I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 207 206 Meet the Appointment

Chapter 207 206. Keeping an Appointment

So Lloyd was reluctant, but he had to accept the fact that his ‘girlfriend-to-be’ was going to leave for a week.

He thought about it, then took off the pendant on his neck, and took out the useless healing pendant from the storage bag, wanting to give it to Weiya.

But Weiya laughed and ‘scolded’ him:

“Stupid… You can’t use holy objects for the third [transcendence], and even for every [transcendence] after that, you can’t use holy objects to avoid interfering with the ceremony.”

After that, she stood on tiptoe and put the pendant back on Lloyd’s neck.

Such an action inevitably brought the two closer, and their faces were very close.

So Lloyd also seized the opportunity, and while Weiya was not paying attention, he gently kissed her crystal pink lips, which was considered a win.

Weiya seemed a little unhappy, glared at him in a complaining way, and pouted slightly.

But before Lloyd could apologize, she narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a seductive look, and once again stood on tiptoe, holding Lloyd's cheek with both hands, and kissed Lloyd's mouth seriously.

It was a very serious response.

Then, Via buried her face in his chest, rubbing it gently, and said softly:

"Stupid... Wait until I come back, don't be deceived by other girls."


Lloyd nodded vigorously and put his arms around Via's shoulders again.

He was going to hold her like this for a while longer.

As a result, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force in his hand, forcibly pried his arms apart, and then pushed Via out of his arms.

It was as if someone was [vetoing] their intimacy.


Via was stunned, and hurriedly adjusted her dress.

This was the second time she was pushed away from Lloyd's arms by this force, and she seemed to have noticed something.

Lloyd was also stunned for a moment, then reached out to the saint statue in his pocket.


He felt his hand being opened...

"Uh... maybe because this is District 18, the domain of saints, it is a very serious occasion, it is not good for us to do this."

Lloyd tried to explain.

"Well... no more kissing in District 18, wait for me to come back, we will go outside..."


So just like that, after completing the handover of work, Wei Ya said goodbye to Lloyd who had just come up from the -3 floor, and then reluctantly returned the kitten to him, and then went home to make subsequent preparations.

Lloyd walked her all the way into the subway tunnel, and then scratched the depressed kitten and comforted her:

"It's okay, we can always be together in the future."


The kitten rubbed his palm in return.

Lloyd then went back to the office and tried again in the [Thinking Field], but still couldn't [sneak into] Ai Luoluo's boudoir, and then he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as Wei Ya left, he went to find another beautiful girl. No matter how you think about it, it will make people feel guilty, right?

Fortunately, he didn't find her...

But the quartermaster priest Andrew came to find him and delivered the batch of materials he had ordered before.

Then he patted Lloyd on the shoulder and said with emotion:

"You helped me a lot this time! If the Eighteenth District was taken over by the Holy Grace Court, I would have no business to do, and my wife and children would starve to death..."

As he said that, he gave Lloyd a thumbs up again, saying that he would give him a 10% discount if he came to him for goods in the future!

"Good brother, remember to ask me about the gun."

Andrew finally left a sentence and slipped back to the quartermaster's office.

Lloyd looked at his goods this time, the quality was still good, so he put them in the storage bag.

The bullets for the revolver were also obtained, so he could show off his shooting skills again.

Then, Lloyd borrowed a book, read it casually, and waited for more people to come to him about the theft.

As a result, after waiting for a whole night, only one person came for this matter, and it was Big Brother's serious and rigid driver.

He left two boxes and two letters without saying a word, and left in a hurry.

Lloyd opened the letter first and read it.

One was a rigorously worded commendation order to commend him for a series of major contributions he had made to the cult recently.

But it did not mention what kind of "major contribution" it was...

Attached to the letter was a check for 5 million.

The other was written by Big Brother himself.

It first explained that this was a secret commendation because he did not want the younger brother to be too ostentatious and cause unnecessary danger, and hoped that he could understand...

Lloyd nodded, which was exactly the effect he needed.

Then, Big Brother explained these rewards again.

The check included two bonuses, one for killing the consultant and the other for recovering the goods, with the latter accounting for a larger proportion.

It's not that the consultant is not valuable, but his bonus needs to be divided by two strong men plus Lloyd, a little Karami, and Lloyd's contribution in that battle was relatively small, so his share was a little less.

As for the large bounty on the consultant, it is not easy to claim it at present. On the one hand, the consultant is not dead yet, and there is no convincing proof that people are willing to pay;

On the other hand, many bounties were issued many years ago. To this day, it is unknown whether they are still valid, or whether those institutions are still there...

Lloyd has no opinion on this. He basically watched the battle to encircle the consultant from the sidelines. It is good enough to score points, not to mention that he also earned a small vest holy relic, which is very satisfying.

The rest of the content in Big Brother's letter is to explain the function of the small box that came with the letter.

Inside lies a golden medal, with the style of the intersecting spear and sword of the Holy Court, exquisite workmanship, and gorgeous ribbons, and a few faint spiritualities, which is considered a fine work of art.

According to Big Brother, with this medal called "Brilliant Holy Court", the people of the Holy Grace Court will not dare to cause trouble again.

And he can also get a chance to meet the saint in the real world, so that he can think of the time, notify in advance, and then go to the veto sanctuary to meet the saint.

But it's better not to waste this opportunity just for curiosity, Big Brother suggested in the letter.

Do you want me to use this opportunity at a critical moment?

Lloyd nodded and put the medal away.

As for the remaining narrow box, when he opened it, there was actually another exquisite and gorgeous command knife inside?

It was also made of Damascus technology, with a dreamy cloud-like blade pattern on the blade, flashing a sharp cold light.

Compared with his previous one, it is even more exquisite and beautiful, and has the function of a psychic blade.

This knife is the reward for his recovery of the batch of goods.

Lloyd naturally loved it and played with it in his hand for a long time before hanging it on the wall of the office like a treasure.

"Is it not going to be snatched away by Big Brother this time?"

As he said, he nodded with satisfaction.

So Lloyd had nothing to do next. After thinking about it, he simply asked for leave from the judge who took over Wei Ya's job, using the excuse of "looking for materials". The other party let him go very straightforwardly.

Lloyd then took the "subway" to the commercial street near his home. In a craft shop, he carefully selected a music box inlaid with jewels, preparing to get another material for Wei Ya's [Concentration].

It's a bit expensive, but it doesn't matter, there's money in my pocket!

When Wei Ya comes back and the two officially confirm their relationship, I'll give this away. She will definitely be very happy, right? Then... hehe, hehe...

Then, Lloyd went to the basement of the club and began to process the music box, using his new understanding of ritual studies, as well as miniaturization and portability.

The music box processed in this way only needs to use the standard three-piece set of mirrors, candles, and incense to activate the effect of [Concentration], directly eliminating the process of drawing patterns, and the convenience is instantly doubled.

As for whether it can work correctly, Lloyd was not in a hurry to verify it. There would be experts to evaluate it later.

So, he looked at the time and left the club at about 2:40 pm, went to the second-hand book market opposite, and prepared to enter the "Dream Theater".

At 3 pm, he made an appointment with the white knight Valdes to meet inside.

According to the new address on the platinum invitation letter, Lloyd found the familiar antique shop in the deepest part of the second-hand book market.

The surroundings were still familiar and quiet, and the familiar guy was still at the door.

Although the guy said "I'll kill you if you believe it or not" last time, which seemed very fierce, Lloyd still greeted him politely:


The guy was still sleeping on his stomach, and waved his hand impatiently, indicating that he would go up.

A moment later, Lloyd saw the waiter greet him with a bright face, and greeted him warmly:

"Welcome, my most distinguished 'newbie', um... I didn't expect that you are a few steps closer to 'greatness' after just one night's absence? This really makes me feel sincerely happy for you."

So what exactly is the [greatness] he said?

Is it because of the reading progress of "The Book of Truth"?

Why didn't he be so attentive before?

Lloyd thought about it in his heart, weighed it again, and still didn't ask, but changed the question:

"I want to meet a friend here, is it convenient?"

"Of course, I will arrange a reception room for you to ensure absolute confidentiality. I wonder what style you need?"

"Um...laboratory style."

"Okay, as you wish."

After exchanging a few pleasantries with the other party, Lloyd entered the game area of ​​"Bullseye", where he and Valdez agreed to meet.

In order to show his sincerity, he arrived a little earlier.

Surprisingly, Valdez arrived earlier than him.

Thanks to Benares No. 114 for giving Wei Ya 100 points to buy... canned cat food?

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