I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 150 149 Popular Attractions

Chapter 150 149. Popular Attractions

Why did my sister receive such a submission?

Lloyd was really surprised.

He specifically looked for the Mizkatok University mentioned by the presiding judge in the library today, but there were only a few words.

It said something like "the highest institution of learning that extraordinary people dream of", "the real palace of knowledge", "at the forefront of mystery and extraordinary", "beyond the times, beyond humans, beyond reality", etc., with a lot of titles.

But there was no substantive content at all. After looking for a long time, Lloyd didn't even know how big it was, how many people there were, and what subjects were there...

He only knew that everyone seemed to be flocking to it, but only the top geniuses could enter.

So Lloyd went to the club to inquire later.

Judging from the manager's reaction at the time, the place seemed to be really mysterious. It was actually on the same level as the unknown "Dream Theater", which made Lloyd even more curious.

But he was not in a hurry, just to find out in advance. The judge said that he would not be arranged to enroll until he was promoted to the third level. The process seemed quite complicated? Maybe he needed the help of a top judge?

Unexpectedly, his sister actually received a submission about that place?

Lloyd hurriedly read it carefully.

And the first sentence of the opening was a bit scary:

"If you see this letter, I should have been burned by someone..."

The following content is probably from the perspective of a faculty member, describing two "strange things" that happened at Mizkatok University.

The first one is the study room that is always occupied.

No one knows which teaching building it is in, and no one knows which floor it is on. It seems that you need some luck and fate to find it?

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, in the early morning or at midnight, there are always people and lights in that study room.

Sometimes there are three or two, sometimes there are as many as a dozen.

They don't follow the rules of the study room very well. They always read books while whispering vaguely.

But if you get closer and listen carefully, you will hear that they are talking about various legends in the school, which will mention various strange things that happened in various places in the school.

Seeing this, Lloyd's eyes moved down again, and a line of shocking blood-red characters jumped into his eyes:

"Those legends are true! They are all true!! They are all true!!! But don't believe it! Don't believe it!! Don't believe it!!!"

This line of words almost occupies half a page of manuscript paper, and the ink used is as bright red as blood, which is scary at first glance.

But it should not be written in blood, otherwise it would not be so red, but very black and dark.

As for this saying that it is "true" and shouting "don't believe it", the contradictory statement actually attracts Lloyd to continue reading.

It turned out that several students accidentally walked into the study room, then believed those legends, and ran to investigate in a daze.

As a result, he never came back...

After that, every semester, students would go into this study room, so many students were "lost", which led to the school having to issue a rule to prohibit talking about this study room in the school.

But there are still students who encounter this study room, and then unconsciously enter it, and then disappear in an unknown corner.

"If you encounter it, don't enter, lower your head, close your eyes, cover your ears with one hand, light the candlestick with one hand, and then run in the direction of the swaying candlelight, run, run faster, before they catch up..."

The first story ends here.

Lloyd's scalp tingled, and when he thought that he might go in to study later, he couldn't help but move closer to Everole.

But Everoel said with a sly smile:

"Hehe, if Xiaoyi is scared, you can hide in your sister's arms."

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand and gently scratched the soles of his sister's feet in white stockings. When she stretched out her hand to protect him, he seized the opportunity and snatched the hammerhead shark puppet from her arms, hugged it tightly, and continued to watch the second story.

The second story happened in an old school association, which was a radical association that was keen on exploring the mysteries of occultism. It was very popular and almost every student related to occultism had to join.

But on the third day of a new semester, the association suddenly disappeared.

Whether it was the members of the association, the meeting places, or the various journals they produced, and the various records left behind, all disappeared inexplicably overnight.

"At first we thought that their overly radical mystical research had an accident. This kind of thing is not uncommon in places like Mitzkatok. Various accidents happen here every day. It was once nicknamed "Disaster School" by students until the school stepped in and banned this imprecise name..."

"But none of us thought that this accident almost destroyed the entire university..."

"On the fourth day of this semester, the day after the disappearance of the group of associations, everyone felt that an uneasy atmosphere began to permeate the college... Some people thought it might be related to the disappearance of the association, while others thought it was another accident..."

"Anyway, we attach great importance to this and have arranged three senior teachers to investigate the disappearance of the association..."

The following content describes the investigation results of the three teachers.

The first one to be affected was a teacher with the longest experience and the strongest ability. He committed suicide by taking out his own heart by the lakeside of the school...

At his feet, there was a survey report with a sketch on it, depicting the scene he saw.

It was a paradise-like country, colorful and colorful. Everyone gathered in a circle, singing and dancing happily.

Then came the second teacher. He suddenly went crazy in his dormitory, kept saying words that no one could understand, tried to break his fingers and arms, and his whole body became bloody, as if the capillaries under his skin burst at the same time.

But he did not turn into a monster, but was sent to a mental hospital, and came back to teach again when the next semester started.

But he had forgotten the process of the investigation, or perhaps he wanted to deliberately conceal something.

The third teacher dug up a pile of fossils in the area where the gang gathered daily...

Human fossils...

Their skeletons were left on a huge rock wall under the pressure of a long time and the thick earth's crust. They were very well preserved, clearer and more complete than fossil artifacts processed outside. Through the body movements of the skeletons, one can feel their fear and despair before death.

The specific number and gender of the above are exactly the same as the number and gender of the people who disappeared in the association...

"This should be just a coincidence. We all know that the time required to form fossils is measured in 'billions'."

"But the senior teacher confirmed that this was the missing association and wanted to investigate further, but was forced to stop by the school. The precious fossil was destroyed and smashed into a pile of fragments."

"The teacher was very dissatisfied with the result and announced his resignation on the spot. He left Mizkatok and decided to continue the investigation on his own."

"It was not until the end of this semester that I heard about him again - he died in the dark alley behind the tavern. A group of homeless people robbed him of all his valuables and smashed his head."

"From then on, mysticism became the most rigorous subject in Mizkatok. Only the best students had the opportunity to choose this course, and only the strongest teachers could teach this course."

The second story ends here.

At the end, Lloyd saw a statement:

"This story is purely fictional. If there are any similarities, I would be honored."

Then there was a joking signature:

A temporary worker without a regular job.

Seeing this, Lloyd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they are all fictional. If they were all true, Mizkatok University was really that dangerous, and people would disappear inexplicably. How could he dare to study there?

This is reasonable. After all, it is such a mysterious, high-end and classy place. Even if some stories really happened, it is impossible to submit them to folk magazines, right?

Lloyd pondered in his mind and evaluated the two stories again.

Compared to the first story, the second one is much better, at least Lloyd thinks so.

Mysticism is such a dangerous field, and people dare to play so radically? There is a warning that if you do something stupid, you will die.

He hopes that his sister can publish this story to warn those mysticism enthusiasts in the city not to believe in "love divination" and "transfer ceremony".

Although most of them are fake, if one is true, who knows what kind of trouble will happen.

In fact, the reason why Lloyd supports his sister's hard work in running a magazine is not only to support her choice and career, but also to "alert the world".

He always thinks that he is an enthusiastic young man with a sense of social responsibility, and hopes that through these bizarre folk legends, citizens who have nothing to do will not always think about committing suicide.

"The first story is very good, sister, will you publish it?"

Lloyd asked.

Everoel nodded and replied:

"Well, I also like the first story, especially its form of expression. It is a very novel way of writing among many submissions I received, and its story is the most special among many submissions with the theme of Mizkatok University."

"Huh? Are there many submissions about that university?"

"Yes, in the field of folklore, that university is as popular as Arkham Town."

Thanks to saltfish for the 500 points reward

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