreme power.

I don’t know what those three little bosses thought, but they actually agreed to be cannon fodder...

And the most powerful power he relies on is actually [distortion]?

And he has completed [Enlightenment] and is preparing for the second [Transcendence]

The [Enlightenment] of the [Distortion] system requires one to absorb a piece of taboo knowledge related to distortion while being conscious and in a normal mental state.

Putting aside the source of the forbidden knowledge, this requirement is quite simple...

And Lloyd also saw intuitively what would happen after absorbing the forbidden knowledge...

Afterwards, this guy hid in the underground city in the west of the city, where he colluded with the "Freedom Fashion" association to transform the giant reservoir into a giant dance floor, and then attracted people from outside to come in and "feel the madness."

This is how he described the dance floor in his memory. Could this be some way for him to get involved in the [distorted] system?

His mental state began to gradually deteriorate, and his body began to gradually lose control and alienate, but miraculously he retained a trace of rationality.

Could this be luck, or is the willpower really strong enough, like Black Knight Steelot?

Or maybe it was through some means not shown in the memory fragments? Maybe it has something to do with the forbidden knowledge he was exposed to?

In short, under such circumstances, this guy huddled in the control room and hid for several days.

The "Book of Truth" was also placed there by him. The memory fragments do not show how he obtained the book. Maybe it was before he completed [Enlightenment]? Only the part where he arranged the ritual near the book could be seen.

Among them are three sets of miniaturized [Twisted] rituals, which were the layers that were removed by Lloyd at the beginning to affect the perception of the intruders so that they would not be able to detect the layer of deadly acid.

Then, on the pedestal covered by the "Book of Truth", a more sinister arrangement was left -

If someone eliminates the acid trap and then impatiently touches the glass box, once it is opened, this set of hidden rituals will take effect, causing the glass box to shatter, and the "Book of Truth" will be directly exposed to the air.

According to this guy's plan, a huge amount of spiritual pollution will directly kill the intruder, spread through the ritual, and invade the bustling dance floor...

When Lloyd saw this, he felt a chill running down his spine.

What a vicious trick!

If he hadn't discovered the insidious arrangement and destroyed it in advance, the fate of those on the dance floor would have been disastrous...

As a righteous young man who hates evil, Lloyd couldn't imagine how much psychological burden it would cause to him if such a thing really happened.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time...

These are the only memory fragments that this guy can interpret. As for why he suddenly came to rob and why he committed suicide in front of him, Lloyd didn't know.

Maybe the [Distorted Realm] destroyed his last bit of rationality?

Lloyd could only guess roughly.

At the same time, he also felt that this matter should not be that simple...

Especially where did this guy get the "Book of Truth" from? This may be a very key clue.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the leisure and energy to investigate, so he might as well write an anonymous letter...

These are the main contents that came out of his mind. The last thing left is the change in the [Ritual Control] skill.

Now, Lloyd can also arrange the distortion ritual that looks like a scorch mark.

But those materials... such as the blood of a mother cat who just gave birth to kittens, a lot of messy and troublesome things, it is difficult to get them, and they are not very practical for him.

But in the process of learning this ritual, he unexpectedly mastered some techniques to make the ritual portable and miniaturized.

This is very practical.

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