I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 216 215 Will you always stay with me?

Chapter 216 215. Will you always stay with me?

The ensuing rescue process can be said to be smoother than expected. Not only is the progress very fast, but it is also very secretive and fully automatic. No additional operations are required from Royd, he just needs to wait patiently.

The key is that besides waiting, he can't do anything else, he can't float far, and his inspiration doesn't dare to extend randomly outside, for fear of triggering an alarm or something.

After waiting for the result, it is inevitable that I will become a little distraught...

After all, having nephrite in his arms always attracted his attention to Ai Luoluo.

By the way, this guy is really cute, his skin is so white, his legs are so straight, and his feet are so beautiful...

Ahem, don’t think too much, don’t think too much!

Lloyd quickly looked away.

But just at this moment, he suddenly heard a different cry in his ear:

"Hmm~ You are?"

Eloro didn't cry anymore? And also discovered his own existence?

This shows that the progress is very smooth!

Lloyd was overjoyed and quickly lowered his voice and said in a low voice:

"Can you hear me? I'm here to save you?"

But Ai Luoluo replied in that dazed, soft and waxy voice:

"Are you...Lord Uther?"

Uh... It feels like she didn't hear him?

He continued to talk to himself:

"Lord Uther turns out to be fine, so I'm relieved. Hug~"

Then, Lloyd felt a slight touch from the inspiration side, as if there was a delicate finger gently resting on his finger.

It seems that the ritual rails are indeed a little loose due to corrosion, but the extent is not too big, maybe only as big as a stretched out finger?

Lloyd observed carefully again and found that Elolo's delicate body had not changed at all. It was still the same curled-up, pitiful look. He was not speaking directly, but the blocked consciousness was communicating with himself.

The reason why she couldn't hear herself speak was probably because her consciousness had not yet been liberated, and she was not an [intellectual] system and could not use inspiration to communicate with others.

So Lloyd could only listen silently as Elolo continued:

"Lord Uther, are you here to rescue me? Hehe, you are so kind... I knew you would definitely come back to save me..."

"Ugh~ They captured my father and locked me in this dark room. I can't get out..."

"I'm so scared... I really want to eat small cakes..."

"By the way, Lord Uther, can you find the small cake? Help me offer it to the Lord? Then the Lord should be able to save me. Remember to use the small cake with cherries."

"Hehe, luckily I still have Lord Uther by my side. I don't seem to be that scared anymore?"

"Your hands... are so warm, they just tickle my feet..."

"You will... always stay with me, right?"

Lloyd was completely unable to respond and could only listen to her words silently.

And as the rituals were corroded, Lloyd immediately noticed that the mental pollution he suffered was showing an increasing trend?

Along with this, there are more and more messy fragments...

In this way, Ai Luoluo confided to Lloyd, a silent audience, for more than 20 minutes like a one-man show, and then his mood gradually calmed down and his words began to become confused.

"Ugh... I'm a little sleepy... I want to sleep..."

"Hehe, if Lord Uther is by your side, you will definitely have a sweet dream tonight, right?"

"Good night, my Lord Uther..."

Eloro no longer spoke or cried. Even his real body no longer shed tears. The corners of his mouth even curled up slightly, like a peaceful smile.

She was sleepy, and Lloyd also felt a little sleepy. At this moment, the effect of the corrosive ritual ended and it dissolved on the carpet.

Lloyd quickly took the time to erase his temporary mark, and then returned to his room consciously.

"Good night, Eloro."

Lloyd also said a little drowsily, falling into a deep sleep.

This was his rescue operation last night. It went really well. He saw obvious progress and gained a lot.

But mainly in terms of insanity value, those messy fragments are still useless.

The skill fragments cannot make up a complete skill; the knowledge fragments are all inexplicable and useless cold knowledge; the memory fragments are all a mess.

So why do you receive this mess?

The key point is that these fragments are not just memories and knowledge. There is no way to forget them as soon as he looks back. They still exist in his mind.

If it adds up...

But fortunately, in his memory, whether it was the panel or the "Book of Truth", an area was divided specifically for stuffing these things, like a recycling bin. As long as Lloyd didn't take the initiative to recall, he basically wouldn't remember it. .

But if it continues like this, I'm afraid it's not an option. Although Lloyd thinks he is very smart and can hold a lot of ink in his brain, I'm afraid it's not unlimited. If there are too many garbage and can't be solved, problems will definitely arise.

Maybe it won't have any impact in a short period of a few years or more, but what about tens or hundreds of years later?

Should I get involved in the [intellectual] system? As a system that focuses on the field of consciousness, there should be a way to solve this problem, right?

Lloyd pondered secretly.


In the laboratory full of instruments and various narrow test tubes, several scholars were surrounding a middle-aged woman, reporting various situations.

"Team leader, this is the data from last night, very optimistic, [Ailuo] is getting better day by day!"

"Very good, this shows that our plan is correct, this is the reasonable use of [Ailuo]."

"Team leader, this is the safety record from last night, everything is normal."

"Well... is there anyone on duty in the control room?"

"This... is in charge of the security department, but because she cries every night, no one dares to stay in the control room for too long, and can only do routine inspections, and there is nothing unusual."

"Well, it's understandable, [Ailuo] is still very dangerous and mysterious after all..."

The middle-aged woman in the lead was also dressed in a classic scholar's outfit of a white coat and monocle, with an extremely serious expression and temperament, so that other people around her didn't dare to look at her.

After checking a large amount of data and tables in his hands, the team leader asked again:

"How is [Mrs. Heweima] doing?"

"Everything is normal, and [teaching] can start at any time"

"No, that's not what I'm asking. I want to know if we can enter the next stage of the experiment? The experiment on taboo knowledge."

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