I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 19 19 is actually a little regretful?

Chapter 19 19. A little regret?

The description of the system was so brief that Lloyd was surprised. He thought that such an important thing should have a detailed explanation at the level of a short essay, right?

The result was so simple that it seemed as if the number of words was counted...

But no matter what, the description still revealed key information - [System] can be turned on and off.

Then the situation was Bu Yanjun, which made Lloyd feel relieved again. He didn't have to worry about being exposed one day.

He felt that he should continue to follow the previous rhythm, not use the power of [Distortion], and not contact the knowledge related to it.

It's impossible to encounter a terrorist attack-style "teaching" method like today often, right?

Anyway, just keep upgrading and adding points, honing skills, and when the attributes are full and the magic skills are perfect, isn't it just a krypton guy playing a mobile game - do whatever he wants?

But before the training is completed, you still have to be careful. There is probably no shortage of strong people in this world. Even a drunkard who can't see his face is a numerical monster.

After thinking this through, Lloyd completely relaxed, his mind gradually calmed down, and he simply fell asleep on the bed.

He woke up slowly until he heard a noise in his ear.

He opened his eyes and saw that the three patients in the next bed had woken up, but they were all pale and dazed. They couldn't even get out of bed and could only moan and yell.

As for the drunkard administrator, he didn't wake up, but slept soundly and soundly, without any pain.

Then, Lloyd heard the sound of leather boots stepping on the floor from outside, but this time it was slower. After a long time, he saw Weiya's beautiful figure appear at the door.

She lowered her head slightly, her hands folded around her lower abdomen, and put on a respectful look, as if she was leading the way for some important person.

Soon, a strange man in a black robe walked into the prayer room.

He was covered in a loose black robe, with a hood on his head and a metal mask on his face, revealing a cold and numb expression. Not a bit of skin was exposed on his body, and even his hands and neck were wrapped in black bandages, which made him look eerie and mysterious.

When this person came in, the patients in the next bed dared not call out instantly, and all of them showed a nervous expression, as if they were experiencing a life-and-death moment.

The black-robed weirdo first walked to the bed of the wine-mongering administrator, and saw that she was sleeping soundly, so he didn't disturb her. He continued to walk to the patient in the next bed, and then opened his five fingers wrapped in bandages and covered the man's face.

Finally, he clenched his hands, as if he had grasped something invisible, and then nodded slowly.

Two broad-shouldered and sturdy priests next to him immediately rushed over, carried the patient and stuffed him on the stretcher.

The patient tried hard to struggle, but he was dizzy and weak, so he could only shout reluctantly:

"No! No! I don't want to go to the mental hospital! My parents have made contributions to the church, you can't do this to me!"

The two priests showed a look of crying and laughing, and explained in various ways:

"What are you screaming about? I'm not sending you to the mental hospital. You've been selected, and you should go to Tower 3 in the future."

"Next time we meet, I'll have to call you sir."

When the patient heard this, he was so overwhelmed that he burst into tears of joy, and was carried out while laughing and crying.

The remaining two patients also suddenly changed from nervous fear to expectation and excitement, looking eagerly at the black-robed weirdo walking towards them.

The weirdo still did the same operation, opened his five fingers, clenched them, and nodded.

The two were also carried away happily.

The black-robed weirdo finally walked towards Lloyd, who was getting more and more nervous.

Lloyd was naturally nervous. The black-robed monster seemed to be quite capable. Anyway, when he threw his [Detection], it was just a bunch of ‘? ? ’. What if he found out that he had gone astray...

But before he could figure out what to do, the black-robed monster had already come to him, stretched out his hand, and got closer and closer to his face.

Lloyd clenched his fists nervously and quickly planned the next escape route in his mind.

He could only suddenly jump up, take advantage of others not paying attention, roll over, get close to Weiya, and then snatch the straight knife hanging on her waist, strangle her neck, hug her body, and hold her hostage...

Time was limited, so he could only come up with this immature plan.

But just when he had already tightened his waist and legs and was ready to attack at any time, the black-robed monster took his hand back, without shaking his hand, nor nodding or shaking his head.

Then he slowly left as if floating in the air, and several priests hurriedly followed.

Huh? Is this the end?

Lloyd was wondering, and saw Weiya staying at the end, walked up to him, handed over an envelope, and said:

"Tower No. 9 will be blocked for the next two days. Go home as soon as you can move, take a good rest for two days, and come back after the aftermath is completed..."

"Remember! Don't mention what happened today to anyone."

Lloyd took the envelope and glanced at the opening. There was a stack of banknotes inside, which was probably more than his monthly salary.

This was the second time he received the "hush money" from the Holy Tribunal. I have to admit that they are quite generous in this regard.

Lloyd didn't expect that things would turn out like this. He didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked:

"Can I know what happened?"

Viya stopped and answered in a businesslike tone:

"In two days, we will issue a public investigation report. Everything you should know is on it. As for what you shouldn't know..."

There was no need for her to make it too clear, Lloyd nodded quickly.

"I understand, don't think too much, don't ask too much."

Viya nodded lightly and turned away.

Lloyd looked at her charming and slender back, and somehow, he felt a little inexplicable regret in his heart?

At this time, he heard a cough beside him, turned his head and saw that the drunk manager had woken up and was stretching hard, holding his chest high.

But there was still no arc...

Then, she took out an iron wine pot from the dirty uniform pocket, took a few big gulps, and then let out a cry of pleasure from her mouth.

"Hu~~~Ha~~~It's so good to be alive!"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Lloyd in the next bed and asked:

"Hmm? You look pretty handsome, don't you? And so young... Were you also deceived by that vicious woman Wei Ya?"

"Please don't say that. My life was saved by Miss Wei Ya from the mouth of a demon."

Lloyd answered righteously.

No matter how cold and unkind Wei Ya is, he will remember her kindness and can't bear to hear others say bad things about Wei Ya.

Thanks to Oo月上中天oO for the 200 points

Thanks to Man Yin Shen Wei Nai Te for the 200 points

Thanks to Ayaka for the 500 points

Thanks to Hope Man Tou can be as hardworking as ID for the 520 points?

Thanks to Want to Show Today for the 115 points

Special thanks to Zheng Haolin for the 5000 points, thank you so much!

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