I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 205 204 You are the daughter he got from drawing a card, right?

Chapter 205 204. You are the daughter he drew out of a card, right?

She is Ai Luoluo? This is her home?

But why was she locked in the house?

Could it be because... she wanted to run away from home, but was found by her father, so...

Damn, what kind of ghost father? He actually tied such a beautiful and lovely girl in the room?

But in my impression, isn't her father a high-ranking strong man? He likes fishing, studying ancient relics, and is good at engineering?

Lloyd thought about it, and a surge of indignation surged in his heart, but also mixed with a sense of guilt.

Although Ai Luoluo proposed to go out for a walk and see the world, Lloyd did not instigate her, but encouraged her to be "strong" and "brave", and provided her with a little extra help. He was an accomplice...

Fortunately, her ghost father only locked her up, and it has not yet reached the point of violating human ethics, and there are no bruises and scars on her delicate body.

But why is she motionless? Didn't hear her cry?

Lloyd thought about it again and tried to say hello.

As a result, Eloro didn't respond at all, still looking numb and sluggish.

Lloyd tried to activate [Exploration] again to see Eloro's attributes.

As a result, [Exploration] failed, and there was no result?

Was the skill interfered with?

Lloyd had to stretch out his fingers and try to touch Eloro's shoulders to see if he could wake her up.

As a result, his fingers actually sank directly into her round and lovely shoulders...

Uh... I don't have a physical body?

Does it mean that I am in a state of soul leaving the body? Or is it a double soul and body? The Yin spirit wandering at night?

Lloyd felt that he was in a delicate state...

But fortunately, the inspiration was still usable, so he apologized to Eloro unilaterally, and then released more inspiration, intending to give her a thorough full-body examination.

As a result, as soon as the inspiration penetrated into Ailuo's body, Lloyd actually heard a series of panel prompts:

[Ding~ Madness value +5]

[Ding~ Madness value +32]

[Ding~ Madness value +8]

[Ding~ Madness value +11]

The prompt sound came continuously, with varying intensities, but the frequency was extremely high. The prompt information on the panel could be seen scrolling rapidly like a screen refresh.

And after scrolling for several minutes, there was no sign of stopping, and the madness value still jumped up and down from dozens to a few points.

Why is this happening? Even more outrageous than the devil?

This girl... who is she...

Lloyd couldn't help asking in his heart, feeling that this girl who looked slender and well-behaved suddenly looked weird and mysterious.

But fortunately, this small amount of mental pollution was still Lloyd's comfort zone, and he didn't feel dizzy or uncomfortable, but was a little annoyed by the noise in his ears.

Lloyd controlled the inspiration and continued to check Ailuo's body.

Uh... so flat...

Even if she and her sister are combined, they are not as good as Wei Ya...

Wait! Isn't that right?

Lloyd remembered that he had checked on Ai Luoluo during the meeting and knew what she looked like. Now that he saw her in person 'offline', her appearance was even more delicate and lovely, and her jade feet were even sweeter and more delicious...

But the proud curves that impressed him before were gone, and she became the open-minded state in front of him.

Can you edit photos?

Lloyd first noted this doubt and continued to check.

Well... the body is very healthy, the organs are very young, and they are functioning normally, but they are more relaxed, like the state of a normal person sleeping.

But why are the eyes open? And are they crying silently?

And why can't this body structure that looks exactly the same as that of humans, and the internal organs that are exactly the same as humans, be [explored], and why is it constantly emitting mental pollution?

Lloyd's sight could not help but move up from the straight and slender legs to the pretty face of Eloro, which was still shedding tears. He further savored the kind of pathetic beauty that made people feel distressed.

Her brain was the only area that had not been checked.

But this place could not be touched with inspiration. It was very dangerous. If you were not careful, it would be easy to touch her thoughts and memories, which were private forbidden areas that even saints dared not touch.

So generally speaking, if you were not a transcendent who specialized in the field of thinking, such as [Intelligence], it would be best not to have such crooked thoughts.

But Lloyd had no choice but to carefully control his inspiration and approach little by little, trying to feel Eloro's state of mind.

As a result, as soon as the inspiration approached, it immediately went on strike together with the weird intuition, shouting and warning him.

Lloyd quickly gathered his inspiration and gave up this hasty move.

Just at the moment when the inspiration was approaching, Lloyd heard a faint cry in his ear.

So she was indeed crying secretly, but her body did not show the corresponding crying behavior, a bit like her consciousness temporarily failed to control her body? It was equivalent to forcibly isolating her consciousness?

In this state, she might not hear anything, see anything, or feel anything. Such an experience makes people feel numb just thinking about it...

Damn, this ghost father, is he so cruel to his daughter?

Is Ai Luoluo not the result of his small guarantee when drawing cards?

Lloyd cursed a few words in his mind, and left some inspiration on Elolo to continue absorbing the madness. Then he floated off her bed, scattered the remaining inspiration, and checked her fairy tale-style bedroom. .

Good guy, under the patterns on the ceiling, under the stalls on the floor, and behind the wallpaper on the walls, there are all suppressed rituals.

Moreover, the specifications, strength, complexity, and precision are all tougher than the -6th floor of Tower No. 9.

Coupled with the chains around Elolo's neck and ankles, it can be said that the only thing missing is those few white steel nails...

I'm afraid this is no longer a ghost father in the ordinary sense...

Fortunately, these rituals have not been turned on. It feels like they are just in case?

But Eloro obviously doesn't have very strong spiritual power. When he checked just now, Lloyd discovered that her spiritual power level is probably only in the early tenths.

Lloyd cursed in his mind and floated to the balcony of the bedroom to take a look at the scenery outside.

As a result, I couldn't float over, and I felt like my body was being pulled by something.

Only then did he realize that his range of activities was limited to an area about 2 meters away from Elolo, and he couldn't even reach the bedroom door...

This is a bit tricky.

Lloyd muttered to himself, and could only return to Elolo, and thought about the two invisible chains again.

Is this some kind of ability? Or some special process?

When he was about to study the chain, he suddenly felt a strong sense of discomfort.

Originating from his body far away in his bed...

Then, a rapidly retreating light and shadow appeared in front of Lloyd's eyes, and he returned from Elolo's boudoir to his bedroom in an instant.

Then I felt a heavy feeling of exhaustion sweeping through my body, as if I had just run more than ten kilometers and had a group fight with dozens of people. I couldn't stand it for a moment, and just fell asleep straight up.

It wasn't until 6 a.m. the next morning that Royd slowly woke up under the urging of his biological clock.

"Uh... I was... tired and fainted last night?"

Lloyd rubbed his forehead and felt sweating. He grabbed the little kitten beside the pillow and wiped his face.

Then he thought of Elolo again and quickly returned to the [Thinking Realm] to see her condition.

As a result, I didn’t hear the pitiful crying...

Lloyd found the pool of silver liquid metal left last night, and found that it had completely solidified into a spiral tower, as if it had been imprinted on the ground, unable to change, and could not be put back into the small bottle.

I tried to reach out and touch it. There was a metallic coldness on the surface, and it felt a bit prickly. I wonder if it can be cleaned off?

But this is very strange. This is obviously my own [Thinking Realm]? Why do things in reality force themselves to stay in their own realm of thinking?

Taking this question as a starting point, Lloyd realized a new question that was a bit scary to think about:

Why can things in reality take effect in my [thinking field]?

Although he had brought some items into the [Thinking Realm] before, he had not tried to use them. Last night, he was a little sick and rushed to the doctor. He used this bottle of liquid metal that he had just acquired, and then his consciousness [sneaked in]. He came to Eloro's side and didn't have time to think about these issues.

And having said that, Lloyd has always felt that his field of thinking is a bit weird, completely different from what is described in the book...

Whether it’s this deathly apocalyptic scene, or the towers that seem to be recording or commemorating some weird spire, or the green grass at your feet, those blue and white flowers and white coral decorations, and the tentacle grass that is becoming more and more humane... …

This is not the same as the [thinking field] described in the book...

So what is it about my [thinking field] that is different from ordinary people?

Or... is this actually not my [thinking realm] at all?

The more Lloyd thought about the problems, the more confused his mind became. However, there were too many problems to think about and deal with at the moment, and he could not take care of this matter for the time being. He shook his head, shook off these questions that had no clues for the time being, and thought We still have to fish out Elolo first.

But this time, he stared at the tower pattern formed by the liquid metal for a long time, but he didn't have the previous symptoms of 'double separation of soul and body'.

Is it because Elolo isn't crying?

Maybe he was tired from crying and fell asleep?

Then I have no choice but to come back and have a look later.

Lloyd muttered to himself, then returned to reality, and then opened the panel again to see how many insanity points he had earned last night.

Good guy, upgraded to level 3? !

It really makes people call him a good guy!

He remembered his inspiration. He only spent about half an hour on Elolo last night, right?

And then received nearly 20,000 points of mental pollution?

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