I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 234 233 This shouldn’t be the butler’s story?

Chapter 234 233. This shouldn’t be the story of the housekeeper?

While Lloyd was observing others, the other two ‘readers’ who were directly on the line were also observing him secretly, and at the same time they quietly emitted inspiration, trying not to make power fluctuations in the air.

The fourth-level investigator took the lead in starting a series of associations:

This guy… is the super genius praised by Mr. Shandu? He looks really young, but there is no power fluctuation on his body, which means that his rank is not very high, and should be below the third level, a little lower.

He may have extremely excellent talents and must be very smart, but being young also means that he lacks experience and experience, and it is inevitable that he will have some small problems of arrogance, which is a very fatal weakness in our ‘game’.

Even if he is a super genius, it is impossible for him to be a genius in all fields, right? There is nothing to be afraid of.

This guy from the [Intelligence] system looks very impressive. It just so happens that [Intelligence] is a system that specializes in the field of consciousness, and has advantages that none of us have. I'm afraid he will be a very tough opponent...

However, I am an expert in cracking [Stories]! I have talents that the two of them can't reach, and with the help of [Laws], I can find myself as quickly as possible.

So... I can win!

After some thought, the investigator couldn't help but smile with a bit of confidence.

And the fourth-level scholar also made deductions and judgments in his mind after some observation:

Is this young man Lloyd, who Master Elfreddy called the 'Bright Star'? Well, he is indeed a good-looking man, but his rank is a bit low, and he hasn't been able to emit power fluctuations, which is one of his unique advantages.

If he gets the kind of power beyond his understanding in the [Story], he will probably wake up. I don't know if Madam Inissa has arranged such a 'plot'?

Unfortunately, even if he can wake up quickly, it will be difficult for him to escape the control of the "plot". The [Veto] system, which is invincible in the real world, is not very useful in the [story]. If he wants to crack it, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

It will probably take several hours, right?

So he should not be a big threat to me. Genius is not a big deal. Who is not a genius?

On the contrary, this [Law] system investigator will probably be my main competitor. The [Law] system has an absolute advantage in maintaining self-awareness...

Besides, this guy looks experienced, so he must be very tricky.

But the power of [Law] is also difficult to play in the [story]. If he wants to crack it in the end, it will take a lot of effort, and it will definitely take several hours.

I can still take the advantage and initiative. As long as I can restore my self-awareness in time, I will be sure to end the [story] within two hours, which is a speed that neither of them can reach.

After all, this is the field of thinking and consciousness, and it is the absolute home of our [intellectual] system!

So... we can win!

After some thought, the scholar nodded secretly, feeling more confident.

Just at this time, the three big guys also ended the impolite greetings, and then the housekeeper took the lead and repeated the rules of this "gambling game".

"You are not allowed to use holy objects, but you can use extraordinary abilities and various potions."

"You are not allowed to threaten the lives of "readers". No matter whether you win or lose afterwards, you cannot retaliate."

"You are not allowed to collude and cheat in advance, and you are not allowed to..."

"The final victory or defeat will be determined by the time it takes to crack the [story]. Whoever's [story] is cracked by the slowest and least people will be the final winner."

After repeating the rules, this shocking gambling game involving three seventh-level strongmen kicked off.

Everyone first entered the hotel, and then the three "readers" went to the second floor to choose their own rooms, and then they would start their own [stories] here.

The three big guys went to the third floor and sat in a simple meeting room temporarily converted from a bedroom. Next, they will host their own [stories] and supervise the actions of the other two.

"Old rules?"

The butler sat down at a wooden table, took out a standard six-sided dice, and then put a card with exquisite workmanship and complex patterns on the table.

This card looks a bit like a greeting card or a postcard, which is the butler's [story]

"Ladies first."

The big guy named Olga also sat down next to him, and then put a notebook on the table, which was his [story]


The big guy named Inissa grabbed the dice, threw a number casually, and then put his [story] - a fairy-tale style three-dimensional book on the table.

Then, the three big guys took turns to throw the dice to decide whose [story] came first.


Lloyd chose the room at the end of the corridor on the left, and was doing a simple tidying and inspection with one hand, and then opened the window and took a breath.

The other hand, which was free, tightly held the saint statue in his pocket.

In addition to this slightly simple room, the picture in front of him also had lines of text and numbers on the panel.

According to the rules, the game officially begins the moment he enters the room.

He can only leave the room after he has solved today's [story] or when the time is up and he is rescued by the boss.

So as soon as he entered the room, Lloyd kept the panel open based on his last experience.

Then he held his 'girl next door' tightly in his hand.

The 'girl next door' was naturally as gentle as ever, and in return she held his hand tightly, with her palm warm and smooth.

After roughly checking the room, Lloyd suddenly saw the panel in front of him blur and flicker, and a voice-over came out of his ear:

"Your name is Tom, a folklorist who loves traveling and adventure. You came to this town yesterday and participated in a lively celebration..."

"You are very fascinated by the celebration. You will be completely immersed in the festive atmosphere, have a lot of fun, and meet a passionate and beautiful girl. You firmly believe that this is the love you crave..."

"She is hiding in your bed now, and her father is anxiously looking for her..."

As the narration narrated, a bulging translucent gauze appeared out of thin air on the empty bed in the room, which could not completely cover the hot curves underneath.

A gorgeous blonde was lying on the bed, with a pitiful sadness on her beautiful face. She was looking at Lloyd eagerly, and said with a slightly crying voice:

"Dear, my father is looking for me, but I don't want to go home. I just want to be with you forever."

As she said that, she licked her rosy lips again, lowered her voice, and said in an extremely seductive tone:

"Let's hurry up and do it again?"

Lloyd nodded and walked to the bed, as if he had completely replaced the role of "Folklorist Tom".


After looking down at the "love of this life" in front of him, he continued:

"This should not be the story of the butler, otherwise he should know that I like white hair..."

After that, he suddenly shouted:

"In the name of veto!"

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