I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 221 220 Calm, Peaceful, Regretful

Chapter 221 220. Calm, peaceful, regretful

"Great will... what is that? Is it a saint?"

"[Miss Xie Beileda] has arrived at the reserved location and is searching for the enemy, but has not yet found any..."

"If it is against such a formless enemy, will [Miss Xie Beileda]'s spiritual pollution still be useful?"

"Huh? The door of the control room... was locked by the team leader?"

Amid the noise of the scholars, the team leader walked silently to the crowd, then bowed slightly to the crowd, and said loudly:

"Everyone, I am very happy to meet and work with you. Although the final outcome is regrettable, I still stubbornly believe that our ideas are correct, our efforts are meaningful, and our achievements can open up a new future for mankind..."

"It's just that... humans are still too small after all..."

After that, she straightened the monocle on her face and sorted out her slightly messy clothes, trying to make herself more decent.

But the scholars present didn't understand what she wanted to say.

At this time, the picture on the surveillance projection changed again. Five [Miss Xie Beileda] invaded the room together, and found the invisible enemy and rushed towards Him.

The next second, everyone present heard a slightly angry announcement:


It was a language that they could not understand for the time being, as if it came from some ancient, mysterious, and noble existence.

It was also at this moment that they were still wondering why the enemy could not be seen, and even the surveillance ritual did not work correctly.

It was not because the enemy had no entity.

It was because He could not be looked at directly.

It could not be touched or understood.

It could not be desecrated either.

So the next second, the five [Miss Xie Beileda] on the surveillance projection, which were powerful enough to fight against the seventh or even eighth level, disappeared in an instant, as if they had never existed.

And all the scholars present also closed their eyes tacitly, waiting for the end to come.

There was no crying, no wailing, and even no pain.

There was no despair, no regrets, and even a little regret.

Regret for not looking up.

Regret for not being able to worship.

So just like that, in the calmness and silence, their figures disappeared quietly like the five [Miss Xie Beileda], without a trace.


After about a few hours, with the sound of gears running, the door of the control room was opened from the outside.

Then, a few fluorescent sticks were thrown in, and a few faint green fluorescent lights barely dispelled the darkness inside.

You can see that the inside is quiet, and all the instruments and meters have become quiet, motionless, as if they are broken.

There is no one to be seen, as if no one has ever come in.

"I thought there would be corpses everywhere, but it turned out to be silent? Is this good news?"

"No, this just shows that the situation is more serious than we expected. They all disappeared before they could even issue a warning. Did they provoke some kind of terrifying existence?"

"Then... do you want to go in and try?"

"Or... forget it? I haven't lived enough. Even standing at the door, I can feel the smell of mental pollution, but they seem to be restrained by some force and do not escape outward."

Outside the door are five people dressed as investigators. They are dressed in their own unique and personal styles. The most eye-catching one is wearing a bright red suit, which looks particularly exaggerated.

Only on the chest, they all wear a colorful ball-shaped badge, which looks fancy and looks like a prop that can be used directly as a clown juggling prop.

But the power fluctuations emanating from them are at least the sixth-order strength, and they carry the spiritual aftertaste of various different systems.

They are the backup that the scholars expected before.

But without being able to use inspiration at will, relying on the light of the fluorescent stick, it was impossible to see anything, so one of the investigators took the initiative to suggest:

"Let me take a look."

"Be careful."

The investigator nodded, leaned against the wall on one side, then closed his eyes, stretched out two fingers, and gently tapped his eyelids.

Then he exerted his strength and put two fingers close to the door of the central control room, as if he had temporarily taken off his eyes and then went to spy on the situation inside.

But only a second later, he groaned, quickly retracted his fingers, and then began to spasm and tremble all over his body, his face became as pale as a dead person, as if he had touched something extremely terrible.

The other two investigators on the side quickly pulled him to the back away from the door, and another person said loudly:

"In the name of veto!"

The other person quickly poured a tube of light blue medicine into his mouth.

About two minutes later...

"Cough cough cough!!!"

The bold investigator coughed violently, then gasped for air and sat up from the ground like a corpse, with bloodshot eyes wide open and said in a hoarse voice:


Two people immediately took out wine jugs and handed them to him.

After drinking a whole bottle of strong liquor, his face gradually regained its color, and then he quickly pointed to the door of the control room and said intermittently:

"Quick... Close the door, there is... Don't use your hands..."

The remaining investigators quickly activated their own abilities, closed the door again in the air, and then blocked it with the power of the [Veto] system, as if it was sealed.

After dealing with these, the bold investigator finally relaxed, and quickly let out a long breath, whispering:

"In this way, there will be no problem for the time being, and the rest... Let time slowly kill it."

"Hey, buddy, are you okay? What did you see just now?"

Someone next to him asked quickly.


The bold investigator replied in a low voice.


"Desolate, dead, gray sky, scarlet moon, spiral tower, such a picture flashed before my eyes, incomprehensible, unbearable to look at, untouchable... I don't know how to describe it, but I subconsciously thought of the word 'doomsday'."

The bold investigator whispered, and rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then felt a sticky feeling between his fingers.

He took his hand off and saw that there was a blood tear between his fingers.

His eyes were burning, as if they were gouged out, so he had to close his eyes again, and then said with a slightly fortunate tone:

"I didn't expect that I was still alive, and not crazy? Not mentally polluted?"

Someone next to him immediately answered:

"No, when you say this, you may have gone crazy... But it shouldn't be too serious. After you go out, I will do a mental assessment for you."

The bold investigator nodded helplessly, leaned against the wall, and entered a state of rest with eyes closed.

The remaining four people continued to seal off the scene, began to arrange the rituals, and continued to discuss:

"What should we do with 0-266?"

"What else can we do? Admit that the plan failed, admit that she is completely out of control... No, or should we call it awakening?"

"Then... who will be responsible? How should we explain it to the higher-ups?"

"The fact that you can raise this question shows that you haven't realized what 0-266 is, and why the number starts with '0'."

"This... I seem to understand, it seems that there is really no need to report and explain to anyone."

"It's a pity for this project team. They are all excellent scholars, and they have a great awareness of sacrificing for the future of mankind, but in the end they disappeared meaninglessly, without any value..."

"Yeah, what did they do wrong?"

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became heavy, everyone remained silent, and continued the process at hand until someone laughed He smiled and spoke again:

"There is no need to be sentimental. Their sacrifice may not be worthless. At least our City of Joy can continue to exist and prosper."

"Even if it is only temporary?"

"Even if it is only temporary, who can blame us humans for being so insignificant?

Besides, [Miss Shebeleda] and [Mrs. Heweima] have achieved results, right? And they can be quickly applied to the process of large-scale development."

"Hurry up and work. At present, we can only carry out some temporary blockades. We have to find some people to carry out complete sealing. I am afraid that we can't get close to this place for a long time in the future."

The only investigator who was not working was talking with his eyes closed, and then suddenly thought of something, so he added:

"Oh, by the way, remember to bow and leave later to express enough respect."

The other investigators swallowed their saliva and their expressions became particularly solemn.

When they finished the temporary work at hand, they helped the injured up, and together they maintained the humility and awe, holding their breath and slowly retreating.

Only when they were far away from the control room did they straighten their backs again and continue to discuss:

"Is there something extraordinary coming?"

"I'm not sure, and I didn't see it. It should have come, but left again, otherwise you probably wouldn't talk to me like this... But fortunately, no matter what it is, you and I don't need to be responsible and bear it next.

In short... no matter what it is, it is difficult for us to understand and touch."

"What about 0-266? Will she still stand on our side? After all, I have heard about some of the methods of this project team, especially the team leader who is known for his ruthlessness..."

"That's not something we should care about. Since you have chosen to come to our City of Joy, you have to learn our way of life-don't think too much, don't ask too much, enjoy the present, and have fun in time, so let's go have a drink together."

Thanks to the 100 points rewarded by Cat_ED.

Thanks to Long Ai for giving Everole 500 points to buy thick white stockings?

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