I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 199 198 Don't run

Chapter 199 198. Don't run

After saying this harsh word, Lloyd said no more. He reached out and tapped the square ring a few times, activated the [Scenery Seen by Wisdom], and then reached out and held a crystal ball in the cab, as if holding the joystick of a super giant robot.

With the opening of the [Eye of Wisdom], the racing cars of the two shameless old players next to him also presented a different scene in his eyes. There was a circle of translucent halos of different colors around the car body.

Obviously, these halos represent the strength and status of the vehicle, similar to the 'combat power bar'. When the halo dissipates, the car can't move.

According to the supplementary explanation in the previous preparation stage, Lloyd knew that these vehicles would show different strengths according to the player's attributes, rank and other factors.

It is probably [rationality] that determines its thickness, that is, 'durability' and 'blood volume'; [spiritual power] determines its attack power; inspiration determines its speed and flexibility; [cognition] affects its defense.

As for the rank, these attributes are increased in a certain proportion. The higher the rank, the thicker the halo, which means the stronger the ‘battle power bar’.

The halo on the old three-wheeled car used by the old players is ominous dark green and dark purple, which does not look like a serious power, indicating that these two shameless guys are likely to be lawbreakers in the taboo system.

Looking at the remaining three newcomers, the halo is as thin as a fragile bubble, which may burst with a poke; and there is no special color, just a light blue similar to spiritual power, which shows that they have just entered the mysterious and extraordinary system.

I don’t know how they got five points to play such a dangerous game on the second floor?

But Lloyd still doesn’t know what kind of halo his car will look like?

As the six players came to the starting line, a countdown appeared in front of everyone.




Taking advantage of this last moment, the two veterans were exchanging glances, discussing the next tactics in a way that others could not hear:

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, this kid's car just looks impressive, and those two arms are just decorations, a newcomer like him won't understand."

"Yes, and this game doesn't necessarily require defeating everyone to win. We can definitely compete with him in speed, as long as we are the first to finish four laps. Seeing that his car is so heavy, his speed must be abnormally slow."

"I heard that people with the [Intelligence] system can more intuitively see the strengths and weaknesses of various vehicles, and even the power system. Unfortunately, you and I don't have similar abilities, otherwise we can see the foundation of this kid clearly."

"It doesn't matter, at most we can test it at the beginning to see if this kid's car is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. If the situation is not right, we can compete with him in speed again... I don't believe that he can kill us all with one test."

As the two whispered, the countdown ended, and a gunshot was heard by the player's ear.

The game begins!

The two veterans immediately turned their cars around, lined up side by side, and then put all their efforts into hitting Lloyd's side one after the other.

Boom~ Boom~

With two muffled sounds, Lloyd's car didn't move at all...

This made him a little confused:

Why didn't you feel "blood loss" when you hit me?

Instead, the halo on their car suddenly dimmed a few shades...

The two veterans were also confused. In this round of full-strength collision, even if the opponent was a fourth-level, he would suffer obvious impact and damage.

But why didn't the opponent even shake?

When his car hit it, he was the one who was damaged. It felt like a baby carriage hitting a mud truck. Even if the opponent was stationary, it would only hit him and bleed.

But fortunately, the two veterans were very experienced. If they missed, they would immediately change their strategy.

"Not good! This guy must be from the [Shelter] system, and he also has a powerful defensive holy relic!"

"Compare speed with him!"

The two exchanged a few words quickly, turned the car around, accelerated suddenly, and rushed out.

Lloyd was not in a hurry to chase, but just couldn't help laughing.

The two novices on the track next to them, who were originally planning to raise their hands to give up, looked at each other and asked:

"Why are the two of them... running in the opposite direction? Are they scared and can't tell the direction?"

"No... Why are the three of them fighting? Aren't they in the same group?"

The two veterans drove out a long way, and after pulling away from Lloyd for a certain distance, they suddenly felt dazed, and then they realized that they were running in the wrong direction?

"This... How could this happen? Can this kid still interfere with our perception? Is he from the [Intelligence] system?"

"But didn't you just say that he is from the [Shelter] system?"

As the two talked, they suddenly realized that their situation might be a bit bad...

Running in the wrong direction, you will definitely not win the game.

But if they return the same way, the weird novice will be waiting for them at the starting line.

He is turning the car around and approaching them.

As Lloyd approaches, the two veterans have a weird idea:

"Damn it, how can you run away while playing games? Go back and fight him!"

"Ahhhh!!! Go go go!!!"

With that said, they also turned the car around, drove it at full speed, and crashed into Lloyd for the second time.

The distance between the two sides quickly closed within a few seconds, and they collided suddenly.


With two muffled sounds, the two veterans suddenly discovered that this impact was extremely effective?

The kid's flashy car was smashed into pieces, and the person was knocked off the spot.


The two of them suddenly felt happy.

Haha, are you trying to be mysterious and pretend to be an expert?

But... wait! Why do I feel so much pain?

Following a trance of consciousness, the two of them suddenly felt a sharp pain all over their bodies, as if all the bones in their bodies were broken.

The Tin Man wheelchair that he had smashed into pieces before was still parked there, unscathed.

There are some familiar-looking parts scattered on the left and right sides of the car...

Then what was it that I knocked away earlier?

With such questions in mind, the two veterans spurted a stream of blood from their mouths, passed out on the spot, and disappeared into the arena.

The two newcomers who stayed at the starting line to watch the race were dumbfounded.

In their field of vision, the two liars didn't know if they were crazy, but they actually drove at full speed and ran into their companions...

The collision was so severe that both their cars were on the verge of being scrapped.

But they felt like they had won, and stayed in the car with excited smiles of winners.

Then, the car that looked like a tin man paddling a canoe slowly came to them, raising a spiral lance with one hand and waving a huge hammer with the other.

The spiral lance also showed some twists and changes. The tip was like a bifurcated hemp rope, splitting into fine spear points. It suddenly changed from a lance to a ferocious wolf. Dental stick.

The hammer ball also showed similar changes, indicating that the deep and thick black layer seemed to come to life, and then slowly twisted and changed, looking more like a dark abyss that could swallow everything.

Then, with somewhat slow and clumsy movements, the Tin Woodman waved the weapon in his hand left and right.

Then I saw the two despicable liars being knocked off the spot and hit the ground heavily.

For newcomers who don't have strong inspiration or [Eye of Wisdom], this is probably the picture they can see.

Some are inexplicable, some are unknown, but they can bring enough impact and shock...

So when they saw the Tin Woodman paddling the canoe and turning the car towards them, they raised their hands in salute without hesitation and chose to give up.

Wow, the second floor is too dangerous. I will never come here again!

"Uh... why did you just run away? I didn't mean to bully you guys? There are some things I want to ask you about..."

Lloyd was also dumbfounded.

But fortunately not all newcomers are so timid.

The last remaining newcomer is pedaling hard and participating in the competition seriously.

Although he was panicking, he did not give up directly. Instead, he chose to sprint with all his strength while Lloyd and the three of them were entangled.

Seeing this, Lloyd nodded. He did not intend to bully others with violence. Instead, he turned around and prepared for a serious speed contest.

This car, which seemed bulky and full of post-modern art atmosphere, made a low roar of the engine, and the tires made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground.

The tail wing at the rear of the car extended to both sides, and two devices that looked like turbofan engines came out from underneath.

"Start accelerating!"

He whispered something and pushed the crystal ball joystick in his hand gracefully.

Two sets of turbofan engines suddenly sprayed out two blue tail flames, and the entire car flew out like a rocket, with smoke and dust rising behind it.

And the hard-working newcomer was almost finishing his first lap after sprinting from the front.

But then he heard a strong gust of wind coming from beside him, which knocked his weak children's car to the ground.

After a few seconds, he heard a loud "boom-boom-boom" sound in his ears, like thunder.

"Cough cough cough... aren't you bullying others?"

The newcomer complained helplessly while fanning himself to disperse the dust around him.

Fortunately, everyone is fine.

He simply didn't bother to work hard, and just stood there, watching the movement of flying sand and rocks passing by him for the second time, and the wind and waves rolled up hurt his cheeks.

But he didn't raise his hands in surrender. Instead, he waved at Lloyd, as if he wanted to chat.

So Lloyd slowed down on the third lap and then slowly stopped next to the newcomer.

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