I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 241 Why is 240 so interesting?

Chapter 241 240. How come it's quite fun?

After experiencing the housekeeper's [Story] seriously, Lloyd also intuitively felt the strength of the [Story] ability.

It seems that the power of the [Story] ability lies in the fact that the 'plot' can be flexible. The more you try to crack the plot, the more dangerous the plot will be.

Even if the other party realizes the problem, it is difficult to break free directly, and it may get deeper and deeper...

If you die in the [Story] in the end, your thinking consciousness may be forever doomed, unless the 'author' releases you.

And the consumption of the abilities used in the [Story] will also be fed back to the body in the present world. If you exhaust your spiritual power or get injured in it, you will become weak in the present world.

Its interference speed with thinking consciousness may be slower than those abilities of the [Distortion] and [Intelligence] systems, but it is difficult for people to get out, and it will affect the body in the present world.

After Lloyd summed up in his mind, he looked at the "neighbors" who were crowded in front of his house and begged him to deal with various strange events; in his ears, he kept urging himself to protect the weak and help the neighbors, trying to guide him to continue to go deeper into the "plot".

Fortunately, he has been sober and did not listen to the narrator.

But Lloyd can also clearly feel that those "narrators" are not just as simple as advancing the "plot", but have been trying to modify their own personality, that is, to interfere with and influence their own three views and inherent cognition.

For example, now, the narrator is trying to make himself a kind young man who protects the weak.

Earlier, when he met the plot of "Miss Desda", the narrator kept reminding himself that he must protect Miss Desda in the future, remember her kindness to him, and not have any wrong thoughts about her.

This is probably not just an influence of the "plot", but a kind of mental suggestion. Even if I leave the [story], it is difficult to completely get rid of the character in the "plot". In the future, I will really become a kind young man who protects the weak and will really protect Miss Desta.

Lloyd can sense the intention of the butler, but he is also in a state of laughter and tears.

But I have always been a righteous young man who helps the weak and fights against the strong. I decided to protect Miss Desta a long time ago, but she just doesn't need me...

Besides, I respect her very much. I always remember the help she provided when my sister and I were in the most difficult time, so I never had any unreasonable thoughts. There are enough girls around me...

But if the butler and I are not in the same group, or even hostile, how will he influence my world view and cognition?

In addition to this kind of interference that affects the world view and cognition, the NPC in the [story] will even inquire about my various privacy and little secrets.

For example, when I was with ‘Everrole’ before, she inexplicably asked me how much money I had in my bank account, what materials I needed for the next [Transcendence], and whether I had a favorite girl.

These questions were actually completely unrelated to the plot at the time. They were asked so abruptly, and it was obvious that the ‘author’ behind them wanted to know these things.

It was also fortunate that Lloyd and the housekeeper were on the same side, otherwise the questions raised by ‘Everrole’ would probably be more important and private.

It seems that [Story] is really a powerful ability, with many advantages and characteristics that other thinking interference abilities do not have.

Of course, it also has weaknesses and disadvantages, and it is not completely unsolvable.

If I can stay awake all the time, I won’t be ‘modified’ by the narrator, and I won’t be tricked by the NPC.

As for these ‘plots’ that want to trap me...

I’ll crack them in my own way!

After Lloyd summarized, he looked at the noisy neighbors in front of him and began to kidnap himself morally.

"If my daughter's illness can't be cured, I will hate you forever! I will also write an anonymous letter to report you!"

"If you don't help me solve this trouble, then you will have to bear my losses!"

"Since you are unwilling to help, my house can't be lived in, so I will move to your house!"

"You are a member of the Holy Court, how can you ignore us? Why don't you ignore us!"

Lloyd's fists hardened when he heard it, and he trembled all over, his hands and feet were cold.

Why can the butler depict such a disgusting face so clearly and realistically?

In order to respect the plot, Lloyd suppressed his nausea and said:

"Okay, don't worry, everyone, I will help, but you have to come one by one, right?"

"Human life is at stake, you must go and cure my daughter's illness first! If my daughter dies because of this, let your sister be my daughter!"

"Okay, let's go."

Lloyd answered very straightforwardly.

Then a group of people ran to the neighbor's house in a mighty manner. A group of people gathered outside and watched Lloyd walk in coldly.

According to the narrator's description, as soon as Lloyd entered the door, he knew that the neighbor's daughter had been bewitched by a strange, evil, and mysterious existence, and became crazy and began to transform into a monster.

If you want to cure her, you must...

"In the name of veto!"

Lloyd didn't wait for the narrator to finish his words, and directly smashed down with a skill.


The crazy woman in the bedroom was hit so hard that her brain burst and she died on the spot.

Then he clapped his hands, walked out, and replied to the neighbor:

"Okay, your daughter is no longer sick."

Although the neighbor did not go in to check, he seemed to have known the fate of his daughter through other means. He was stunned on the spot, his eyes were dull and his expression was numb.

It looked like a bug...

He was stunned on the spot for a long time before he started to read in a mechanical tone:

"Ah! This is great! Thank you for your help, Lloyd, you will always be my best friend."

He just knew that his daughter was indeed not sick, and if he met the requirements he put forward to Lloyd, then the part of the "plot" he was responsible for would end, but he ignored the fact that his daughter was also dead.

Look, he still thanked me?

Lloyd was in a dilemma.

Obviously, no matter how realistic and lifelike the butler portrayed these NPCs, it is impossible to take into account every NPC's way of thinking and behavior, and it is impossible to make every NPC like a real person.

What's more, this still changed the "plot"...

So this funny result appeared.

As this plot was cracked by Lloyd in this tricky way, he once again felt the flickering and blurring of the surrounding space, indicating that the power of the "plot" was weakened again.

But this impact is obviously much smaller and milder than the previous one.

In the previous plot, he forcibly killed the invincible enemy in a scene where he should have fled, and completely changed the direction of the plot.

In this plot, he followed the plot and ran to treat the neighbor's daughter, but the method he adopted was completely unreasonable. This was a loophole in the "plot" itself. He just found it, not violently changed it, so it did not cause the backlash of the "plot".

Obviously, the second way of dealing with it is the normal process, and it is also the method that the housekeeper taught Lloyd before.

Although it is not very efficient, it is quite fun?

So Lloyd said to another neighbor:

"Okay, now it's time to solve your problem."

The other party was a calculating young woman, who quickly replied:

"Well! Then let's go quickly, I must help me convince my fiancé to write his family's land and land in my name."

"Okay, let me show you my words."

Lloyd said, and then led a large group of neighbors to the home of a powerful family in the town.

The narration in his ear began to describe to him how powerful this powerful family was, even "Miss Desda" respected him, and how powerful the high-ranking strongman in the family was, and how the youngest son who was going to marry this woman was so loved.

And this woman didn't love the landlord's youngest son at all, she just planned to cheat others' property through marriage.

But if he didn't agree to her request, she would whisper in the ears of multiple lovers, making him socially dead in this small town and unable to survive.

In short, if Lloyd helped this, he would definitely be retaliated by the powerful, and most likely hunted down by other people's high-ranking strongmen.

But if he didn't agree, he would be forced to leave the town, and once he left Arkham, a town full of talents and strongmen, the mysterious existence who had just harmed other people's daughters would target him, because he had just cured his daughter's illness and ruined his good deeds...

Anyway, on one side was a high-ranking strongman, and on the other side was a mysterious existence, who just wanted to force Lloyd to death.

Fortunately, Lloyd had already thought of a reasonable countermeasure...

He took the girl into the landlord's mansion, and talked to the youngest son for a while, explaining the pros and cons to him.

In the end, the youngest son added his fiancee's name to the land deed and the land deed with a dull look on his face.

The fiancee also had a similar dull look on her face, and signed her name on a special clause.

The promise was that after the two of them got married, she would remain faithful, love her youngest son with all her heart, take care of all the big and small things in the family, and guarantee to give birth to a hundred children for her youngest son.

If she failed to do so, she would not get any land or property.

The goal was achieved, but it seemed that it was not completely achieved?

As soon as both parties signed the contract, Lloyd felt that the world around him began to blur again, and the power of the "plot" was weakened again.

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