I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 259 258 Knowledge Beacon

Chapter 259 258. Knowledge Beacon

Therefore, this world only seems safe, but no one knows what event will hit them in the next second...

So fucking fucked!

Lloyd cursed a few words in his mind, feeling indignant at the painter's misfortune.

Although the two of them didn't even agree on their names, the other party always remembered their original promise and brought over the final painting.

Lloyd took another look at the artist's last work. After thinking about it, he picked up nails and hammers, took off the painting, and hung it in the lounge next to it to avoid it being stained by his study of rituals. .

Even if the outsiders couldn't appreciate the painting, Lloyd wanted to preserve it properly.

After that, he returned home and didn't really want to cook, so he went out and brought back dinner for two.

Everol came back late today, and Lloyd collapsed on the sofa, waiting for his sister while reading the street novel in his hand.

But maybe it was because the novel was not very good to read. As he read it, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Then, Lloyd came to a strange military camp.

There are bunkers and trenches arranged in all directions here, and hundreds of soldiers are walking around and busy, seeming to be preparing for an important battle.

The clothes they were wearing were of a style that Lloyd had never seen before, and they looked a bit retro; the weapon they were holding was a strange-looking spear, which looked a bit like a staff capable of physical attacks.

In the distance of this battlefield, there are tall towers, tall and majestic, like pillars supporting the sky above, supporting the gray sky above.

But the distance was too far, and Lloyd couldn't clearly see the specific style of the tower. He only knew that it was not the same style as the twisted spire he was familiar with. Its general outline was more like that of the Sanctuary of Refusal.

At this time, Lloyd heard a majestic order coming from behind, using a certain dialect that he couldn't understand at all.

Looking back, I saw a tall and powerful knight in armor giving orders in a language he didn't understand.

This knight seemed to be nearly three meters tall. The armor on his body was all silver-white, with smooth lines and a close-fitting design. The structure looked like a science fiction on earth, and it looked like some kind of high-tech creation.

There is a pair of 'V'-shaped crystals on the visor, which are dark red and flash in and out with the knight's breathing, like a breathing lamp.

However, there are some classical-style edges and decorations on the shoulders, elbows, knees, etc. There is also a emblem on the chest, giving the entire armor a classical sci-fi style.

Following the knight's orders, the soldiers in the camp also took their positions. Everyone found their own bunker, then set up the spear in their hands and aimed into the distance as if they were holding a gun.

The knight took out a two-handed heavy sword from his shoulder and inserted it into the soil in front of him. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands and looked into the distance.

That sword felt very familiar to Lloyd, just like the sword that the painter wanted to show him at the last moment of his life.

If it were more damaged, with more rust and blood stains, it would be basically the same...

But the artist's work looks like an unrecognizable mosaic to the naked eye...

Lloyd didn't think much at this time, and quickly followed the knight's line of sight and looked into the distance.

Under each giant tower, a lot of densely packed, dark things are gathering, like a brewing black tsunami that will sweep over at any time.

At this critical moment when the war was about to break out, Lloyd's vision suddenly went dark and he couldn't see anything, as if he was sleeping normally.

After an unknown amount of time passed, he felt something soft and fragrant gently patting his cheek, and he also smelled a familiar smell in his nose, the smell of his sister.

Lloyd slowly opened his eyes and saw Everol's emerald-green eyes, very close to him, full of anxious and worried eyes, and crystal tears brewing...

Seeing her brother open his eyes, Everol quickly exclaimed:

"Xiao Yi, are you awake? How are you? Are you sick? As soon as I came back, I saw you lying motionless on the sofa. It really scared me to death!"

"Huh? No? I seemed to have fallen asleep just now?"

Lloyd was stunned, then stretched out his hand to rub the center of his brow, and then remembered the weird dream just now.

"Eh? But you never sleep at this time?"

Everol was still very worried. She stroked her brother's cheek with her hand, then pressed her forehead against his to check Lloyd's temperature.

"Well... I don't have a fever, so is there anything else that makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"No, no, it's just that I was a little tired from work today, so I took a nap. It's okay. Don't worry, sister."

Lloyd quickly comforted his sister and took her to the dining table to eat dinner first.

During the dinner, the two chatted, but Lloyd was somewhat absent-minded, still thinking about the previous dream.

He was basically certain that the strange dream was caused by the painter's painting.

That painting is actually a [beacon] that transmits knowledge, it can also be called a [lighthouse]...

To put it simply metaphorically, if forbidden knowledge is like a poisonous moth in the dark, then the painting is a candlelight in the dark, attracting these deadly moths to the flame.

Of course, not everyone can light this "candlelight". The two investigators who can't understand the painting will be safe, and they don't even think that there is anything wrong with this "candlelight". It's just ugly and curious.

But I can see it, on the one hand because my inspiration is high enough; on the other hand, it may be because I have always been a literary youth with great artistic attainments.

It may even be because I just need some taboo knowledge to complete the "transcendence" of the "distortion" system during this period, and I have a certain desire for this thing in my subconscious mind...

Lloyd roughly summarized it in his mind.

And his understanding of the "knowledge beacon" did not come from textbooks or someone's notes, but just happened to be the contents recorded in the taboo knowledge that he received in his mind when he was dreaming before...

It's a bit like waking up from a sleep and suddenly finding that I have a brain.

However, this knowledge is relatively fragmented and unsystematic. Only a part of it roughly describes the concept and use of the "knowledge beacon", which is very brief. More in-depth and detailed content has not yet grown in my mind.

As for the rest, it was even more fragmentary. There was no way to interpret it yet, but it was not swept into the "recycle bin" in his mind. It was just left there, like a cloze test paper, waiting to be completed later.

And Lloyd also sorted out the painter's experience through these fragmentary knowledge that could be interpreted.

First of all, it is certain that the painter did not intentionally do it to harm himself.

Because [Knowledge Beacon] is mostly a product of "flash of inspiration" and "accidental discovery". If you really want to make it manually, the process is quite complicated and troublesome, and it is very dangerous.

With the ability of the painter, it is definitely impossible to do it.

This is also what the incomplete knowledge in Lloyd's mind told him.

So the painter should have accidentally had an idea about swords and knives, and made a draft, which unfortunately formed the [Knowledge Beacon], and then was invaded by forbidden knowledge, and his rationality gradually lost, and he could only scribble in the coloring stage.

Until the end, he died at home...

Alas... If I had known earlier, I would not have asked you to draw any swords. I should have followed my heart and asked you to draw some young barefoot beautiful girls...

Lloyd thought about the cause and effect clearly, and couldn't help but blame himself.

But he didn't care to blame himself too much. He couldn't help but recall the situation at that time, realizing that the situation of being instilled with taboo knowledge while he was asleep was really dangerous.

After he fell asleep, the panel could not function normally, and the mental pollution brought by the taboo knowledge could only be supported by physical fitness.

This made Lloyd feel scared in his heart.

Fortunately, he opened the panel to check his status, and used [Enhanced Detection] to check the status of his sister, and nothing happened.

And he did not receive any reminders of mental pollution, only relevant reminders of obtaining those scattered knowledge fragments, and it was only after he woke up that a series of [Ding~Ding~Ding~] began.

But Lloyd could roughly feel that he was suffering from mental pollution at that time, but they flowed away before they could drive him crazy.

If nothing unexpected happened, that was the direction where Eloro, who he had been thinking about, was.

The mental pollution he suffered while sleeping was helped by Eloro, a young saint.

It was like he helped her share the mental pollution when she was asleep.

For a moment, Lloyd was also full of emotion. If he hadn't rescued Eloro at the beginning, he would have really been admitted to a mental hospital.

Thank you, my Eloro is still the best...

Lloyd gave Eloro a thumbs up in his heart, but he was flipping through the stories about strange derivatives that his sister had collected for him.

Well... It's fake at first glance, there's no need to use [Identification Divination].

And it was written very badly, it should be a waste that will not be included...

So Lloyd used the excuse of going back to his room to read, but in fact he entered the [Thinking Field] a little earlier and went to visit Ailuo.

Don't let anything happen to you!

As Lloyd prayed in a low voice, his vision blurred, and he crossed thousands of miles and [sneaked] to Ailuo's side.

Fortunately, Ailuo looked okay. He was sleeping on the sofa, with a fashion magazine in front of him. It seemed that he fell asleep while reading it.

This made Lloyd feel relieved.

I wish you all a happy new year!

Please allow me to be a little lazy today and take a rest. I can only update two chapters.

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