I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 261 260 Help from my sister

Chapter 261 260. Help from sister

Forget it, my check didn't disappear, it was just replaced with materials and continues to accompany me, just like when I played the gold mobile game...

Lloyd tried to comfort himself in his heart, but he felt that something was wrong?

Playing krypton gold mobile games is to exchange money for a beautiful girl wife to accompany you; but spending money to buy materials will be gone after they are used up, and it cannot be called companionship at all.

I could only change my mind and change my perspective to comfort myself.

It's only because I'm so talented and so hardworking and diligent that I upgrade much faster than others. It would take others several years to save money, but I only had just one month, so it was naturally very stressful.

Fortunately, the materials I bought this time are all in good condition, which is worthy of my talent and hard work. As a sophisticated young man who loves life, it is only in line with my personality to spend some money to improve the quality of life!

After some random thinking, Lloyd felt a little better, and then remembered another thing, so he went back to the club and came to the basement he rented.

He walked straight into the lounge, admired the painter's last works, and then slumped down on the lounge chair to see if any more forbidden knowledge would be attracted to him.

As a result, I lay down for a while and nothing happened...

It seems that this [beacon] is still too weak. It is really just a wisp of 'candlelight', which was extinguished by three or two 'moths'.

Lloyd judged the situation and knew that the painting was invalid. From now on, it would simply be the last memorial left to him by an old friend who met by chance.

He left the club and went to the commercial street on the other side. Since he spent so much money today, he might as well do another big purchase.

It’s similar to the kind of thing that says, ‘Since you’ve already earned money to draw cards, why not spend all your first deposit in krypton? ’ mentality.

Lloyd shopped for a while and bought some ingredients for the evening, new kitchen utensils, and a radio, and spent a lot of money.

The kitchen utensils he chose were of relatively good quality, strong and durable. Only such high-end kitchen utensils could carry his cooking skills.

The ordinary ones he bought last month were all torn to pieces by him.

The radio is used to listen to the news. At present, Lloyd has basically completed all preparations for the third [Transcendence]. The knowledge reserves are in place and the materials are ready. In the end, the only thing missing is this weird derivative.

So I had to shake my teeth and spend a lot of money to buy a radio - this thing is still considered a 'high-end home appliance' in this era, probably at the level of 'three turns and three beeps', so it is inevitably a bit more expensive.

Of course, compared to the materials of the [Veto] system, these daily necessities are only a fraction...

In the final stage of the big purchase, Lloyd visited the newsstands near his home and collected almost all the newspapers in the Brilliant City, intending to look for news about the strange derivatives.

When he got home, he started to look through the books. It wasn't until the time was almost up that he walked into the kitchen, making a noise like a machine factory, and then showed off his latest understanding of cooking skills——

Tomato-flavored fish aria, barbecue-style red wine braised short ribs, black pepper bean sprouts mixed with green peppers.

Speaking of which, I haven’t cooked for my sister in a few days. She must also be missing my cooking skills, right?


Yverol frowned slightly and put on a cute, childish yet serious expression, as if she was facing some kind of major test in life. In order to challenge herself, she finished the dinner cooked by her brother.

Then she quickly took out a few pages of documents and handed them to Lloyd.

"Xiaoyi, I wonder if these can help you?"

Lloyd took it and glanced at it briefly. On it were various 'ghost stories' that he was looking for, and they were all summarized and refined. They briefly explained the time, place, characters, and events, which was better than Lloyd himself. Much clearer.

"Wow? That's exactly what I needed! Thank you so much."

Lloyd suddenly became happy, hugged Everol quickly, and continued:

"It must be hard to sort this out, right? If I had known, I would have prepared a few more dishes tonight."

Everol waved her hands quickly, showed an embarrassed smile, and explained:

"Eh? Don't... don't talk about this. As long as I can help Xiao Yi, I didn't organize these alone. It's also thanks to the new editor-in-chief."

"Yeah, then thank him for me."

Lloyd added, and then he looked at these 'one-line ghost stories' seriously.

Everol mentioned another thing:

"By the way, today Ms. Landis came to the editorial office for a security check, and she happened to know that Xiao Yi, you were looking for a resentful spirit, and then she said..."

Everol paused, switched to an old-fashioned tone, and repeated Ms. Landis's views:

"Ahem, taking this approach to achieve [Transcendence] is not a wise choice. You'd better advise your brother not to be opportunistic...

After all, for extraordinary people, every [transcendence] is crucial, especially our [veto] system, which needs to be done steadily. "

Not to mention, Yverol imitated this kind of voice and tone, which was unexpectedly lifelike. Paired with that petite and childish appearance, how cute is it?

As the replacement of housekeeper Randolph, Ms. Landis is the new security consultant around Miss Desita, and she also takes care of the security of the editorial department on weekdays.

She is also a high-ranking strongman in the [Veto] system, so when she heard that Everole was helping her brother collect this information, she immediately knew what Lloyd was trying to do.

Lloyd knew, of course, that this advice was well-founded, but unfortunately he had to take into account the promotion of [Distortion], so he had no choice.

"Well, I know, please thank Ms. Landis for me, her advice is very pertinent, but I also have my own considerations."

Lloyd explained to his sister.

Everole nodded, smiled gently, and replied:

"Well, I know, Xiao Yi, you have always been very opinionated and have your own ideas. Sister believes in you, after all, you have never let your sister down."

Lloyd felt a warm feeling in his heart, and was very moved, and couldn't help but hug Everole again.

Maybe this is my sister? She will worry about me, but she will always believe in me unconditionally and support me unconditionally.

It's great to have such a sister!

In order not to waste his sister's trust, Lloyd returned to the study, first carefully went through the information she helped to collect, then used a pen to remove those that were fake at first glance and too far away, and conducted a preliminary screening.

Then, he took out a box of matches and the quaint pocket watch, and began to perform [Identification Divination], repeating in his mouth:

"Is this description true? Is this description true? Is this description true?"

Two hours later, Lloyd put down the pocket watch and matchbox, and looked at the last two records left on the pages of paper.

With his level 5 [Divination] skill, the accuracy of this simple and basic [Identification Divination] is naturally quite high, and there will be almost no deviation, so the last two records should be true.

The location of the first one is located in the new city area in the west, and it is in the "no man's land" shantytown that Lloyd had visited once before.

There seems to be a ghost of suspected female gender there. Many people have witnessed it. It will appear and wander around in the darkest time before dawn.

But it usually does not attack humans actively. It seems to be looking for something?

But several people have been killed one after another, the reason is unknown, and the number of people is unknown.

This ghost has appeared for a while, but because the "no man's land" has become an isolated island in the city, no one has come to deal with it, so it is still there.

The location on the second record is a remote village in the north. It is said that there is a father who has lost his daughter. He talks to his daughter every night, scaring the neighbors.

This should have been just a "self-entertainment" of a mentally ill patient, but the father's action is too strong-

He goes to the town cemetery alone every night, then digs his daughter's grave with a hoe, and fills the soil again before dawn.

Once a gravekeeper stopped him with a shotgun, and the father left angrily.

But two days later, the gravekeeper disappeared strangely and no one saw him again.

Another young righteous man stopped him with a pitchfork and told the father in front of many people that his daughter was dead, hoping that he would give up his fantasy and stop doing such scary things.

But two days later, the righteous young man also disappeared strangely...

The residents of the town suspected that the father had done the murder and called the police immediately, but according to the police investigation, the father had sufficient alibi, so the case ended up in vain.

Maybe it was because the place was too remote, and the police did not report the case. Anyway, to this day, the father still goes to dig his daughter's grave every night, which makes the whole town terrified.

The records of the two days are probably like this, and they are all identified as true.

But it is not known for the time being whether it is the dirty thing that Lloyd wants to find, or other types of abnormal events. It may also be that other monsters are at work.

Lloyd wanted to further divination, but after thinking about it carefully, he put down the pocket watch in his hand.

The third [Transcendence] requires that the monsters be solved completely with [Declaration of Veto] without any other external forces or help, so he is worried that if he uses divination too much, some influence will remain and destroy the completion of the [Transcendence] ritual.

"Which one should I choose? Which one should I choose?"

Lloyd muttered to himself and finally clenched his fists.

As a mature young man who has entered society, he naturally wants both!

There should be another chapter in the evening?

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