I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 21 21 Interpreting the Omens

Chapter 21 21. Interpreting Omens

According to the knowledge in Lloyd's mind, the stronger the spirituality of the spiritual objects such as "supernatural attributes" and "mystery", the greater the impact on divination.

But it is not necessarily the impact on the accuracy rate, it may also be reflected in other aspects.

The knowledge in his mind is not completely conclusive. He only knows that according to different divination targets and different divination questions, it is recommended to choose different spiritual objects to try the effects multiple times and summarize them by yourself.

It seems that even the knowledge given by the panel is not omnipotent, and you have to practice more by yourself.

Lloyd found a bench on the street and sat down, then took out a box of matches he had just bought, took out one and put it on the matchbox.

"In what direction is the [spiritual object] closest to me?"

He repeated the question in a low voice, then activated [Simple Divination] and turned the match.

After rotating twice, the match head pointed to a fork in the southwest.

Lloyd stood up and prepared to go over to take a look, but the match suddenly caught fire without any warning, and the rising flame almost burned him.

But it took less than a second for the flame to go out again.

"Well... from the perspective of divination, this may be some kind of omen?"

Lloyd muttered with feeling and scratched his head again.

As a beginner who tried divination for the first time, he didn't know what this was foreshadowing, and there was no relevant knowledge in his mind, so he could only rely on his own association to interpret it.

"Emmmmm, the flame flashed and disappeared, very short, even the roast turkey and milk were not visible, not as good as Boruto, does this mean..."

"Is the spirituality of that [Summoning Item] very weak? Is the quality poor?"

According to the knowledge in his mind, interpreting omens is a very subjective thing, and the results presented may be multi-faceted, perhaps foreshadowing the next process, or perhaps hinting at the attributes of the target, in short, it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong.

So Lloyd walked towards the fork in the road indicated by the match with the first interpretation in mind, and continued to move forward until he came to another crossroads.

He took out his pocket watch to check the time. It had been ten minutes since the first divination. He had to wait a while before the second divination to ensure the accuracy.

He bought an entertainment tabloid at a roadside newsstand and read it casually to kill 5 minutes. Then he couldn't wait to take out another match, threw it casually, and continued to whisper:

"Which one should I choose? Which one should I choose?"

The match spun in the air for a while, and pointed to the right side of the crossroads after landing.

Then he lit it himself, and it burned a little longer than the previous one, which was on par with Boruto.

"Emmmm, judging from the change in burning time, this [Summoning Item] should be related to things like flames and cigarettes?"

After making another interpretation, Lloyd bent down to pick up the matchstick and threw it into the trash can next to him.

As a well-educated young man, he never litters.

Then he continued to move in that direction until fifteen minutes later, when he stopped and performed another divination.

In this way, he spent an hour and performed five divinations in total. Each time the match burned for a longer time than the last time, he interpreted it from several different directions:

"emmmmm, maybe the process of obtaining the [Summoning Item] will not be too smooth, and there will be a certain degree of conflict? But the intensity should not be great?"

"emmmmm, this [Summoning Item] should have heat, and may involve some popular elements of the moment?"

"emmmmm, I have been walking for an hour, and I am sweating. I feel that I am more excited than Boruto. So this omen is related to my body temperature?"

Finally, he was guided by the match to leave the middle-class neighborhood where he usually hangs out and come to the civilian neighborhood.

The buildings and streets here are not so clean and tidy. Various small buildings of different heights are crowded together, and the ground is also uneven, just like the people living here, there are always high and low, good and bad.

The air is also full of noise, crying, shouting and laughing intertwined, which is the most common smoke and fire of the city, but it also makes Lloyd feel nostalgic.

He and his sister used to wander and hang out on such streets for a long time, experienced a lot of hardships, saw a lot of human warmth and coldness, but also encountered a lot of kindness and good intentions.

"It's really touching..."

Lloyd smiled and continued to move forward.

Until he came to a narrow alley, there were several children surrounding a few huge cargo boxes that were taller than people, making a lot of noise and throwing pebbles and various garbage on the boxes.

Lloyd took a closer look and found that on the top box, there was a small kitten the size of a palm, round and furry, with a tabby color, lying on the top box. It was trembling with fear because of the human cub below, and dared not move.

As a warm-hearted, kind and gentle young man, Lloyd would not stand idly by, so he walked into the box and greeted the children.

"Wow! It's the uncle of the Holy Court!"

A child recognized his uniform and shouted loudly.

The other children were immediately frightened and quickly stood aside, and bowed slightly to Lloyd to show their respect.

This uniform is not very useful in the neighborhoods where Lloyd usually hangs out, but it is still very intimidating when it comes to places like this.

The Holy Inquisition has always been well-known and well-reputed, and is very popular and loved by ordinary people, which is in sharp contrast to the Holy Grace Tribunal, which is also one of the three major tribunals.

Just the name of "uncle"...

Lloyd shook his head slightly and asked:

"Why are you bullying a little kitten?"

The children answered in unison:

"My mother said that this kitten is very strange and is a bad omen. We can't play with it."

"My father said so too. He hates cats the most and told me to drive it away when I see it."

"No, uncle. They haven't been to school and can't explain it clearly. Just listen to me. This kitten is very strange. It has been lying here without moving. It won't come down even if you give it dried fish. Even if it is driven away by adults, it will sneak back by itself."

"I understand. You go home first and let me take care of this."

Lloyd nodded, drove the children away first, and then climbed up the huge cargo box with great effort, layer by layer, until he came to the little kitten.

If nothing unexpected happens, the [Spiritual Object] he is looking for is here.

Thanks to I am Mantou, you can call me Xiatouman for the 700 points

Thanks to Benares 114 for the 200 points

Thanks to Izaris for the 500 points

Thanks to the 1000 points from the Zayu Girl

Thank you very much everyone

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