I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 243 242 This is the Arkham Town I want

Chapter 243 242. This is the Arkham Town I want

"Huh? What new tricks does this kid have up to? Let's see... eh? Why did my Arkham Town become a militarized fortress?"

"Look, how come all the residents in this town are at level five?"

"Can you please pay attention to the important point? Don't you care what this giant tin man is?"

The three bosses were a little shocked by the cruel work that Lloyd performed. The level of shock was even more than when they were speed-passed in 20 seconds.

Arkham Town, which originally seemed peaceful and peaceful, remote and backward, without even electricity, now had thick walls more than ten meters high erected around it, transforming into a sigh-worthy solid fortress.

These city walls have a bastion-like structure as a whole, and multiple walls are also arranged to form a urn city. They are equipped with various weapons on all sides to ensure that the enemy will never come back.

Arkham Town inside the city wall is already a highly modern town. High-rise buildings are rising from the ground. The complete sewer network and power network below are already as advanced as those of the Brilliant City.

Around the fortress, there are a lot of factories that have suddenly popped up, making huge noises and billowing smoke. You can also see conveyor belts that continuously deliver various parts.

Then they were transported by rough and heavy trucks to the nearby factory for further processing.

This is already a quite modern industrial area painting style, and shows a trend that transcends the times.

In the open space in the middle of this pile of factories, a huge robot more than five meters high was conducting its first experiment.

The appearance of the robot is relatively simple and unpretentious, with a green body, a round head, a red one-eye on its forehead, and a breathing tube of unknown meaning in its mouth.

His movements were also very clumsy and stiff, and his walking was a bit shaky. He was obviously just a rudimentary test subject.

But it is a truly epoch-making work. Even Olga, a seventh-level powerhouse, was amazed and surprised by it. He couldn't help but sigh:

"I see the direction of progress in it..."


At this time, Lloyd was already having fun playing in the [Story], enjoying it and not thinking about it.

After all kinds of twists and turns, he discovered a major loophole in the [Story] ability!

To put it simply, the ‘main plot’ has the highest priority, and the remaining ‘branch plots’, ‘characters’, and ‘backgrounds’ will all make way for the advancement and expansion of the ‘main plot’.

Once the advancement of the 'main line' is blocked to a certain extent, the remaining story elements such as 'characters' and 'background' will fall into chaos and collapse, and it will feel like a web novel on earth. Once the author can't write the main plot, it's easy to do some extra work or even bad work...

Lloyd's operation at this time is to intervene when the "character" and "background" are becoming more and more collapsed, and guide them to expand in the direction they need. It is somewhat similar to the collapse of the original author's writing. , it feels like taking it over and writing a second fanfic.

That naturally means you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

In fact, from a theoretical perspective, his fancy gameplay is consistent with the experience taught by the butler. It uses the loopholes in the "story" to fight against the power of the "plot", which is the "main line".

It’s just that under the influence of the ‘narration’ and the pressure of the ‘plot’, it’s impossible for others to play as unrestrainedly as Lloyd.

"Hmm... For this model, let's adjust the details a little bit, especially the armor. It needs to be movable, especially the unicorn antenna on the head, which must be able to split into a 'V' shape. ”

Lloyd threw a complete set of design drawings to his 'sister', and then rubbed his hands expectantly, looking forward to the smooth launch of this latest giant robot.

The giant robot he tried to build before was just a preliminary test product and not what he wanted.

The 'next-generation trial-type all-weather, multi-functional, sustained strategic and tactical mobile weapon mechanism' to be built next is what he really wants.

If he hadn't been afraid that his work would be too harsh and ruin the "story", Lloyd wouldn't want to do it step by step like this, but would directly do it all in one go, creating the 'Arkham Town' in his mind '.

Fortunately, as long as the 'main line' still exists, the [story] will not end. This actually gives Lloyd enough creative time and freedom to play slowly.

So he found another "branch line" and blocked a wave of bugs, so that a group of "workers" who did not need to eat or rest were created out of thin air in the town, and then arranged for them to enter the factory to enjoy the blessings.

Then he appeared outside the town in an instant, pointing at a bunch of civil servants, and then several more factories rose from the ground.

After figuring out how to play [Story], he has become a bit of a guest-centered player. He completely regards this place as his own territory and can play how he wants.

The 'narrator' in his ear was still trying hard to get him back on track, but as the 'setting' gradually collapsed, the 'narrator' seemed to be speechless and stopped disturbing Lloyd.

So Lloyd let go of his hands and feet and let himself go.

Gradually, Arkham Town changed from the Victorian style to a more modern style, and products far ahead of the times such as mobile phones, computers, and krypton gold card-drawing mobile games have begun to appear.

The factories outside the town have all been unmanned, and even raw materials are not needed. As long as Lloyd gives instructions, various planes and tanks will come out in a line, and a solid line of defense will be arranged outside the town.

The latest giant robot has also increased in size to 20 meters, with a set of organ-like weapons on its back. Once it enters a combat posture, the armor on its body will show a fragmented change, and a bunch of blue light wings will unfold behind it.

"Well, my next-generation prototype all-domain all-weather multi-functional continuous strategic and tactical mobile weapon mechanism has been tested and can be put into actual combat at any time. When the "mysterious existence" outside comes over, it will definitely give Him a big surprise."

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction.

But he waited for a long time and still didn't see any signs of the "mysterious existence" appearing, which made Lloyd a little bored.

There was no choice but to let Arkham Town develop in the direction of science fiction.

So he started to toss and turn again.

Finally, the day before the latest "Eternal" super aircraft carrier was about to set sail, the game ended...

Thanks to Paraquat Mantou for rewarding me 500 points.

Thank you Ye Cang Yuting for rewarding me 500 points to buy paraquat.

Thank you Paraquat Mantou for rewarding Xiao Naimao 800 points to buy... uh... paraquat?

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