I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 209 208 Correspondence

Chapter 209 208. Letter exchange

After all, Jenkins is also a fifth-level powerhouse and a famous archaeologist. It does not surprise Lloyd that he has some kind of instant communication method.

On the contrary, it was his fast reply speed that surprised Lloyd a little - just two minutes after Valdez sent the note, another note came out of the space rift that had not disappeared.

There is only one line written above:

"What happened?"

Valdez's note only asked for Elolo's address, but Lao Zhan was not stupid and he immediately guessed that something might be wrong.

Valdes then took a look at Jenkins' reply to Lloyd and asked what he meant.

Of course, Lloyd hoped that Lao Zhan could also join the rescue, so he nodded and added:

"I also hope to get acquainted with this 'Black Soldier'."

Valdez knew how to write a reply, and he quickly wrote something straight in his notebook. He first briefly introduced his new friend, the 'Black Knight', and then mentioned that the 'White Bishop' was abused by his father and needed help.

Then he tore off those pages, folded them into small squares, and threw them into the rift in space.

This time, Lao Zhan would definitely not reply so quickly, so Lloyd took advantage of this free time and took out the music box he had made earlier and asked Valdez to taste it.

Of course, Valdez gave a very high evaluation, especially the miniaturization and portability of the above processes, which surprised him even more.

"I didn't expect that there is such an understanding and handling method? It's really wonderful!"

He obviously also noticed that the idea of ​​using a music box to replace the sky-high-priced bell, as well as the specific operations involved, "crash" with his own design, and he frowned slightly.

But he didn't mention it, maybe because he thought it didn't matter, it was just a coincidence; or maybe he didn't care, because after all, the other party also shared this small and portable design with him.

The two chatted about "Rituals" for a while, until a space crack opened on the workbench, and Jenkins' reply came out of it.

Lloyd and Valdes paused their academic discussion and read Lao Zhan's reply together.

The first sentence above is a greeting to Lloyd:

"It's an honor to know this 'Black Knight'; I'm also honored to gain his trust and be willing to share the instructions from His Holiness with us; of course, I feel extremely honored to be able to share the worries of His Holiness."

He used three words of "honor" to express his sincerity, and then got to the point:

"As for the situation of the 'White Bishop', I am not questioning her current situation, but I cannot understand what her father did. After all, she was able to join our seminar precisely because of her father's wishes..."

Lao Zhan then described the whole process of Ailuolo joining the seminar.

To put it simply, a friend of his who was a prophet came into contact with a father who was confused and confused about his daughter's fate, so he found the prophet and wanted to pry into his daughter's [destiny].

And this prophet friend happens to be an 'optionist'. Through a series of [prophecies], the final option he came up with is really terrifying.

[Silence], [Waiting], [Endure], [Death], [Forgetting]

He only saw this option...

This obviously made it impossible to deal with the client, so the prophet friend thought of Lao Zhan and recommended the father.

In the end, Lao Zhan's "path school" thinking found a way to see the girl's different ending, and found the fork in the road that determined her fate.

But both the 'end' and the 'fork in the road' are quite vague. All I know is that she can live well; and the 'fork in the road' points to the path of the 'secret underground association'.

The matter was over here, and Jenkins had no intention of letting the girl join his seminar, but the father took out a large check, showed full sincerity, and then mentioned that his daughter was extremely talented. , completed naturally without any ceremony [Enlightenment]

So the Future of Humanity Seminar has a ‘white bishop’.

When Valdes saw this, he said angrily:

"I asked why this old man always protects her. Even if he repeatedly clamored to withdraw from the membership, he would try to persuade her to come back, making me think that she was really some kind of super genius who could decide the fate of mankind. But it turns out that this is the reason? "

Lloyd couldn't laugh or cry about this. No wonder Elolo, who is so timid and weak, can still stay in the seminar. It turns out that her father has the ability to make money?

"Uh... Sir Black Knight, please allow me to state that she and I are different. I was personally recruited by the old man who came to visit her. It was definitely not a matter of money."

Valdez explained quickly, fearing that Lloyd would misunderstand.

"I trust you."

Lloyd nodded, and the two of them continued to look down.

It is precisely because of Elolo's joining process that Lao Zhan felt his father's deep paternal love worth millions, so he found his behavior of abusing his daughter incomprehensible.

But Lao Zhan forcefully defended himself in the letter:

"When I met her father, I felt heavy worry, numb confusion and decadence in him. He didn't seem to have the temperament of a powerful man at all. He was just a father who was worried about his daughter. This It reminded me of some of my own experiences, so I decided to ask her to join me in the seminar.”

He is actually another strong salted fish?

Because of Jenkins' "Beijing", Lloyd was somewhat accustomed to such a high-ranking powerhouse showing off.

At the same time, he also had the same doubts as Jenkins, feeling that there was a huge difference between the father he believed in and the ghost father he imagined.

Could it be that something happened? Caused a drastic change in his temperament?

Or is it that Eloro's simple desire to go out and have a look is so unforgivable? Must he punish his daughter in this way?

In the following content of the letter, Jenkins said that he did not know the specific address of Airolo, and several of his communications with Airolo were also completed in this way.

But he was not sure whether Elolo would still receive letters through the chessboard, and how his father, who had changed his temperament, would react.

Of course, if the Black Knight is willing to try, he can also write a letter to test the situation.

Lloyd did not rush to answer, but looked at the last paragraph of the letter:

Lao Zhan said that he would be with several powerful people in the [intellectual] system. They are also well-informed big shots. Can he ask their opinions?

Lloyd thought for a moment and replied:

"You can try it, or you can ask about it, but please be careful. Your Majesty doesn't want too many people to know about His resurrection."

Valdez nodded and began to write a reply, adding another sentence for Jenkins:

"You can rest assured on this, this old man is very strict with his mouth."

But in his heart, he was pondering another piece of information:

He mentioned ‘resurgence’? Is that really the case? No wonder the image of His Holiness beside the chessboard looks a bit dilapidated and old... Oh no, it should have a unique historical charm.

So are the Lord’s contact with us, as well as His two favored ones, all for this ‘revival’?

But what happened to Him? What is the need for resuscitation?

At this time, Valdes suddenly felt his inspiration beating and twitching, reminding him not to continue thinking.

As the fourth level of the [intellectual] system, his 'inspiration early warning' was more accurate and sharp than those of extraordinary people in other systems, which made him quickly collect his thoughts and not dare to think wildly anymore.

But this time's inspirational warning also confirmed his previous speculation. There should not be a big deviation. At the same time, he also felt the mystery and power of the Venerable one step further.

After all, he is the supreme being who can be called 'great' by the waiters here. Even if he is still recovering, the two favored ones under his command are powerful enough...

Valdez thought of this, just finished writing the letter, and replied to Lao Zhan.

Then, while waiting for Lao Zhan's reply, he continued to chat with Lloyd about the content of "Rituals".


Jenkins was currently in a wild camp, which had nothing to do with the Great Development. It only had simple tents arranged without any protection or extra people. Including himself, there were only seven people accommodated.

But it was extremely safe here, giving him an unprecedented sense of security.

Apart from him, there were six people left, five at the eighth level and one at the sixth level.

And the sixth-level one was his previous client, Hoylandi.

When the client was desperate, he finally accepted Jenkins' persuasion and decided to surrender to the people in the [intellectual] system.

But as a price and guarantee, Jenkins had to accompany him and said that he would not pay the remaining sky-high remuneration until he confirmed safety.

Lao Zhan gritted his teeth and decided to fight.

Just in the past two days, he found out through some old friends in the city that several strong men of the [intellectual] system had come to the vicinity of the Eternal City, as if they were in line with Hoylandi's [destiny].

This made Jenkins secretly sigh at the power of the Supreme Being, because the 'fork in the road' that led the client to surrender was guided by the Supreme Being himself.

So Jenkins met those strong men in a wild camp not too far from the Eternal City.

The leading strong man among them was covered in black robes and covered his face with a metal face mask. He was still floating in the sky, looking like a human or a ghost.

As for his client, the moment he saw this strong man, he knelt down weakly on the ground, his whole body was limp, and he could only helplessly smile and said:

"Unexpectedly, I ended up falling into the hands of the Brilliant Order... Well, it's an honor to meet you, Judge Tiltus."

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