I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 12 12 This is different from what the book says?

Chapter 12 12. Isn't this different from what the book says?

Although Buster's attitude was very firm, Lloyd still tried to dissuade him, and even pointed out his mental problems, warning him not to take risks again.

But this did not shake the other party's determination at all, and even caused some unhappiness.

"Listen, I know your good intentions, and I know my mental state very well, but things are not as easy and simple as you think. In the mysterious and extraordinary fields, there are the most talented people like me. Not everyone is a gifted guy like you. If everything must be absolutely safe, then mankind would have been extinct long ago."

Buster said very seriously, then pushed away Lloyd who was blocking him, and resolutely walked into cell 305.

Lloyd calmed down, did not stop him, but just followed him into the cell silently.

He adhered to the principle, reminded and dissuaded, and the rest could only respect the other party's choice.

With my current ability and status, I should just do my best to "keep myself out of trouble" first...

The monster in cell 305 is also a demon. It looks like a giant grasshopper, but it can already stand like a human. If it continues to mutate, maybe it can become a masked hero who can transform?

It is obviously much more ferocious than the one on the -2 floor. Even with the seal and suppression of the ritual, it still has the strength to struggle, pulling the chains on its body with a slight sound.

Lloyd doesn't need to be reminded, he can clearly feel the smell of mental pollution in the air, and even detects a little "anger" in it.

Its dark shell was covered with indescribable strange patterns. If you looked at it for a few more times, you could hear the continuous reminders in your ears:

[Ding~ Madness value +2]

[Ding~ Madness value +2]

[Ding~ Madness value +2]

Buster stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows vigorously, activating the spiritual blade in his hand, but he first stabbed the back of his hand, using the pain to force himself to stay awake.

Then he walked quickly towards the target, still mumbling:

"To execute a dangerous monster like this, you must be quick, don't look directly at it, and don't listen to the sound it makes..."

"Huh~ Their shells are very hard, you must inject all your spiritual power into the blade..."

"Uh... Be sure to kill it first, don't try to decompose and recycle it..."

"Ahem... This is its fragile heart, just like us humans..."

"Uh... Remember, you must be quick! Huh~ Huh~ Even with the suppression of rituals, they are still very dangerous..."

Buster said a lot of words out of character, as if he was transmitting the last ripple.

His knife was not as steady as yesterday. He just made a few random cuts and cut the monster into several pieces at random. There was no more beauty like butchering a cow.

After getting rid of the monster at the fastest speed, the spiritual blade in his hand fell to the ground, and he was unstable and fell towards the yellow blood plasma on the ground.

Fortunately, Lloyd reacted quickly, and quickly supported him, dragged him into the elevator, and took him to the prayer room on the 6th floor.

A priest of the church who was guarding here ran to help, and together with Lloyd, they dragged Buster's burly body onto the bed.

"Buster? Even you can't hold on?"

The priest said with a serious face, and quickly started to give first aid.

He didn't recite the scriptures or pray, but first opened Buster's eyelids and shone a flashlight in his eyes; then he took out a stethoscope from under his uniform and listened everywhere; he also knocked on his knees with a small wooden hammer, and finally his solemn expression gradually eased.

"How is he?"

Lloyd asked knowingly.

In fact, he had just used [Probe], and Buster's mental state had deteriorated to [Moderate Madness]. It was probably difficult...

But the priest gave a relatively optimistic diagnosis:

"It's much better than I expected. He should be able to wake up after a period of rest, but just in case, he should be sent to St. Yolo Mental Hospital."


Lloyd hurriedly checked Buster's condition again and found that his condition had really improved. He actually recovered to the state of [Mild Madness]?

Doesn't the book say that this process is irreversible?

Is it because of his timely rescue and the priest's superb medical skills?

Lloyd was wondering about this, and found that the pastor was looking at him carefully, and then asked in confusion:

"Why have I never seen you before?"

"I've only been here for a few days."

"It has nothing to do with time. Have you never been to the prayer room?"

The pastor's tone suddenly became serious, and he quickly grabbed Lloyd, as if he was afraid that he would escape, and then used a flashlight to make Lloyd's eyes see stars.

"Oh! What are you doing?"

The pastor continued to ask:

"You just said that Buster went to the cell on the -3 floor today, and then you dragged him up?"

"Yes, I advised him, but he didn't listen. Just in case, I followed him all the time."

Lloyd answered truthfully.

"You were able to watch the whole process from the side? Nothing happened in the end?"

"Should I be in trouble?"

"That's not what I meant..."

The pastor said, grabbed Lloyd's wrist, and then released some inspiration.

Lloyd suddenly felt a very thin and fine thing, like a hair, spreading along his wrist to his body.

It wasn't uncomfortable, just a little itchy?

But before Lloyd could react, the priest's hand retracted like lightning, and shook it vigorously, as if he had touched a freshly baked sweet potato.

"Hiss~ What a strong inspiration! Which famous family did you come here to gild?"

"That's not true, my parents were eaten by demons when I was very young..."

Lloyd said truthfully, and glanced at the priest's attributes.

[Spiritual Power] has 12 points, [Cognition] has 18 points, and [Rationality] is also '? ? ' like Wei Ya, and the overall attributes are basically second only to Wei Ya.

If Wei Ya is equivalent to a five-star in a krypton gold mobile game, then he is at least a four-star character.

But his [Inspiration] is only 3 points, which is worse than many executors...

Isn't it that everyone looks at two question marks?

So even if Lloyd did nothing and let him use a magnifying glass to check, he would only feel "hot".

Although the pastor's inspiration was weak, he was also very "sensible". He did not continue to ask, but changed the subject and said:

"Forget it, if you don't say it, I won't ask, [Don't think too much, don't ask too much]..."

After saying that, he waved his hand, indicating that Lloyd could do as he pleased.

Only then did Lloyd have the opportunity to look around and observe the prayer room.

It's too difficult for a new author and a new book in the current huge environment of Qidian. I beg everyone to read more. Just read the daily updates, and I will try my best to write well!

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