I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 212 Chapter 211 is coming

Chapter 212 211. Here it comes

Compared to the sumptuous dinner at Lloyd's house, what Eloruo can eat at night is quite simple.

She sat in a spacious dining room that could accommodate dozens or hundreds of people. In front of her was the long table that was dozens of meters long. There were high-backed chairs neatly placed around it, but there was no one else here except Miss Shebeleda behind her.

The setting sun came in from the window, and the last afterglow cast Eloruo's figure on the wall, stretching it long, making the shadow's movements look a little deformed. She should be eating, but it looks more like she is covering her face and sobbing.

Miss Shebeleda's expression is still stern and cold, as if she is not accompanying the young lady for dinner, but supervising the prisoners to eat their last meal.

The dinner menu is not rich, an omelette, a vegetable salad, and a bowl of corn soup, that's all.

This is the 'lady's recipe' that Mrs. Heweima customized for her. It is said that it can effectively control the body shape and keep her waist slim and slender forever.

Ai Luoluo had no right to refuse or choose, she could only stuff it into her mouth bit by bit, and then chew it slowly like a lady. Even if these dishes without any salt taste were so hard to swallow, she had to maintain the perfect ladylike temperament.

If there was any omission or irregularity, Miss Xie Beileda next to her would express her dissatisfaction and warn her in a way that would make her suffocate slowly.

So Ai Luoluo could only be cautious and trembling.

But she felt that she should be used to this kind of thing, after all, she had been eating such things for the past sixteen years.

She didn't know what a dessert like "small cake" would taste like? She just saw this term in a book and knew that it was a kind of food that girls liked.

In the past sixteen years, she had never eaten such a thing...

If she had the opportunity in the future, she would like to try it.

But it was just a thought.

If she made any request that did not conform to the established schedule, whether it was the itinerary or the food, it would cause Miss Xie Beileda's dissatisfaction and she would be locked in the room for a whole day.

So Ai Luoluo could only be cautious and trembling, hiding the arrogance in her heart.

After all, she has been like this for the past sixteen years.

Within the specified time, Ai Luoluo swallowed the last bite of food, then picked up the tablecloth next to her, wiped her lips without any grease, and then turned her head to look at Miss Xie Beileda next to her.

The latter took out a mirror from behind her and held it in front of her face, allowing her to tidy up her appearance to avoid destroying the ladylike beauty because of the meal.

Ai Luoluo glanced at the mirror, and her light blue and dark blue heterochromatic pupils shrank slightly, then raised her slender hand with half-palm gloves and touched her cheek.

In Miss Xie Beileda's view, this was a normal and allowed behavior.

She didn't know what Ai Luoluo saw in the mirror...

She saw a crying self, two lines of clear tears bursting out continuously, leaving two long and thin tear marks on her pretty cheeks, and finally gathered on the pointed chin.

Every time she looked in the mirror, Ai Luo Luo would see herself like this.

She would always subconsciously reach out and touch her face, but it was dry.

But she didn't know why it was like this, nor why she was crying?

It didn't seem to be like this in the past sixteen years?


After dinner, Ai Luo Luo followed Miss Xie Beileida silently and came to a bathroom on the second floor.

Then, she let the other party take off her clothes and pushed her into a light blue pool.

The water in the pool was icy cold, like a knife cutting Ai Luo Luo's delicate skin. Miss Xie Beileida didn't allow her to come out until she was shivering from the cold, her pink lips turned blue, and her thoughts seemed to be frozen.

After simply wiping her body and putting on a simple white nightgown, Ai Luo Luo was taken back to the door of her room by Miss Xie Beileida.

Squeak~ Squeak~

With a burst of steam, there was a friction sound of gears running around the door. It slowly opened with a heavy and steady rhythm, revealing the fairy-tale bedroom inside.

Before entering, Ailuo's almost frozen consciousness seemed to thaw a little, and she subconsciously asked:

"When will Dad come back?"

Miss Xie Beileda was stunned, her pupils quickly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and then quickly recovered to their original state.

Then she suddenly made a move without any warning, grabbed Ailuo's slender neck, pushed her against the wall, and lifted her up high.

"Cough cough..."

Ailuo coughed painfully, her pretty face flushed instantly, her hands instinctively wanted to pry open the other's hands, but they were motionless like iron clamps, and her delicate jade feet without shoes and socks were also kicking hard, but they didn't kick anything.

It was not until her face gradually turned from red to pale that Miss Xie Beileda's pupils began to shrink as before, and then she let go of her hand, letting Ai Luoluo fall down, kneeling on the ground, panting.

"Remember, 'Dad' is an unauthorized word."

Miss Xie Beileda first reminded coldly, and then added:

"Remember, your father will come back to have breakfast with you after a year."

"Ahem... OK... OK... I'll remember it..."

Ailuo replied weakly.

She didn't remember having such a 'house rule' in the past sixteen years.

But since Miss Shebeleda asked for it, there should be one, right?

After such an episode, Miss Shebeleda grabbed her slender arm and threw her into the room.

Then, with the gears running and the sound of the locks being locked three times, the world in front of her was left with only this fairy-tale bedroom.

But it was already dark, and the cartoon-style decorations in the bedroom had all been swallowed up by the darkness, leaving only darkness.

It was like the fairy tale had ended and it was time to go to bed.

Ailuo slowly climbed onto her bed, curled up tightly, and hugged her legs with her hands, trying to use this method to dispel the dampness and coldness left on her body.

But she suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly looked around vigilantly. After confirming that no one was peeping, she jumped off the bed, got under the bed, and took out a cartoon octopus puppet that was already covered in dust from below.

Ailuo thought that she should have hated and despised this doll in the past sixteen years, and didn't like it at all.

So every time Miss Xie Beileda cleaned the room, it would be stuffed under the bed.

But for some reason, Ailuo would always take it out again from time to time, hug it tightly without being disgusted, and endure Miss Xie Beileda's punishment for it.

Later, she learned to be smart. She secretly took it out before going to bed, hugged it, and then secretly hid it back, so that Miss Xie Beileda would not find it.

She originally planned to do the same today, but after hugging it for a while, she couldn't bear to let go.

"Will you come to accompany me today?"

Ailuo murmured inexplicably, and shrank back to the head of the bed, hugging the doll in her arms tightly.

Then she continued to murmur unconsciously:

"Venerable Lord... Save..."


Here it comes!

Sure enough, it's almost the same as I guessed, it comes at night!

Lloyd scratched his ears, put down the old book he had just bought, got into bed, and wrapped himself up like a silkworm, so as not to fall asleep without the quilt.

Then, he returned to the [Thinking Field] and walked directly to the new sprout representing Eloro.

The pitiful cry that came faintly from his ears also became more obvious.

Lloyd did not make more preparations than last night, just staring at the pattern that looked like a spiral tower under his feet.

Soon, his vision began to blur, the light began to twist and rotate, and soon he entered the [Infiltration] state and came to Eloro's room again.

"Yo~ Good evening, how are you today?"

Lloyd greeted symbolically.

Anyway, he had no entity, and no one could hear him talking, not to mention Eloro's pitiful appearance, so he couldn't respond to him.

However, after Lloyd observed carefully, he found that there were clear fingerprints and bruises on Eloro's slender white neck.

Fortunately, there were no injuries on other parts of her body, and she was still breathing and her heartbeat was still there.

Fuck! That ghost father was so beastly that he wanted to strangle his daughter?

But he regained his rationality and let her go?

"The situation is getting more and more urgent, but my plan will take several days to implement. You should be careful these days and don't provoke him again!"

Lloyd didn't care whether Ai Luoluo could hear him or not, he could only remind her like this.

Then he released his inspiration, invaded Ai Luoluo's body, and began to absorb her mental pollution.

[Ding~ Madness value +50]

[Ding~ Madness value +19]

[Ding~ Madness value +3]

This... How is it stronger than yesterday?

Lloyd still clearly remembered that he was gradually adapting to her mental pollution yesterday, and the frequency and value of the Madness value he harvested had shown a downward trend.

But why did he recover today? And he became stronger?

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad for Ai Luoluo...

This won't work. If the mental pollution can't be completely absorbed, it will be a serious waste for me and a heavy burden for her. Wouldn't it be like Chen Rui touching high voltage electricity - getting anesthetized?

It seems that I must maintain a closer contact with her...

Lloyd remembered the close contact with Wei Ya before, and a bold idea came to his mind randomly, and he whispered:

"I'm sorry..."

I don't know who he said this to?

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