I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 147 146 are all the necessary effects

Chapter 147 146. All the effects I need

Good! Very strong effects, just what I need!

I have always liked this kind of defensive ability. After all, I have always been a cautious and steady young man.

Lloyd is very satisfied with the new effect of [Distorted Realm].

Especially the passive effect, which does not require him to react and control it, and can well resist sneak attacks and cold guns.

He was actually a little worried before. What if someone is jealous of my handsomeness and excellence and shoots me from behind?

This is still very scary. Even such a powerful consultant has temporarily died from a sneak attack from behind.

Moreover, with Lloyd's current physical fitness and reaction speed, he still can't resist bullets...

Now with this new function, he is not too afraid of this.

Of course, if it is a bullet with various abilities, it will still be a little dangerous.

The effect of this defensive distortion still depends on the strength and attribute gap between the two sides, as well as the effects of various abilities.

For example, a consultant with this kind of defense can deflect the sword of the Grand Judge, but he was attacked from behind by himself.

But if the Chief Judge comes to cut him, Lloyd is not sure that he can deflect away...

In short, he will have to find an opportunity to try out the specific effect of this layer of defense later.

'Dream Theater' is a good testing ground...

Lloyd continued to look at the upgraded [Gift Distortion]

This is a fusion skill. The original [Declaration of Veto] effect, the text description has not changed, and no new knowledge has grown in his mind, indicating that there is no change.

But the effect of [Distortion Seed] has the function that Lloyd wants most at present-'Pause'.

That is to say, in the literal sense, it pauses the continuous distortion effect on the target.

It just so happens that Lloyd's previous accidental mistake caused everyone in the Human Future Seminar to suffer from [Distortion Seed], and this pause function is just needed now.

But when he carefully looked at the extra things in his mind, he couldn't help but frowned.

This pause function is not what he imagined?

It seems that it not only pauses the distortion effect, but also pauses other people's thinking and consciousness...

It's like the feeling of suddenly pressing the 'pause button' when watching a video.

Fortunately, Lloyd didn't rush to use this pause function, otherwise it would not only be of no help, but would make the problem worse.

But on the bright side, this [Distortion Seed], which was originally only used to secretly attack people, can finally come in handy in a head-on confrontation.

Assuming that in a fierce battle like today, if I can give the consultant a consciousness pause, it will definitely be easier to win.

Moreover, this pause effect is not available in [Distortion Realm], and it may work wonders at certain times.

Of course, how long others can be paused, and how much preparation time is needed to make people pause, still depends on the strength and ability of both parties.

And more specific details, it depends on Lloyd's own experience.

Lloyd used this skill for a while, and then checked the highly anticipated [Ritual Control]

Hmm... I learned another set of [Distortion] rituals to harm people, and it was the one he was familiar with, which would quietly distort other people's minds and make them do some weird behaviors.

Like the upgraded effects of [Distortion Realm] and [Distortion Seed], Lloyd can also set a distortion direction, and it can be more detailed.

For example, the people in the super giant dance floor in the dungeon were deceived by this ritual.

Not only can it trick people into dancing, but it can also trick people into V50, or trick people into taking off clothes on the street.

However, the more outrageous the behavior, the more complicated and more effective the conditions are.

For example, if you want to trick people into dancing, you only need relatively simple materials, and let people be affected by the ritual for half an hour, and it will take effect.

But if you want to trick people into V50, the materials needed are troublesome, and it takes a long time, and it also depends on the victim's mental state and mood.

Anyway, at first glance, it is a useless thing.

Fortunately, this ritual is very small and secretive, which has increased Lloyd's knowledge in this area, and he is one step closer to making a lot of money.

At the same time, he suddenly changed his mind and considered another use.

It is certainly not good to cheat people out of money, but what if you cheat people to study hard? Cheating people to exercise? Cheating people to do good deeds?

Although this operation does not have much practical use, it can be regarded as opening up a way of thinking.

[Distortion] can be positive or negative, depending on the choice of the user.

When Lloyd thought of this, a new idea popped up in his mind:

But since it is such a system that can be good or evil, why is it listed as a taboo system?

He couldn't help but turn his head and look at the statue of the saint placed on the bedside table.

This time, the statue of the saint simply stopped talking and didn't look at him gently.

Forget it, forget it, don't think too much about the boss's thoughts, don't ask too much.

Lloyd persuaded himself in his heart, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


The next day, Lloyd woke up only two hours later than usual.


He stretched vigorously, regained consciousness, and then went back to [Thinking Field] to take a look.

Mainly to check the status of the four new sprouts, he was afraid that something would go wrong.

As a result, when I came in, I found that my [Thinking Field] had undergone a series of visible changes?

First, the double helix tower closest to me could be clearly seen. On the two white and gray spirals, there was a circle of fine text, which was still emitting a faint dark cold light, making it more mysterious.

But it seemed that only the visual effect had changed. If I stared at it, the white spiral was still learning knowledge at a slow speed; the gray spiral still made me dizzy after looking at it for a while, and I felt someone whispering in my ears.

Then the grass under my feet suddenly widened its area, and the farthest part was close to the foot of the double helix tower.

If it spreads again, maybe it can circle the double helix tower?

There are more blue and white flowers and jade corals on the grass, which make the whole grass more beautiful and more mysterious and dreamy.

The tentacle grass in the glass cover seems to be very excited about such changes and is dancing with joy.

Or is it a literal "hand dance"...

This thing has two smaller tentacles that grow out of its body, like two human arms, dancing happily.

As soon as it saw Lloyd, it immediately raised its newly grown "hands" and kept prostrating in worship, appearing even more pious.

Lloyd observed carefully, looked around the surrounding environment, rubbed his chin, and wondered if the change of this thing meant anything?

It grows on the grass, and the grass seems to symbolize the territory of [Veto]?

But it seems to like itself very much, what does this mean?

And... this is obviously my [Thinking Field], right? Why didn't I notice the changes in the things here?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more he felt like he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply shook his head and went to check the status of the four new sprouts.

Well, although the changes here are a bit big, the four of them are still very honest and there is no change.

Except for one more plant...

And this one is not emerald green, but blood red, which reminds Lloyd of the nematodes left by the consultant.

The breath exuding from it is also extremely evil and weird...

This new sprout should be the [Twisted Seed] planted in the consultant's brain.

However, Lloyd did not feel vitality and energy on it, which is completely different from the green and vibrant feeling of the other four plants.

It means that the consultant is in a very bad state now, and it may not be a simple process to make a comeback.

So...can I...

Lloyd rubbed his chin again and thought carefully.

Then he called up the panel on the earth, and opened a lot of functions with a bang~dong~dong~dong~, putting himself in a variety of invincible states, and then reached out and touched the blood-red sprout.

He was going to arrange a surprise twisted direction for the consultant.

Aren't you good at fighting? Aren't you good at cursing others? Don't you dare to come alone to provoke the entire Brilliant City?

Then when you wake up and find yourself a righteous young man who hates evil, what kind of expression will you have?

Lloyd pondered in his mind and tapped lightly on the bloody bud.

[Ding~ Madness value +1000]

Huh? How come there is an unexpected harvest?

Lloyd hurriedly tapped a few more times.

Unfortunately, it was gone...

This may be because he wanted to harm the other party and was counterattacked?

So Lloyd tried to change the direction of the distortion and let the consultant twist in the direction of Japanese-style Yasasi.

As a result, the skill release failed, and he could only guide one distortion direction at a time.

"Forget it, forget it, anyway, you look half-dead, I don’t know how many hundreds of years it will take for you to revive."

Lloyd smiled, rubbed the glass cover again, and covered the bloody bud.

In fact, he didn’t expect that this distortion would really have much impact on the consultant.

[Seed of Distortion] also presents different results depending on the strength of both parties, and the consultant is the strongest level eight after all, and is still a little stronger than himself...

Besides, the consultant himself has also been involved in the [Distortion] system, and it is obviously impossible to turn him into a righteous young man who hates evil.

So Lloyd's operation is just to harass him before he recovers, to see if he can delay his recovery.

Maybe if I just give him a few pointers, he will die faster?

Finally, Lloyd asked again with a smile:

"But then again, you guys, you are involved in both the [Curse] and [Disaster] systems at the same time, and you didn't go crazy. You are really good...But since you are so strong, why do you still want to get involved in [Distortion]?"

Thanks to Long Ai for the 1,000 points reward!

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