I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 180 179 Advice from the Most High

Chapter 180 179. Advice from the Supreme

"He wants to get rid of his powerful mentor. As a high-ranking strongman, he can indeed influence a person's fate to a certain extent, but it is impossible to block all his forks, which will make the [prophecy] meaningless..."

"It's so weird, why is it like this? I can't understand... Is there something wrong? Let me check it..."

Jenkins continued to mutter, and Lloyd heard it outside.

Based on the self-talk of old Zhan before, Lloyd roughly knew what he was doing, and also had some understanding of his [prophecy].

This seems to be some kind of special divination, and there are two schools, one with a short time limit, but it is correspondingly clearer and more definite; the other with a long time limit, but it is also more vague and unknown.

Anyway, Lloyd felt like a mountain dweller living in a valley who met two prophets.

One of them said that it would rain here in three days, remember to waterproof; there would be wolves in four days, remember to bring a hunting rifle.

But he didn't know that a flash flood would hit a week later, making all his previous efforts useless...

Another prophet said that if you want to survive, go east and go higher.

But he didn't know when to go, how high to go, and whether he would encounter wolves and tigers on the road.

At the moment, this criminal named Hoylandy is like the confused mountain man, looking for his own chance of survival.

Jenkins may have seen the way out, but he couldn't see the "fork in the road" to reach this way of life, so the situation was awkward and very strange.

It's like a math problem. There is no problem-solving process, only the final answer, and it is definitely impossible to score.

According to Lao Zhan, this situation should not happen in theory.

Lloyd wanted to help him, but he knew nothing about [prophecy] and didn't even believe in the so-called [fate], so he was powerless.

At this time, he heard Lao Zhan continue to mutter:

"My [prophecy] is not wrong, but why can't I find the fork in the road? Is the mentor he wants to get rid of so powerful that he can control his entire destiny? But if that's the case, why can I see other endings?"

His tone and tone sounded a bit hysterical. It felt that if he continued like this, his mentality and rationality would collapse.

Lloyd felt that he had to help him. He couldn't let Lao Zhan suffer so much for an outlaw. At least he had to enlighten Lao Zhan.

So he turned his head and looked at the blood-red new sprout next to him.

At first, Lloyd thought that the terrifying mentor that Hoylandi wanted to get rid of was the consultant who was left with only a sapling.

After all, the descriptions in all aspects basically matched.

But it is obvious that a consultant in this state can only be influenced by others...

Did I make a wrong judgment? This guy's mentor is someone else?

Or...has he offended other high-ranking bosses again?

Lloyd was thinking about it when he suddenly heard James calling him.

"Supreme Lord, your humble follower prays for your revelation to clear the fog and confusion in front of me..."

It seems that this guy has broken his mind and started to pray with his head down...

Should I pretend not to hear it?

Lloyd rubbed his chin, and after some hesitation, he chose to send a barrage to James:

"What do you want to know?"

No matter whether it can help or not, at least help him stabilize his mentality first.

When Jenkins saw the words floating in front of him, he fell into ecstasy, and the soldier chess pieces on the chessboard began to shake left and right, jumping up and down, and then he quickly chattered a lot of professional knowledge on [prophecy], which made Lloyd feel a headache.

Until the end, Jenkins raised the real question:

"I saw two final [destinies] of him. One is death from strange cardiac arrest, the principle is unknown; the other conclusion is very vague, I can't see it clearly, I only know that he is still alive, but I don't know how to survive, and how to live?"

After Jenkins said this, he stopped talking, just lowered his head, waiting for the answer from the Supreme.

But Lloyd outside the screen was laughing and crying.

You don't know, how can I know?

But...'death from strange cardiac arrest', why does it sound so familiar?

Lloyd suddenly remembered the terrible ability of the [Forget] system that makes people forget to breathe and heartbeat.

And then he started a random association-

This criminal named Hoylandi, his mentor is very similar to the consultant, and it happens that the big boss of the [Forget] department has just recently "made enemies" with the consultant...

Considering the consultant's notorious reputation, the other party may not dare to directly seek revenge on the consultant himself, so he targeted his students?

Is this really possible?

Although Lloyd did not have any solid evidence to support his speculation, he did not receive any commission from criminals and did not need to be responsible for his conclusion.

It can even be said that this Hoylandy is the leader of the notorious "Free Style" association. If not to say that his crimes are too numerous to list, at least he is full of evil, and it would be best if he died.

So he carefully considered the wording and sent another barrage to Lao Zhan:

"Leave him to [Intelligence]"

This was Lloyd's well-thought-out reply, which not only maintained his image as the "Riddler" boss, but also helped James solve the problem, and also solved a notorious criminal by the way;

And if his previous unwarranted association was true, and the boss of the [Forget] department really intended to take action against this guy, the boss of the [Intelligence] department would have an excellent bait.

In short, this is a good choice, and everyone wins.

As for how to hand this criminal over to the people on the [Intelligence] side, it depends on James to figure it out.

After seeing this reply, Jenkins was also confused and puzzled, and had no idea how it would involve the [Intelligence] system?

He had been concentrating on calculating this "business" during this period, and had not paid much attention to the changes outside, and did not know about the great expedition on the [Intelligence] side.

But since the Supreme One has replied like this, Jenkins simply "do not think too much, do not ask too much", and immediately expressed his sincere gratitude to Lloyd, and promised to give him a small gift to express his gratitude soon.

Then, his figure disappeared from the chessboard, and his consciousness returned to the world again, and he sighed in a low voice:

"I didn't expect that the Lord also has such an understanding of [Fate] and [Prophecy]. The knowledge and power possessed by the Supreme One are really unimaginable... No! I dare not imagine it!"

Thanks to Long Ai for rewarding me 100 points, and rewarding Everole 100 points, to buy... buy a hammerhead shark puppet?

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